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Everything posted by Bigfatbillsfan

  1. I'll tell you what he wants! What he really, really wants! Yeah, tell me what he wants! What he really, really wants!
  2. Right now prices are expected to remain the same or even drop over the summer. As we all know this could change in an instant if something happens in the mid-east. But with us exporting refined oil products for the first time since the Truman administration I think we're pretty safe. Yes, but people have been holding on to their inventories due to an expected spike in prices. That spike never came. At least not yet...
  3. But is this really going to hurt them in the long run? I don't think so. Most likely we just end up with a right winger being replaced by a crazy ass right winger. I wouldn't celebrate too much.
  4. The way you usually B word about the government you'd think they were already doing this to you.
  5. It could be a little of both. However, I don't think I would receive any arguments from anyone that less dependence on foreign oil is a bad thing.
  6. An interesting toppic. http://www.npr.org/2012/05/07/152205847/falling-oil-prices-a-blip-or-a-hint-of-the-future
  7. Obama is a snooty, arrogant mother!@#$er and that's just not going to happen.
  8. Wow dude, I totally got goosebumps all over when I read that. (caution, sarcasm included) It's not "our last stand". If Obama wins he certainly isn't going to have a rubber stamp congress and the GOP will have another chance to win the presidency in 2016. The nation swings back and forth between left and right and this time in history is no different then any other time in history. If Romney wins, the same thing. All this "the survival of the nation hinges on this election" crap is just plain stupid.
  9. What makes you Tom's sidekick is that your nose is so far up his ass he's going to have to have it surgically removed.
  10. Oh yeah! Beat that straw man! Do you have any form of argument? Or do you just dole out stupid drive-by insults because your brain isn't wired for any type of intelligent debate?
  11. I agree with you here. If nothing is getting done about this perhaps the DoJ should look into this. Zimmerman is standing trial before a court of law. It's up to the court and jury to decide guilt or not. He could have some reconstructive surgery. If he is found inocent I would have to problem with the state paying for it since they are the ones charging him. Wow! This is an unusually well thought out post from you. Holy ****! I find myself in the strange possition of having to addmitt you are right here. I'm marking my calendar.
  12. Did you guys bother watching this thing or did you just start crapping out of your mouths?
  13. ul I'm assuming that Julia is smart enough to finish college and get a degree. As you seem to not be able to comprehend, Obama isn't doing her schoolwork for her. I'm assuming that she was smart enough to get into college. The fact that you don't see the idiocy inherent in that ridiculous statement is proof that you're one of the crazy asses. If Julia began in Head Start she came from a lower class disadvantaged background. But I guess you seem to know more about Julia than I do. So I'll let you keep making idiotic statements. The medical debt from the surgery she had in college. Not everyone is covered under a student plan and may need to be covered under their parents plan.
  14. Do you think the bank is going to be willing to issue her a loan if she has massive amounts of medical debt she is struggling to pay off?
  15. She had the chance to do those things, but was it as easy for her as it was for a child of an affluent family who may not have been as smart but had parents with money? And know I don't you've never called him Barry, just like I know you never start threads as far as I can tell. My point is to lump you in with the rest of the crazy asses that don't seem to get what these programs are about. How the hell would Julia be able to start a business if she was still paying off her surgery from college? Now I don't think she should be able to get her BC for free. She should have to pay whatever copay is required by the plan she chooses.
  16. Must be an election year if the lemmings are dusting off the old "Big Brother" crap. Though here I don't know who "them" are and what "them" are going to constantly interfere with.
  17. I know, Obama had to go to school for her, do her homework for her, get her college degree for her... He did all the web designing for her. He even opened her company for her. She didn't have to put any work in herself. It was all Obama. (or Barry as you like to call him) These are policies that he believes will help level the playing field between Julia and people who may have grown up in more affluent families. Julia has to put in the work. HERE WE ARE! BORN TO BE KINGS WE'RE THE PRINCES OF THE UNIVERSE!! I love that song! I can see your point. And I agree with you guys in believing that these recent campaign stunts are going to backfire drastically on Obama. "The Republican War On Women" is nothing but made up propaganda just like "Class Warfare". The choice of a woman as the example was well planned to fit into the campaign slogans.
  18. For those of us who remember what it was like living everyday in nations with nuclear arsenals pointed at each other another cold war seems like a bad idea. I see your point though.
  19. Navy Seal: Candygram. OBL: You're that shark, aren't you! Navy Seal: It's not the shark. OBL: Who are you! Navy Seal: It's not the shark....
  20. This is true of people on both sides of center.
  21. Can we put "spike the football" in context though? If I remember correctly I believe he was referring to releasing the pictures of OBL after he had been killed. I don't believe he was talking about bragging rights. Not that that really changes much. Any president would have made the same decision. The difference is how would they have made it. Air strike? or surgical strike. Obama chose surgical. And any president would be using this to their advantage in their re-election bid.
  22. Ripping off B-man's responses now? You want me to dispute a video that gives no specifics?
  23. Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you Exhibit A.
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