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Everything posted by Bigfatbillsfan

  1. All I can say about this is Wow man, just... Wow.
  2. I understand groupthink phenomenon very well. Bias is one of the symptoms we look for when looking for potential groupthink but it is not groupthink. Not to mention I have no idea how in hell you think there is any parallel between the Bay of Pigs and global warning.
  3. Fish are necessary for algae and algae are necessary for human survival. The ecosystem can survive quite a few blows but if a large portion of it were to disappear the prospects for the survival of human life don't wouldn't look good.
  4. Romney just pulled out in front.
  5. Romney is going to be the nominee. The Dems that went out to vote for Santorum wasted their time.
  6. It means that the Dems that went out to vote just so they could throw the race into turmoil are a bunch of douchebags. You know the old saying; "Careful what you wish for".
  7. TPS was replying to Rob who brought up the topic of Greece.
  8. Wow, you must be running out of stupid stuff to start topics with.
  9. I see no reason why we can't secure the boarder before opening up paths to citizenship. But once the boarder is secure it's important to get those paths open.
  10. The key word here is "our" boards. I've been trying to stick to the topic here. It's not my fault 3rdling wants to turn this into a mud-sling. I have no idea how this in anyway addresses the points made in my post let alone the topic of the thread. If you feel guilty stop acting like a jerk.
  11. There, do you feel better now? Did you bother to read the links that you posted? Both explain very well why you would have found penguins in New Zealand and palm trees in Greenland. This proves you either didn't read your links or can't comprehend what you read. I believe I explained myself and my thought process well in the PA thread try reading it again.
  12. Then what's the purpose of this thread?
  13. I'm pretty sure he's the stupidest poster on the board.
  14. Dude are you feeling OK? What does Zombie Jesus have to do with anything here?
  15. Well, I would suggest you're the one that mad the statement that the economy could grow at 10% for 20 years without them being able to pay their obligations. You're the one that needs to back it up. And not being able to do so would make you a racist? Sure, whatever you say... Much better, but it still doesn't mean that the crisis won't improve if the economy improves.
  16. That's what I did. I let my own personal bias in in my first post. Because the only thing I find more annoying than a militant christian is a militant atheist.
  17. Why don't you try reading the 14th amendment?
  18. Cause I'm sure if the GOP wouldn't have done the same thing.
  19. So I'll ask again; any solid numbers to back up those claims or is this just your opinion?
  20. Here are some real statistics from a real study conducted by the center for immigration studies in the state of Arizona. Illegal immigration in Arizona: The federal government estimated that Arizona had one of the fastest growing illegal immigrant populations in the country, increasing from 330,000 in 2000 to 560,000 by 2008.1 Arizona has adopted other laws to deter the settlement of illegal immigrants in the state in recent years. The federal government estimates that the illegal immigrant population dropped by 18 percent in the state from 2008 to 2009, compared to a 7 percent drop for the nation as a whole.2 This may be evidence that the state enforcement efforts are having an impact. The Maricopa County Attorney’s Office has found that 22 percent of felonies in the county are committed by illegal immigrants.3 Illegal immigrants are estimated to be 10 percent of the county’s adult population.4 Analysis of data from State Criminal Alien Assistance Program showed that illegal immigrants were 11 percent of the state’s prison population. Illegal immigrants were estimated to be 8 percent of state’s adult population at the time of the analysis.5 Approximately 17 percent of those arrested by the Border Patrol in its Tucson Sector have criminal records in the United States.6 The issue of illegal immigration and crime is very difficult to measure, and while in Arizona there is evidence that illegal immigrants are committing a disproportionate share of crime, it is not clear this is the case nationally.7 In 2007, the Center for Immigration Studies estimated that 12 percent of workers in Arizona are illegal immigrants.8 In 2007, the Center estimated that illegal immigrants and their U.S.-born children (under 18) comprise one-fifth of those in the state living in poverty, one-third of those without health insurance, and one out of six students in the state’s schools.9 In 2007, the Center estimated that one-third of households headed by illegal immigrants in Arizona used at least one major welfare program, primarily food-assistance programs or Medicaid. Benefits were typically received on behalf of U.S.-born children.10 The new law (SB 1070) is extremely popular among Arizona voters. A Rasmussen poll found that 70 percent of voters approve of the new bill, and just 23 percent oppose it.11 http://www.cis.org/Announcement/AZ-Immigration-SB1070
  21. Any solid #s to support this claim or just making crap up off the top of your head? And yeah, I'd say if this is the crap that lives in your head you're a dipshit.
  22. No, appears to have come from a website that has no concrete links to where it is getting it's information and when I tried to fact check it I couldn't find anything to support it. Plus some of those #s seem a little steep.
  23. I would say that thinking about it further, yes the first amendment argument makes a little more sense. You could make a case that parading around dressed as Mohammad in front of a bunch of Muslims might be along the same lines as yelling fire in a crowded movie theater but I don't know what the demographic of the population of that town is.
  24. I'm not even a democrat dipshit. And yeah, people in those states are going to have to make some concessions with public employee pension programs if they want to get out of this. Whether or not we are at the tip of the crisis remains to be seen. It depends upon the direction of the economy in the coming years. But even if it gets better the deficit and debt need to be addressed. And the best time to do it would be during economic upturn rather than downturn. So when the economy is starting to crank up again come back and talk about how we are going to lower them. But now isn't the time. Just like it isn't the time to raise taxes. So now that you've gone and dug out a map the shows something almost completely different than what you claimed in the OP do you think that the demographics are still the same in those states 4 years later? Have their been no changes in state policies in that time? Your argument just plain sucks. I'm sure I can find an article and then pin it to a map to try and prove my point. It's nothing more that manipulating statistics and doesn't really say anything. And Arizona is only red because of McCain? Pleas, don't make me laugh.
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