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Everything posted by Bigfatbillsfan

  1. Well, then let me put it in context for you. This video is nothing but a load of propaganda. And if you ask me, the growing divide between right and left or the rich and poor; The constant need of people to tune into partisan networks like Fox News or MSNBC; are far more dangerous to the stability of our nation than any deficit, any regulation, or any foreign power. Propaganda like this does nothing but continually drive in a wedge when what we need is a bridge. Therefore if you want America to fail. Believe **** like this rather than call it out as nothing but propaganda. And do the same to any kind of propaganda that comes from the left.
  2. How many posts until someone starts bitching about how much this would cost and how it would all be a waste of money.
  3. I think he might be misunderstanding you. Talking to a person in your car, listening to the radio is not the same as texting where you have to take your eyes off the road.
  4. That's it.... Let it all out. Do you feel better now?
  5. I would have to agree with SWVA here. This is something that is dangerous to not only the driver of the car, but to others as well. People are dying as a result of some states failure to act and if the states are not going to act on it it's time for the federal government to get involved. Now don't get me wrong. I know that this is a loaded issue and I respect your opinion much more than many others on this board, but I think you are the one that is wrong on this issue.
  6. Quite the loaded issue the way you put it here. As far as the national ban on cell phone use while driving I don't see why it should a problem. This is something that is extremely dangerous and some states, such as my own(Arizona) have failed to address this. As far as I know we don't have a ban on cell phone use here, and if we do is sure as hell isn't enforced considering that I see cops tooling around town talking on their cell phones. However it would have to be up to state and local law enforcement to police this. Now how can we do this if the Obama administration feels that local police and state law enforcement shouldn't be enforcing federal law? They're digging themselves quite the hole here. I personally feel that the Obama administration's lawsuit regarding the SB1070 is just plain stupid. It's hard for a person who isn't from this area to understand how hard it is to deal with illegals running around all over the place. Driving uninsured, working jobs under the table for less pay than minimum, leaching off the system... However the state law doesn't repeal or go farther than the federal law so i don't know how the administration can fight it. I believe we do have a federal boarder patrol though. Such anger. Have you seen anyone about this yet?
  7. If I wanted America to fail. I'd believe **** like this.
  8. No, it's the retard school, duh...
  9. Wrong. I baited him into the argument when I called him a sheep.
  10. I don't really agree with JA much, but here I have to admit he's right. You're such a parrot and a sheep that I was easily able to bate you into a retard slap fight. How do you know that the people that spread trash all over the park were left wingers. You don't. You're just not able to comprehend that point. So sad really to know that this is the type of stuff that lives in your head.
  11. Obviously it's the kind that you can't understand.
  12. That's right, keep dragging out the straw man. This is one of the stupidest posts I think I've ever read. You keep bringing up the Martin case since you don't have an argument here. But let me see if I can spell it out to you since you can't grasp it in your tiny little childish mind. I think it looks like a cold blooded killer is going to get away with murder and we need more investigation. And as it turns out, the state seems to think it might have a case. We'll see where it goes from here. See the word investigation there? That's what people who are not sheep do. When something doesn't look or seem right; when they have a gut feeling that something is wrong, they investigate it. When you post garbage because you read it on a partisan website without investigating... Well now that is sheep-like behavior. What else tells me you're nothing but a stupid sheep? The fact that I know what topics you are going to be starting by listening to Rush when he craps out of his mouth for three hours. It's really quite funny. Oh and I almost forgot. I love how you talk about how the OP must have some merit because people in a liberal city left trash in the park. Classic argument meltdown. OK, even I have to admit this is kind of funny.
  13. I'm sure this is the first thing you would post in here if Rush said this on his show. Now why don't you try to stick to the topic. The opening post was a load of crap.
  14. Just goes to prove that no matter who you vote for the government gets back in.
  15. Dragging out the straw man again? I'm still waiting for you to get back to me with the number of lynchings that started with an investigation.
  16. Anyone who thinks that PMSNBC is any better than Faux News is as much as a sheep as 3rdnling.
  17. 3rdnlng is a sheep. In order to find out what happened in the park you have to look into it and track back the story; whether it be through links or other forms of media. This is hard to do. It's much easier for him to let Fox Nation tell him how he feels about it.
  18. Yeah, because Portland and Seattle aren't considered liberal cities or anything.
  19. Quoted for truth. The main drive for evolution was the need to conform to enviornment. We have effectivly conformed our enviornment to us and therefore evolution of humans has stalled.
  20. I'm surprised you didn't start it buy saying that Occam's Razor says it's an obvious result of groupthink.
  21. Reading this might have caused his head to explode. Yep, if this was the only answer you could come up with for that I guess your head really did explode. Buf, your posts are too level headed for this board.
  22. Wow, is Cheney really pointing the finger at another administration and saying that they are a disaster for the nation. Any member of the Bush administration has no room to talk there.
  23. RIGHT WING CIRCLE JERK!!!! Best line in the whole movie!
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