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Posts posted by Bigfatbillsfan

  1. Well then you are a sad sad creature, try worrying about your own.


    Never in my life have I EVER and I mean EVER been appalled or resented what another man made in comparison to me. Thats a difference between people like yourself and me.


    Envious people suck!



    Wow, what an envious piece of ****!



    I say this with all sincerity.


    You are ONE dumb !@#$!



    No he does't you dumb ****... Just go back and read some of the previous links from the IRS.


    Wow, what a long post to say absolutely nothing. We are not envious of Romney's wealth. If I am in any way envious I wish I could make as much money as he does. What I would like to see happen is the tax code change so that I'm not paying more of a % of my income in tax than he is.


    I don't know where you guys keep getting the idea that all the left want to do is forcibly take the money from the rich.


    Edit: Nor at any point in his post did BD say he was envious of what Romney made. Just upset that Romney's tax percentage is less than his.

  2. As explained, he pays taxes on that. It's not a haven of any kind.... You !@#$ing idiot.


    "Oooo.... Romney has money in more than one bank account!!!" and your pea brain thinks this is somehow the height of all evil.


    Go jump off a bridge, Dave. Do it. You know you want to.


    You're right it's not a tax haven. He just puts his money there to avoid paying US taxes for the hell of it! The height of all evil? please. The fact that a person who is running for president of the United States is socking money away in off shore accounts to avoid US taxes doesn't look good does it.

  3. They could do a sequal to Night of the Living Homeless.


    For those who aren't South Park fans, Night of the Living Homelss was a parody of the classic Zombie flick Night of the Living Dead. Instead of Zombie drones craving Brains the town was invaded by Homeless drones craving Change. The more people gave the homeless pocket change, the more homeless showed up.


    Now for the sequal they could replace the Homeless people with Obamabots craving Change!


    I spent some of my free time writing a screen play for a Halo movie.


    Just watched it again on Netflix....because I literally have never seen the full version uncut/no commercials.


    Capt. Willard....got me thinking. Romney's real name is Willard. So there we go, Willard is on a long journey to confront Colonel Obama.

    (This idea is just starting so I don't really have it all done...that's why I posted it, because I figured PPP could find lots of way to make it funny)

    Just like in the movie, you could play Obama's wingnut speeches from the campaign right up until recently, that "really put the hook" in Willard. Do the "recovery summer" thing, whatever, it's not like we're short of material here. Have Colin Powell be the general, and Rahm Emanuel be the CIA guy, who recruits Willard to get rid of Obama.


    Then the boys somehow end up on the boat with Willard, and end up as the crew. Don't know if Chef can fit in there or not.


    Meanwhile, based on the reports from the WH, Obama is in his private office in the residence, reading People magazine and surfing TMZ, and uttering Kurtz-like babble that scares and yet awes the staffers. "It smelled like slow death in there". :lol: Have Valerie Jarret running around playing Dennis Hopper's character.


    Have Rush Limbaugh be the Air Cav guy leading around the social conservatives, with Perry, Santorum, etc. being the surfers. "You wanna work on the economy or surf those waves of irrelevance"? Keep having one beat the other, etc.


    Have Ron Paul be the French Commando leader married with all the fatalism of that piece of the story. Have to put Sarah Palin in there somewhere maybe...or later...


    I have more ideas...like having Gingrich be the Playboy guy who shows up for the USO show...and then whores out Sarah Palin for gas, or, having the OWS people be the Kurtz/Obama followers attack the boat/be surrounding the WH, Willard's ultimate destination, and have Cartman waste them all....because he hates hippies of course.


    But, it's no fun if I do the whole thing.


    However, Obama will have to sneak out of the WH and kill Kenny.....because Kenny is more en vogue...or something. That's got to be in there somehow.


    Have at it. Who knows? Maybe we could submit it for fun? For me, this beats the hell out of explaining economics to the ignorant for the 55th time.


    How about something like since Romney's name if Willard he somehow controls rats and gets them to do his bidding. Obama is some sort of Magnito (sp) like character. Newt is able to control lizards but is pissed because he really wants to be able to control the rats.

  4. Explain how you calculated that 30%. Hopefully you won't hurt yourself.


    First I looked at how much I made then how much of that I paid the government took out the amount I got back in returns, which was only 180 dollars this year.


    The first year I filed long ago I got back far more than I paid out. Almost 1000 more than I paid in taxes. However I'm making a bit more money right now as well as my wife.

  5. In the days following Presidential candidate Mitt Romney's admission that he pays around 15 percent in federal income taxes, the Obama-loving media have been in a full-court press claiming this is less than what most Americans pay.


