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Everything posted by Bigfatbillsfan

  1. This would depend on what actually transpired in the side yard where Martin was killed. But if Zimmerman hadn't gotten out of the car and followed him this never would have happened to begin with.
  2. In the end there is no way this ever could have been first degree murder. Chances are that Zimmerman did not get out of his truck with the intent of killing Martin. Even second degree murder would be a stretch. Now manslaughter isn't out of the question. but the stand your ground law leaves quite a bit of leeway for Z. to walk away from any charges. That fact by itself should have us asking whether or not those laws should be tweaked. He claimed that people like me are responsible for the Black Panthers putting a price on Zimmerman's head and calling for riots until there is "justice" for Treyvon Martin. I don't know how you equate calling for the DoJ investigating what looks like a racially motivated killing to calling for a race riot.
  3. Lybob answered your question before I had a chance. Now answer this one. How does calling for an investigation from the DoJ because it looks like a racial killing equate to calling for a race riot? The only thing this proves is that I believed the killing was racially motivated. Now how does that equate to calling for a race riot?
  4. Because calling for the DoJ to get involved when it was evident that the Sanford Police botched the case can be equated to calling for a race riot. You're so !@#$ing stupid it's almost embarrassing to read.
  5. I can sort of understand what he is saying though I think it boarders on stupidity. The problem is that if electric cars are going to be effective in curbing carbon output we have to move to renewable energy first. Set up geothermal, wind, and solar plants first, then move to electric cars.
  6. I think we need at least one topic that we can all agree on. So here it is.
  7. You probably just blew his mind.
  8. If it is being done on the basis of race then yes it can be racist.
  9. Do you mean the part where it says "survey"?
  10. Like the article from the opening post the article you posted is nothing more that the author's opinion of what the findings of the original study was. Not to mention his failure to provide a link to the study so that we can see what questions were asked and what the answers were, as well as where the study was done and the method of statistics was. Not to mention whether or not it was peer reviewed and if the peer review found the same results using the same method. So if we don't know what the data were, we can't make our own opinion on the study. Then we're no better that someone like you has needs others to tell them what the study says.
  11. Sorry you don't understand that if I don't reply to a specific post that I might be making the comment to all of you.
  12. Wait, you spend 30 plus pages saying that racism and profiling are not a part of the case and the rest of us are guilty of reverse racism since we thought it was. Now suddenly profiling is OK?
  13. Wasn't there a book a while back written by a psychologist claiming that liberalism is a mental illness? I'd say this goes in the same trash bin as that book. Junk science and political pandering is what this would fall under.
  14. Ok, so you claim that I have not been coherent in this thread and that you have been calling for caution and reason and that racism had nothing to do with this killing. Then you post an article from Pat Buchanan claiming that it was OK if Zimmerman profiled Martin because blacks commit most of the crimes in the United States. I think you're the one having problems with being coherent. And people like me are second to George Zimmerman in doing irreparable harm to George Zimmerman.
  15. I might vote for him if he ran in a primary against Obama. Some with Hilary. Either on of them would be more effective.
  16. I don't mind the insults that get thown around on this board, and you better have some thick skin if you're going to post here. But this crosses a line that I don't think I've ever seen anyone else cross. I holpe you're ashamed of yourself. Have you made an appointment to get help yet? The thread is about the Treyvon Martin case. It's not about racial profiling though that's what it started out as. There are still many other aspects of the case we can discuss. We're not in court and free to discuss this with each other as we see how it plays out. As for right now there are many things about this that don't make sense. I know that most of the evidence hasn't been released yet, but that doesn't mean we can't talk about it.
  17. So in other words, you don't really want to discus this if I'm not going to push the racial angle right? Well that ship sailed. There's other issues to this case that are just plain tragic since.
  18. Yeah, because I haven't been claiming that right along. Retard.
  19. This is new? He's always come across as a snooty douche bag.
  20. This has been explained to them for about 30 pages now. Not to mention I've seen plenty of stories in the media making Zimmerman into some sort of folk hero. This whole situation is tragic. No we don't know do we? And how do you know that the investigation was done correctly? You don't. But I don't know how he could have ended up shooting the kid in a side yard if he was walking back to his car. Lets wait and see what the investigation turns out. But I have a feeling no matter how this turns out there are going to be some blurred lines on who was standing their ground.
  21. I bet to her students she was known as "best teacher ever"!!
  22. Did you ever think that if he didn't tail Martin (especially after a dispatcher said he didn't need to) he never would have put himself in a position where he would have to kill someone? Did you ever stop to think that Martin may have been the one standing his ground? Did you ever think that maybe a name change and facial altering surgery may not be such a bad deal since he happens to still be alive. I bet Martin would have been happy to get off with that deal compared to what he got.
  23. Had he not made the choice to follow and most likely confront Martin he would not have had to kill him and his life would be no different than it is today. I agree that jumping to conclusions was wrong, but I have never called for his jailing or killing. What I, myself, have called for is further investigation since it looked like the Sanford police botched the case and a person who killed an unarmed kid was going to get away with murder. Did I ever say I stand with Sharpton or the New Black Panthers? Because I don't and I disavow the hate speech they've been spreading around the nation the past couple of weeks. They've lost their case that this was a killing based on the sole reason of race and it's time for them to back down and let the state of Florida finish their investigation. However, now that the racial issue has been put to bed on this board the more important aspect of the case is the "stand your ground" law that made this whole thing possible. Which one of them was the one standing their ground? These laws need to be looked at a little closer and tweaked to make sure a situation like this can't happen again.
  24. You realize the onion isn't a news source right? There you go, now someone's said it. We all know that the only source for real news is Jon Stewart. Duh!
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