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Everything posted by Bigfatbillsfan

  1. Stop with the suicidal thoughts Tom. Your life is with living!
  2. How about mandatory abortions.... for everyone!
  3. If you did take the few seconds to look up whether this was true or not why the hell would you post it and then say you didn't know if it was true or not? You should have been able to find the answer to that question, you know, when you looked it up. Are you able to read?
  4. This is, in fact, false. Just take the few seconds to look it up before you post.
  5. As apposed to an abortion where a doctor is not involved?
  6. Do you ever get embarrassed posting this kind of paranoid garbage? The guy that wrote this is a complete ass who is trying compare progressives to communists and fascists. The part that really made me almost fall out of my chair laughing is that he called it a "case study".
  7. Yes, this must be the way every liberal everywhere thinks.
  8. I'm sure that's exactly what that guy was thinking when he started arguing about the price of the condoms. Or is that what Rush told you to think about it? A warning shot normally goes over the head. Not into the body of the person you're trying to "warn".
  9. Ordering the death of American citizens without due process. (claims it was ok because it was a drone strike outside of the US and he has seen the evidence so we should trust him) After claiming that the prior administration wasn't transparent enough. Can we make a thread like this for every president that came before him too?
  10. Because they were both American high schools. If they had been playing a school from Mexico it would be a different story. Please tell me you're not serious with that question. Where I live on the fith of may there are Mexican flags everywhere since it's a Mexican holiday. Local businesses even put them up. I don't feel offended by that as long as they aren't putting them above American flags or are using it to demean the United States. It's just a symbol of ethnic pride. (or in the case here, an excuse to get drunk) I don't think he gets that. He must have a shitfit on St. Patties day. By your dumbass logic to high schools in a basketball game equals a US vs Mexico sporting event. Seriously, either re-watch the video or stop posting crap that makes you look like a fool.
  11. Yeah, cause that's what this was all about...
  12. We also had to listen to 8 years of the left comparing them to the Nazis. It was a stretch to claim that they were responsible for Abu Graib but I can kind of see how one might make that stretch considering it was something that was more institutionalized, was happening quite a few places at the same time. I don't agree, I just see how you could make the stretch. But claiming that Obama is somehow directly responsible for this?
  13. First off this hasn't been properly investigated yet. As far as I know there is no video of this one. Second if every thing the article claims is real where do you get off claiming Obama is responsible? Are you a for real poster?
  14. Fired a warning shot that hit him in the shoulder?
  15. I think it's more along the lines of that's really you in your avatar.
  16. There is an actual picture of me posted on my TBD profile if you want to see an actual picture of me. It was taken about 30 minutes after my youngest daughter was born last year. So you don't have to take pictures of your boyfriend engaged in whatever fetish you like and post a thumbnail of it on here anymore. Why don't the rest of you post pictures of yourself too?
  17. "HEHE...useful information hehe... Retard.
  18. She says she's an activist at the beginning of her testimony. Why do you keep on mentioning it like it's some big secret the left doesn't want you to know about? That's a joke right? You want me to defend a crazy lady?
  19. Oh that's what would have happened? Thank god you can see sideways into alternate realities to let us know what would have happened if the other school won. Glad to know that racism is OK in your book so long as it's the right kind of racism. What a crock.
  20. Well, he's getting old.
  21. You are REALLLLLLLYYY stupid. Please post some more about about things I don't get so that I can laugh my ass off. Especially about groupthink, which happens to be in my area of expertise as I am currently writing my masters thesis on it. After you have properly educated me on groupthink you're going to need to call the APA and let them know that they have not properly defined groupthink and bias. Let them know they can rest easy because you have the correct applications of these terms. God it sucks that I spent the past three years studying this and it was all for naught. I could have just come on here and asked you. man... Tell us again how Occam's razor includes 8 step explanations of your own personal conspiracy theories rather than finding the simplest explanation of a measurable event.
  22. If we could get him, would he be a good pickup for the Bills in FA? Or would he be overpriced, old, and not worth the risk that he wouldn't be able to play anymore?
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