    According to last year's report from the Internal Revenue Service, as a percentage of Adjusted Gross Income,................... 97 percent ..............of 2009 filers paid less than 15 percent:



    I guess he is a regular fella.


    Link to Internal Revenue Report at the Newsbusters article link







    I paid 30% Why should Mitt, who is making more in one year than I make in my lifetime pay half in percentage than what I pay? Sorry this just doesn't fly.

  6. What would you propose to "fix" it? Specifically.


    Along with my above post I think we do need to see a raise in the capital gains tax up to pre-Bush era. However not right now and not all at once otherwise we are going to shock the economy and end up in a double dip.


    1) Raise capital gains 1% per year over the next 15 years.

    2) Immediate drop in corporate tax by 3% This would make companies more likely to turn money back into the company to grow it rather than give CEOs mege-bonuses. In return for the drop in corporate tax they have to admit they are not "people"

    3) Everyone pays a portion based on income. Even if you are on public assistance. If you don't like it move to France.

    4) Extend Medicare to everyone along with a monthly premium based on income and require co-pays. Co-pays should make people think twice before going to the doctor just because they have a headache. If you want it totally for free, move to Canada.

    5) Strict and sweeping regulation of Wall Street. Make sure we know whats going on behind the closed doors with OUR money. Are they making risky bets?

    6) Term limits for our elected officials. 6 terms as a Rep. and 2 terms as a Sen. If you can't get done what you need to in 12 years you suck at your job and need to be replaced anyway.

    7) Everyone in the nation pitches in and gets me a giant envelope full of money.

    8) Refuse to do business with nations that do not provide basic human rights for their workers. See China. Tax any imports from things built in other nations through the roof and suddenly it doesn't look so great for a corporations pocket book to move over seas. The things we buy will be more expensive but people will have manufacturing jobs and more money to spend on products. The average raise in price would be 20-28%. A small price to pay for moving those jobs back to the US

    9) Slowly move toward green energy over the next 25 years. Get us off of foreign oil and stop us from sending so much money over seas to people that really just don't like us that much.

    10) once a day everyone must find a picture of my and stare at it for 5 minutes and think about how awesome I am.


    J/K about 7 and 10 but I think the rest would help us get back on track. And GOP, we are not going to be able to pay off the national debt in just a few years. I think we should set a long term goal of getting it to a reasonable level within the next 75 years. Just get us moving in the right direction for now.


    Small steps. The way it's been done for millions of years.


    My take on it is that Romney pays 15% more than 45% of Americans do.


    So what's next - the pitch-fork-weilding-torch-bearing-mob demands his entire fortune be confiscated and distributed equally to every American? Would that be "fair"?


    Suppose for argument's sake he has a personal wealth of $330 million. Equally distributed to every American and illegal squatter in the country - he'd have nothing, and we'd all be one dollar "richer". Would that be fair? Hell no - because he has the means to make another multi million dollar fortune and would set about doing it. In a year he'd be right back in the 1% and no one in the 99% would have moved up a tax bracket from his largess of spreading his wealth around.


    Clearly this man is a menace and must be executed or at the very least - put into prison so he cannot earn more money than most other people - including President BO's paltry $5.5 million.


    I think this is a gross overreaction to what the left wants. You guys seem to have the idea that we all want to take away the money of the rich and give it to ourselves. What we want is to make sure that they can't stack the deck to take more of what we have left. That's it. People who work hard, take risk and grow their company should be able to make how ever much they want. And be rewarded with the money they make.


    But when mega-corporations are able to bend the rest of us over and ass rape us we have a problem with that.


    Because it's not a matter of whether "we" benefit from soaking the rich. That's not what the framers had in mind. Jefferson had that little notion that people (let's not get into that era's definition of people at the time) should be allowed to keep what they earn. Because by and large when that's the case, people get off their asses and get productive as all hell.


    He also believed that "our moneyed corporations" should be crushed in their infancy to prevent exactly what we have going on right now.

  7. First off, people who count other peoples money.... SUCK!


    Second, and lets play with some fun facts....People who fall in the category of after deductions not paying any income taxes, (Which is close to half the American pubic ,in which overwhelmingy those who vote in this category, vote Democrat) NEVER can EVER say that the "Rich are not paying their fair share"


    My answer to this is to slowly phase out earn income tax over the next 20 years. Or the credit you get for having kids (can't remember what it's called) The other thing is Everyone should have to pay a litle bit. Even if you are getting a welfare check from the government you still pay a tax on it. If you don't like it get a job or start working on getting a better job than the one you have. This will seem a lot more fair once we all have some skin in the game.

