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Everything posted by Bigfatbillsfan

  1. My head cracking like an egg sure is something that i wouldn't have to worry about according to you guys since you seem to think my skull is so thick LOL But in answer to you post: Was Marting bashing Zimmerman's head against the ground because he, himself, was in fear for his like at that point. Chances are he had seen Zimmerman's gun at that point. If I was afraid for my life you but you ass I would be doing everything I could to protect myself. And please remember we are all just speculating at this point since none of us know what really happened. As always we are just discussing what we think might have happened and how we feel about it. We are not on the jury and are free to discuss this. That argument might work if Martin was armed.
  2. Even I, who has been acused of leading a lynch mod against Zimmerman would have to agree that he didn't just shoot him because he thought he was a threat. There's more to the story than that. I personally don't the Zimmerman is wound to tight based on his behavior prior and since the shooting. However I still think that getting out of the car to follow Martin takes away his self defense claim. Second degree murder though is still a stretch.
  3. Hey, I make no argument that I let myself get sucked into the media frenzy. It's a lesson to me to make sure I don't let it happen again. I think we are just going to have to agree to disagree on this one. Wow, she is pretty hot
  4. He went to the store to buy food and on the way back Zimmerman thought he looked suspicious followed him and ended up killing him. I am speaking more in terms of the fact that Martin was not looking to cause anyone harm (at least until he was followed). Was Martin an "innocent" person in general? That's a hard question since we really don't know much about him. The press has been bias toward him and there is a lot of evidence that he has been involved in selling drugs. However he was not looking be break into a persons home, or cause anyone trouble in this particular instance.
  5. I love how you guys only look at two words in the post and act like it's some form of declaration. If you can't string all the words in the post together and read what it says such as "Holder getting involved because it looks like a cold blooded killer" you're an idiot. I think he's an idiot more based on what he's been doing the past few days. He stopped communicating with his lawyers, then started his own website with some pretty weird stuff on it. As far as for my wife and child, I would hope that person calls the police, but they don't need to get out of their car and follow that person especially if they have a gun. The chances are greater that something like this would happen where an innocent person ends up dead.
  6. I don't believe I declared him a cold blooded killer, I said he looks like one based on the evidence we had at that time. As more came out, it turns out he didn't kill him in cold blood because he was black, but rather because he is a complete idiot and seems like he isn't wound to tight. Now a special prosecutor has looked at the evidence and seems to think there is enough for a conviction. However, he is an American and deserves a fair trial. That's what I'm getting at.
  7. I agree with all of what you said. Investigating to make sure nothing was missed is one thing, charging someone with a crime is another. Especially one that carries the possibility of life in prison. What's more is I don't see how he's going to get a fair trial in this case since it's been so wide spread.
  8. They must have some evidence they aren't releasing otherwise this is quite the 3 point shot.
  9. I doubt there will be any charges made. No wonder you both so stupid with all that banging your head against the wall. We all know and agree that there was bias in the media. How many times do you have to plug it?
  10. Looks like he changed it. Last night when I posted the link it was the picture from the 4th link.
  11. Does this strike anyone else as odd? http://www.miamiherald.com/2012/04/10/2741248/george-zimmermans-lawyers-withdraw.html http://www.csmonitor.com/USA/Justice/2012/0410/Trayvon-Martin-case-George-Zimmerman-speaks-out-via-website-video And this gets even more !@#$ed up. http://therealgeorgezimmerman.com/Home_Page.php Hopefully he realizes that this is just stupid and takes this picture down. http://www.mediaite.com/online/george-zimmerman-website-praises-vandalism-of-black-cultural-center/
  12. Yeah I know what you're trying to steer the thread to since you don't have a case anywhere else. The fact of the matter is it doesn't have anything to do with the shooting and is a moot point. The racial killing ship sailed quite a while ago. I don't know why you feel the need to keep plugging at it. What? Are you really this stupid? Never mind I shouldn't need to ask that. No, that's the whole point. Pictures of Zimmerman and Martin have nothing to do with what happened. We all know and agree that there was media bias in the pictures show to us yet for some reason when we start getting to what actually happened that night someone starts steering the thread back to the pictures.
  13. No, you're just a complete a$$. What the hell does Martin dealing weed or showing his grill have to do with what transpired in the cut through that night?
  14. Like that's going to hard or something? Isn't this how both sides pander to their base? Quoted For Truth.
  15. Well then I guess that settles it. There are pictures of him acting like a thug and he might have been dealing weed therefore it was OK for Zimmerman to kill him. Not to mention you know the picture of the kid with the double middle finger isn't him right?
  16. The straw man comes from you arguing against a belief that I don't hold nor never held. Calling for further investigation because it looks like a cold blooded killer is going to get away is not the same as calling for a virtual lynch mob.
  17. Good luck getting him to understand that. Rush has told him otherwise so no matter how much proof you throw at him he'll stick his hands in his ears. This was happening because they weren't regulated. Because I have a job, and a family to take care of and I don't have all day to be on here they way you guys do.
  18. Do you guys have anything other than straw man arguments? No, suggesting that someone do the world a favor and kill themself is suggesting that others should kill themselves.
  19. :lol: I almost spit my coffee out on my keyboard I was laughing so hard when I read this. I love how you keep referring to the "lynch mob" straw man. And when you suggest that others should kill themselves you've lost the moral high ground from which to cast down your righteous indignation. Once the racial undertones have been removed from the case you no longer have an argument and this is the garbage argument you have to resort to. I believe I have already stated I no longer believe this was a hate crime, but a crime of stupidity.
  20. You must be forgetting the part where I said "given the evidence that we currently have". I did not convict him. You're putting words in my mouth so you can attack a straw man because that all you have in this argument. We all have a right to a fair trial. Calling for further investigation is not conviction. See what happened when we investigated further? More facts came out to suggest this was not something that was racially motivated. Now the NBP and Jessie look like fools since they won't let the racial undertones drop.
  21. You're absolutely right that does sound ridiculous. Considering that Martin left his house to go buy an ice tea and a bag of skittles and Zimmerman left his car with intent to follow. I don't think a murder charge would be correct charge. Manslaughter with depraved indifference would be a better charge. Zimmerman did not get out of his car or follow Martin for the purpose of killing him and therefore should not be charged with murder. I am not suggesting that Zimmerman didn't have a right to self defense but that he escalated the situation by getting out of his car and following Martin into the side yard. He claims that Martin assaulted him and we know of one eye witness that corroborates his story.
  22. And one would have to be a complete ass not to figure out that an unarmed black kid being shot and killed by a white Hispanic isn't going to rip open old wounds. Especially in a community that has a history of racism. At no point in this thread did anyone exhibit any symptoms of hysteria. Can you find any post where one of us is calling for a lynching? All of us where calling for further investigation because it looked like a racial crime had been committed.
  23. And how do we know that's what really happened? In the end the chain of events that lead to Martin being shot started with Zimmerman getting out of his car to follow Martin.
  24. If Romney is elected in November and can't get the economy moving you can bet your ass the GOP is going to be screaming it's Obama's fault. The fact of the matter is it's 30 years worth of deregulation by both parties' fault. That and the stupidity of the American people.
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