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Everything posted by Bigfatbillsfan

  1. Dare I ask how you ended up owning a picture like that? LOL It's all cool bro. If your faith is negatively effecting the health of other people and preventing them from getting the medication they need maybe you should find a new faith. Like I said should we let militant Muslims kill Americans they feel have insulted Muhammad because stopping them is an affront to their faith?
  2. I'm not pretending to make it all or nothing. One of the points she makes in her opening statement is that there has been no attempt to make an exception for birth control that is intended for health purposes BC that is only intended only to prevent pregnancy. Even when the university had an exception her friend had to fight tooth and nail with the insurance agency, most likely having to answer question after question about her sex life, only to walk away empty handed for coverage and ended up having her ovary removed.
  3. That's exactly what I just said dipshit. Read what I wrote again and tell me how you get she takes a pill every time she has sex. Hopefully that alleviated some of your confusion. Now if your still confused as to why it's so dark it's because you have your head planted firmly in your own ass. This whole thread is packed with right wing ignorance and stupidity. And I wanted to address that. This argument has to do what reproductive health. It's about having the access to needed medication that directly affects their reproductive health. I fail to see where she was asking the government to pay for her condoms. Those who are astounded by the fact that she is a women's rights activist obviously didn't even bother to watch her opening statement in front of Congress where she pretty much says she's a women's right's activist. The point here is that you have an employer or an insurance company trying to tell someone that they can't have a medication simply because it's an affront to someone else's faith. I don't understand how the right can tell me they don't want Obamacare because it puts the government between me and my doctor and then turn around tell me that there should be a woman and her doctor because it violates their faith. If your faith involves allowing a woman to suffer with polycystic ovarian syndrome or endometriosis because you can't bring yourself to cover BCPs due to guilt isn't acceptable. You don't have to like it, you just have to live in a nation where the rest of us don't feel the same way. You could extend that logic to say that we should allow Islamic militants to kill Americans who they think may have insulted Muhammad because it's part of their faith.
  4. You may not realize this but the cost of contraceptive pills is not in direct correlation to the amount of sex she's having. I'm sure sex isn't something you're real familiar with so you may not.
  5. When I read this is hurt me so bad I cried.
  6. Please don't make fun of me. It hurts my feelings.
  7. Yes, I know, now I'm just being an !@#$. Whatever...
  8. Solutrean culture existed in what is now Spain and France. Norway was covered by an ice sheet at the time. You may be thinking of the Vikings. They came about 20,000 years later. If the Solutrean Hypothesis is correct.
  9. Well, with some of the other horseshit topics he's tried to start on here it's hard to tell sometimes.
  10. If there had been any type of serious clash or genocide between the Native Americans and the Clovis there would still be signs. Most likely the Native Americans absorbed the Solutreans. This is called assimilation.
  11. I read the whole thing. A no point does it say that the Native Americans took the European's land. Nor can I figure out how you could read this article and come to that conclusion.
  12. Where does it say that the Native Americans took the European's land?
  13. They may have gotten a better deal in a managed bankruptcy but the fact still remains: They invested in a company that was mismanaged and run into the ground if any of us did that we would have SOL. Same rule applies to them.
  14. Let me reword what I said a little bit. In fact let me move the goal posts. In the end they put their money into a company that was being mismanaged and run into the ground. In the end, they decide where they put their money and are responsible for the results. If I invest in a company and it gets run into the ground I generally wouldn't even have a bag of chits for consolation. Their decision. They have to live with it.
  15. They ran their company into the ground. Why shouldn't they get !@#$ed over?
  16. On the contrary, When you brought up the subject of Greece, and I don't think you or anyone else was trying to change the topic, TPS responded to that with the point that Greece is not a good example of how that would work here in the US because we print out own money and Greece relies on the European central bank. Rather respond to that point other accused him of trying to change the topic and that's what i was addressing in my post. Is that a good enough answer for you? Don't worry. You're not bullying me. I'm not going to run off.
  17. That would have driven the price of oil through the roof. Not sure how that would have helped the working man.
  18. Good luck with "next time". You're already operating way over their heads...
  19. Well, first off, the price of oil is set on the international market by a multitude of different forces which the president has little to no control over. I'm sure Gingich knows this very well. It doesn't matter who the president is. As long as there is turmoil in the middle east we are going to have high oil.
  20. This seems to be the case more than we would think. I was a public employee in NY before moving out here to work for a private company. We don't have a union and my benefits are better.
  21. With a quote like that from them I hope you're right. It may be the case here but other ethecists have tried making the case for afterbirth abortion before.
  22. Don't be so sure. There have been an number of ethicists that have argued that people should be able to abort a child for up to 1 year of age.
  23. The point that he was trying to make is more along the lines of public unions aren't always better than private unions. Or in your case, no union at all. I'm pretty sure Walmart does not allow unions. I could be wrong though.
  24. Well Duh... Occam's Razor should tell you that.
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