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Everything posted by Bigfatbillsfan

  1. From what I understand is she didn't hear anyone yell FBI before the chainsaw came though the door. Had she had a gun and just started shooting chances are she gets taken out by other agents before she can get off a second shot. The difference between me and you in this situation is I most likely live to take care of my 3 year old daughter and you don't.
  2. I don't currently own a gun. I have in the past. But owning a gun doesn't mean you have an obligation to use it without thinking.
  3. The CBO released a report. This article comes from some "news" organization that claims the are the "right news, right now". It's all about interpretation.
  4. I understand what the article says. I just think it's full of ****.
  5. Maybe spending so much time reading your posts?
  6. If they work a few hours a day a few days a week they would still have plenty of time to look for a job. I guess that would make you not the sharpest tool in the shed either wouldn't it.
  7. This according to "The Right News, Right Now". I'm sure I could find a left wing site that would say the exact opposite. Not to mention, taxes are lower now than they have been in a long time. So where are they getting the idea that the economy is going to be sluggish because of high taxes.
  8. Rather than just start shooting maybe the better thing to do would be to hold your front door at gunpoint until you know what's going on. That way when you see a bunch of guys with FBI vests on you know not to shoot and you would have less of a chance of being shot yourself. Once the whole thing was over you could sue the living **** out of them. P.S. This thread title was paid for by the coalition to elect Rick Perry. And he approves this thread.
  9. Having a little trouble understanding what this has to do with working moms. This is a totally reasonable measure. If the closest ATM is at the liquor store I'm sure you can walk another block.
  10. You can keep telling yourself that. Sounds nice on paper but doesn't work.
  11. If I'm not mistaken Alaska taxes companies that drill in their state. I pointed this out in the post before. Do you have a problem with that?
  12. But you live in a wealthy state that makes out like a bandit by taxing corporations that drill in your state. Seems like you don't have a problem "taking" other peoples money when it benefits you. Get rid of that tax and see how wealthy you state becomes.
  13. If really knew your history you would also know the current republican model for economy starts with the economy going into overdrive and ending with a giant crash. What I'm saying is we have the lowest taxes now than we've had for a long time, and yet, there don't seem to be any jobs. And also, if the rich are the job creators and they're as rich now as they've ever been where are all the jobs?
  14. You realize the title is a freakin joke right? Here's the real gist of what I really think about this. It kind of gets at the point of whether or not the christian right will vote for a Mormon. At this point it's still kind of hard to tell because if Romney wins the nomination they really won't have another choice in the general election. This was quite the surprise as far as I'm concerned. Romney is realy the only electable candidate the GOP has. I can't see Gingrich taking on Obama in debate can you? Romney is the best the chance the GOP has. The Christian right are shooting themselves in the foot. And it says Ging because the title bar wasn't long enough.
  15. I know, one post from me or Dave and they all have a circle jerk. It's quite amusing to watch. You are sooooo smart! Hit the nail right on the head!
  16. http://www.nytimes.com/2012/01/22/us/politics/south-carolina-republican-primary.html
  17. The problem with this is that over the past 10 years we've had lower taxes, and less regulation. Yet for some reason we still can't produce any jobs. Then the answer from the right is we need even less taxes and regulation thinking that it somehow is going to fix the very mess it started. Is that your boyfriend? If this is where you get your news it just answered a million questions about you.
  18. For something this big there should be some sort of footnote so that we can track this back to the source. I can't find one attached to the article and I am having trouble finding this in any other news feed. Could just be they haven't gotten it up yet. But I have a hard time believing that he would hand the Russians top secret us defense information.
  19. The sound you just heard is the sound of BD's post going right over your head. Why didn't you just respond by saying the sky is blue. At least that would be a factual statement. This is a load of horseshit. Perhaps the US is not your type of nation. If you would like to go to a place that has 0 regulation there is always the option of moving to Somalia. I hear it's nice this time of year. I love how the right seem to think this is somehow their nation. It's mine too.
  20. I was talking about how you calculate your taxes, not whatever strange form of masturbation you like.
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