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Everything posted by Bigfatbillsfan

  1. Koko, I know you're smarter than this. It's more along the lines of you have the fans of an all white school chanting USA in front of a school with almost all minority students. It's like they were saying that the students from the minority school are all illegals. It's a good thing the peruvians were there to stop the chant. Not quite sure I get this... Chanting USA isn't racist. Chanting it in front of other Americans that happen to be of a certain ethnic decent by implying that they are not Americans, or cannot be Americans due to their race clearly is. Context makes all the difference here.
  2. If the press happens to have a liberal bias I can't help that. But it shouldn't be treated differently.
  3. If they want the price to come down they better stop buying gas. This should have been entitelment menatlity :gasoline addition.
  4. The dems should disavow Maher and Shultz and should not be taking money from from Maher's super-pac. I love how the dems have been complaining about how super-pacs are the most horible thing in the history of our nation and then start forming their own and taking money from people like Maher. Proves they're no better than the people they judge. Good post. And very true. People like Maher and Stewart know they have a lot of clout and people will take what they say seriously. Then when they act just like Rush and get called on it they hide behind "we're just comedians" . Well !@#$ that. It's a load of crap. No, no it's not different. You have to remember that this movie came out in 1989. This is what they had to resort to for new ideas. At this point. They're out of new ideas. Firefly? NERDS!!!! LOL
  5. OK keep the illusion that Limbaugh is attached to the GOP name. In the end it only comes back to hurt you.
  6. Nope, you're just that stupid.
  7. The GOP doesn't have to apologize. You're misunderstanding me. They just have to say he's full of ****. People are going to associate what he said with the GOP whether the Conservatives like it or not. Make it clear that he does not speak for them.
  8. He may not be a chapter member but most people associate Limbaugh with the GOP. So when Rush calls someone a slut they see it as coming from all conservatives. I would say make it clear that Rush does not speak for the GOP or really conservatives for that matter. Once that is out of the way they can push the real issue.
  9. Well, you're not my twin, and I have no wish to tongue DC's nutsack. But each to their own I guess.
  10. I know what you mean. The GOP and the Catholic church had a good point with the fact that forcing them to cover birth control was a first amendment issue. But with Rush's comments it's exploded into something else. The best way to get the argument back on track is to disavow Limbaugh and push the true issue.
  11. Anyone that can actually think want to weigh in?
  12. It's kind of gross to have to watch him tongue DC's nuts in his posts...
  13. He's the only one that's allowed to have a sense of humor.
  14. You know what might help the GOP in this. Dump Rush. Just say they know he's full of **** and he doesn't speak for them. This is being used by the left as a method of claiming that the right is campaigning against women's rights. Basically Rush is managing the sink the entire party by himself. Why not just disavow him?
  15. Do you guys ever get tired of comparing Obama to Nazis? I thought that when Bush left office would could put the whole Nazi thing to bed. However I think for the rest of history one party will always accuse the other party of being a bunch of Nazis and fascists. I know people that grew up in real fascist nations under true fascist leaders and to claim that Obama or Bush a Nazi or a fascist is a total insult to them.
  16. How do you know you have a Rushbot on the board? Statements like this! He's more of a reporter than they are? Please tell me that's one of your stupid jokes.
  17. Your unknown person does not live on the boarder, and has not even been the victim of an illegal. It'll be interesting to see how he works it into animal sex and seamen. This from the person that thinks we all have to understand his sense of humor and if we don't we must be stupid?
  18. Mine was the biggest! The problem only problem I have with stopping the conception of unwanted children is that I loose the fun of denying those children education, food, and healthcare later on the basis that it just costs too much. At no point during her testimony did she talk about her sex life. She was talking about the medical hardships that not having access to affordable birth control can cause. This isn't about making it easier for college co-eds to go out and have sex which is what Rush was trying to make it about. Nor are we asking tax payers to pay for her birth control as both Rush and others on this board have been implying. She is paying for health insurance and then being told that one of the services she is paying for is not being covered.
  19. I love how you still haven't figure this out yet dipshit. hahaha You're such a retard.
  20. I then explained to you why I tend to make those typos and misspellings. Did you know that you have used poor grammar and spelling on posts where you were calling me out on poor spelling and grammar? I don't have time and don't feel the need to proofread everything I post. I'm really enjoying this retard slap fight. It just feels bad to be slapping around a retard. Edit: Can you tell me where it is I made the same typo again? I'm having trouble finding it.
  21. !@#$ yeah!! No, I said you're Tom's B word. After all Reading is fundamental.
  22. I think it's more along the lines of he is Tom's B word. Play our little games... What a total idiot. If you want to turn the thread into an insult-fest get ready take some as well. You don't get the privilege insulting others without having to defend yourself. No ones trying to provoke you. You're just like a little kid that takes his ball and goes home when it's not going his way. You really are a little mental midget Rushbot.
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