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Everything posted by Bigfatbillsfan

  1. Wow man, Just... Wow. Lynch mob?
  2. I'm sure in your mind this makes sense.
  3. O.M.G. The point I was trying to make in my posts was that the DoJ should be involved at that point because it looked like an obvious racial killing. Regardless of whether or not it was media hype. Had this story never blown up they way it did the DoJ would never have gotten involved and this would have gone down as a racial killing rather than someone killing someone else because they were getting their ass kicked. Was I making them, or was the media reporting them? That's my point. A light was shined on the case and now we have more facts don't we.
  4. Where you awake about a week ago? Because given the evidence that's exactly what it looked like. I don't think they can continue the investigation now that more of the facts of the case have come out. This doesn't absolve the killing though. Z. was told by police to not follow M. and continued to do so.
  5. I don't understand what the point of all of these posting are. Were the three black males found and released by the police after claiming that they shot in self defense? If this was a racial killing it should be prosecuted as a hate crime. Other than that it doesn't really have anything to do with the Treyvon Martin case. One of the things that makes the Martin case so volatile is that it brings the question of the stand your ground law into question as well as how far should Zimmermin have gone with this.
  6. Fine, three out of 4 Americans want him arrested. That doesn't mean it's going to happen. The more facts come to light, the less this looks like a killing based obviously on race. Would that have happened if the press hadn't run with it and the DoJ come in for an investigation? That's the point I've been trying to make in this thread. However, I still don't see how this was self defense. If anything I think we could make a claim that Martin was the one that was standing his ground. Until more facts come out I don't think this was a self defense killing. Z. claims that he was walking back to his SUV when M. attacked him from behind. If he was tackled from behind why was the back of his shirt wet? Sure it could have happened in the struggle but at first glance it doesn't make sense. My guess would be that he confronted Martin, Martin attacked, he was shot during the struggle. And all this happened after Zimmermen was asked to stand down by a dispatcher.
  7. I would say more along the lines of 150% We can harvest their organs after death that sell them and use the money to pay for gasoline for the poor!
  8. Does she really think he wouldn't have done it anyway? I know she doesn't want to have to admit that parenting has a lot to do with the types of decisions children make, but blaming a senator? Really? If one of my relatives drowns while swimming next week I'm going to blame Rand Paul for not making swimming illegal!
  9. I may have missed it while I was reading the article and I don't feel like re-reading it but can you tell me where it says it's going to cost millions of dollars to do this?
  10. I'm not sure how he was trying to present this as a fact.
  11. I feel like I'm arguing with a second grader. You spend the entire thread bitching about how the Treyvon Martin case is not about racism and then though this movie quote out there. Oh my god!! If I saw a black man wearing a hooded sweatshirt walking down the street on a rainy night in a white neighborhood I would think he must be a criminal and chase him down with a gun! I wouldn't think he has hood up because it's cold and rainy. Not to mention I think on the call to his girlfriend he says he didn't put his hood up until he was being followed. You might want to take this link down since it's about as racist as it gets.
  12. Is this another one of your "schoolings"? an assertion is part of any argument.
  13. The reality is that it looks as though the case was mishandled by the local police. Seems that it was an obvious racial killing and the killer got off on "self defense". As a result the DoJ is doing an investigation into the matter since it looks like it was mishandled. Before there was any national attention nothing was being done. After national attention something is being done. See how that works? You keep saying to sit back and see how the facts turn out. But if it weren't for all the national attention there wouldn't even be an investigation to find out what the facts were.
  14. Don't waste your time. I've been trying to establish that point for a few days now. The fact that this was not investigated or at least doesn't look like it was investigated is enough to get the DoJ involved.
  15. The schooling I got earlier? Are you talking about your giant rant of drivel? If that's the kind of schooling you recieved you may want to ask for you money back. You are a !@#$ing retard. 'nough said.
  16. Yeah, the fact that the city has a history of racism is not relative to the case at all. Ignore it.
  17. Talk about pulling facts out of your ass...
  18. Wow, you could have read the part where I said based on the facts that we currently have and saved yourself this entire rant of absolute drivel. A Hispanic man chased down and shot an unarmed black youth is a fact in this case. I did not pull it out of my ass. The DoJ is investigating at this point. They are not prosecuting. Did you get that point? If new evidence comes to light it may change the case. However, at this point it looks like an obvious racial killing.
  19. The hook would be the fact that he followed the kid down the street while muttering a racial epitaph to the dispatcher. Had the local police done their job the DoJ wouldn't have to get involved. This is an obvious racial killing given the evidence we have at this point and if the local police are going to let it go on grounds of "self defense" it's time for the big kids to come in. The odds of them being able to prosecute a case are pretty long given their limitations in the case but at least they are letting the black community know they are being heard.
  20. Yeah, you're really stupid. You don't see the hook that could bring the DoJ into this case not to mention why people in the area would want the feds to get involved in this case.
  21. I don't find it absurd that Holder would get involved with the case when it seems that a cold blooded killer is going to get away with murder. It would be one thing if he was standing hs ground, it's another for him to go chasing.
  22. He does say that or something to that affect. You can hear it if you listen to the tapes. I don't have a problem with stand your ground laws but in this case I don't feel the killer was standing his ground. The same reason that we can't stand Rush. The guy is a nutjob. Advocacy is a good thing. But Sharpton takes it to the next level of Zeal.
  23. Are those killing also accompanied with cell phone calls where the killer is saying "!@#$in coons always get away"?
  24. I'm sure he's getting ready to come out of the closet as a Muslim.
  25. I kind of like my avatar. So deal with it.
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