  8. Dozens and dozens of Pac videos of teary eye witnesses all coming out against you:


    "I posted on a forum that I like Bill Nye and he called me a retard"


    Then he said he doesn't like abusing us. He does it because he has to! Wha-ha-ha...

    My psyche is forever damaged... Wha-ha-ha...


    So, does that make you irregular?


    No the fact that he seems to not be able to take a **** on a regular basis would make him irregular. All though if he were able to he might start posting happy posts talking about how awesome we all are and where would be the DC Tom we all know and love?

  9. Tut, tut, tut!


    Not government jobs. Let's not forget, years of paying people off with jobs working for the government, which means they will pay the union, who will in turn pay the liberal politicians, who will in turn create more government jobs....


    ....is basically the Democratic playbook, and the reason so many governments in this country are in trouble right now. Great Society indeed. :lol:


    Of course, this only sucks when there's not enough tax revenue to pay for it. It's a "great" idea when the economy is doing well....so let's raise taxes!


    Meanwhile, they lie and call this blatant corruption "moral" and "honorable". :lol:


    Oh, blow it out your ass.

  10. Thats a load of simplistic bull **** designed to allow you to continue with your efforts to make the US decisions in that conflict improper.


    The US dropped the second bomb in order to send a message to the USSR?


    Stop it.


    I didn't say they were improper did I? These were the first few posts I have in this forum. Don't put words in my mouth.


    And yes, the second bomb was dropped to send a message to the Russians. "We have it, and we WILL NOT hesitate to use it".

  11. Our overly PC pantywaist MSM outcry is a joke and yet so predictible.


    war is UGLY. it is hell. it is not pretty.


    For anyone isolated back home here in your cushy office or home nice and safe and cozy to try and claim some type of moral superiority over these brave Marines is pathetic and you are ignorant.


    Who knows what the context of this video is. Did these Marines witness these taliban throwing acid on defenseless women or children and pursue and kill them ? Did the dead taliban just ambush and kill some of the Marines friends moments before? we don't know what happened and who are we to judge them.


    Don't even get me started on our overly PC rules of engagement.


    Don't send our troops to do an ugly job for you while you happily sit home watching reality tv in the CONUS oblivious to the harsh reality of a combat soldiers every day existence if you are not willing to support them. Don't give me some crap about how we need to hold ourselves to a higher standard. Our troops are trained to kill people, blow things up and win. That is their job description for which they are trained.


    How would our liberal media today react if they were time warped to 1944/1945 with American troops flamethrowing Japanese in caves and bunkers of Guam/Okinawa/Iwo Jima etc.. how would they react to marines raiding dead Japanese bodies as war trophies ripping gold teeth from their dead decaying lifeless bodies? Many times we weren't sure if Japanese were really trying to surrender or pretending to surrender so we shot them just to be safe. these were a few samplings of actions from "the greatest generation"



    dude, the rest of the world hates America (save a few of our closest allies) regardless so is this video just going to make them really really really REALLY not like us?


    Being brave doesn't give them the right to be !@#$s. Regardless of what the Taliban where doing before the marines killed them pissing on them afterwards is still taking it to a whole other level. I think we all agree that two wrongs don't make a right. If the Taliban were throwing acid on women and children better to turn the camera on that wouldn't you say?


    I would be more willing to forgive soldiers that massacre civilians in the heat of combat due to fear and anger. Shooting a Japanese trying to surrender because the didn't know if they were really surrendering or not. But did they need to piss on them afterward "just to be safe" If they did it was because they were being !@#$s.

  12. That doesn't make it right. It also doesn't make the citizens who were bombed guilty - THAT argument is even more disingenuous than the "they were civilians, hence innocent" argument. They weren't innocent BECAUSE bombing them was commonplace?




    "Imperial," you dolt.


    And that is also debatable. If only because the warped concept of "bushido" they used was far more complex than merely acting like animals.


    The most interesting thing about the end of the war in the Pacific is the second atomic bomb dropped. After the bombing of Hiroshima the Japanese wanted to negotiate terms of surrender as long as they could keep their emperor. The we refused and dropped the second. There was no need for it. It was more along the lines of saying, "Hay Stalin, why don't you take a look across the Sea of Japan on August 9th.

  13. There are pictures of him at a Planned Parenthood conference out there.








    He can't win the general election with out these people being stampeded to the polls by the big churches.


    Though I agree with you that Romney can't win without these people coming to the polls in the general election the jury is still out on whether or not they will come to the polls or stay home on election day. To me that's going to be the most interesting thing to see in November assuming that Romney wins the nomination.


    Newt is putting the $5 million "gift" from the Casino magnet to good work. This ad is pretty good:






    Freedom fries!


    I would say this has more to do with how desperate Newt is.

  14. Yes, as I already explained, the only relevant thing here is: I have NEVER heard a Canadian doctor say the Canadian system is better, and, I have never heard any doctor in general say that they are in it for the money.


    Now, if you can produce either, I'd be glad hear what they have to say, but, you can't, can you?


    It's like aliens, sure we have to account for the possibility that they exist, but I have never seen one, have you?



    EDIT: And, perhaps you'd like to take a shot at explaining why Obamacare shouldn't be repealed and replaced with something that might actually solve the major problems in health care.


    Oh, don't think can? or is it that you lack the ability?


    What I find amazing is that right after this post bob posted a vid of real doctors, on camera, talking about how they feel their system is better. So if you haven't watched it yet you might not want to or you're going to have to change that line you keep repeating over and over again.


    Like a Fox News anchor, you seem to be under the impression that your opinion, if stated forcefully enough, constitutes fact.


    And I think Obama care should be repealed and replaced with a system the extends Medicare to everyone. Otherwise it's the best we're going to get at the moment.

  15. There's a huge difference between choosing not to argue with me, and being unable to effectively. Your posts usually fall on the latter side, but thankfully not as much as wawrow's :D


    Keep your assumptions to yourself. I am talking practicing doctors(and didn't I say so above?).


    Apparently the concept of being a doctor, in terms of "what is the best way for a Canadian who wants to emigrate to the US to actually get here as quickly as possible?", hasn't occurred to you.


    In fact, that's what I also heard from the Canadian doctors: "all the kids are just marking time until they can get their walking papers". Of course my "sample" is not scientific, or statistically relevant. However, the stat that says I have met 0 Candian doctors who like the socialist system, or consider it superior to ours in any way, is relevant. At least if I had met 1, you might have a point. Until I do, you have no point.

    And, I have been told by tons of doctors from lots of places, that trying to be a doctor based on money alone = FAIL. You have like caring for people or you will probably quit and/or never make it through. Again, I've met 0 who say otherwise. Again, not a good sample, but are you, of all people, trying to tell me that's wrong too?


    I am not the one selling universal socialist health care as the candy store within which 30 million uninsured people can suddenly have free and unlimited access to health care....


    ....you are. Or, you are supporting the politicians who are blowing this smoke.


    See the difference here? I am not claiming that Obamacare solves these problems, you are. I am not saying that the insurance companies are a viable solution either. Again, I remind you, I spent a year and a half working at all levels of a 10k employee Blue Shield franchise, and I also clearly remember them intentionally impeding my F'ing work. The system I designed would process claims "too efficiently"(direct quote). A Senior VP literally said with a shiteating grin: " you are great at what you do, but I can't let you do it. Why don't you come work for us?" F'er tried to buy me off with a dopey client-side director's job, in trade for dumbing down my designs. :lol: As if that's worth it.


    So, please, spare me, of all people, the "you are for the insurance companies" utter horseshit. If I was for those clowns, I'd be CIO at that place right now, making $300k+ for a job that basically requires no better than a empty suit whore/moron. You don't know me, or why I am saying what I am. It's far past time you started dealing with that.


    What's it gonna take for you to understand that not everybody who disagrees with you does so because we disagree with your motives? Instead, most of us merely think your methods are patently retarded. And that's only because....they are. :lol: Why can't you seem to get the difference? Why is it so hard for you to dislocate Obamacare, the retarded method, from caring for people that need it, the perfectly reasonable and important motive?



    Can you give us actual data from actual Canadian doctors from a peer reviewed source or journal? If not all you're doing giving us your personal opinion. And that don't' mean ****.

  16. OC, I've never been much for watching a cat play with a near-dead mouse, so I think that I will just post some more articles on the the actual theme of the thread....................and leave you to deal with Johnnie-one note.



    Liberal Media bias

    (warning: contents are opinion, not to be confused with mainstream news articles)










    Hey, why don't you just take it to the next level and just blow him?

  17. Your kids don't need the federal government involved in education to go to school and become successful. We also don't need the EPA to ensure we have clean air and water. I'm all for getting green energy going, but can we at least go full speed ahead on getting fossil fuels from home in the mean time?


    That's a very fair trade. I'm all for drilling at home while switching to green energy. But the DoE and EPA aren't going anywhere.

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