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Everything posted by Bigfatbillsfan

  1. Unless you start spouting Rush 3-years-old-and-long-boy isn't going to hear a word you say.
  2. Stop using oil as one of our primary sources of energy.
  3. This has been going on for quite some time. The only problem with this is it's temporary.
  4. Where the hell have you been?
  5. So Tobin is displaying fake outrage at the fake outrage being displayed by the Obama re-election campaign?
  6. Yep, you're that stupid
  7. That happened once my first year out of college. I've been paying plenty of taxes since then. I address that very point in my post but I have a feeling your brain produces a chemical that blots that part out when you read it. You are really !@#$ing stupid.
  8. Do you guys ever get tired of jerking each other off?
  9. The austerity imposed on Greece, Spain, and Ireland.
  10. Most private sector debt right now is in the form of credit card and mortgage. Neither one is really that much of an investment. A mortgage is certainly better than credit card debt. (usually) But when you really think about it inflation and repairs usually offset the investment on your mortgage. Credit card debt is, for the most part, needless. Then why has austerity been such a failure in Europe?
  11. Or how about the draft card riots. It got to the point where the Navy had to shell the city to put them down. Come on then. Let's here your plan. How are we going to get those people off cash assistance? You must have a plan to fix it if you brought it up right?
  12. Before I got the job I have now I was a general case worker for DEC. I really didn't see that many people who made it a lifestyle. You guys make is seem like most people on it lifetime club members. Most people use it for the same thing you did. I can't tell you how many people would break down in tears while signing papers and turning in info. If you think they have it so much better than the rest of us because, hey, they get free money! Why don't you quit your job, liquidate your assets, visit your local DEC office and you can have it just as great as they do. As for getting people who are making it a lifestyle, getting them off of cash assistance isn't as simple as you think. Would you care to share with us what plan you would have to deal with this? Again, this is not as simple as most people would think. Take some time to crack open a history book.
  13. I think this has already been posted on here once with the same question. But to answer: I am absolutely outraged by something like this. The fact that a person would do something like this, to one who had fought for his very freedom, is enough to turn my stomach. However, the difference here is that the person who did it was arrested and charged with a crime.
  14. I thought the bolded part of your statement would help you understand what I was referring to. But I guess I can spoon feed it too you since you need me too. First you ask how the programs the left holds so dear are supposed to be there to temporarily help people until they can get back on their feet, insinuating that they're not really about that. By the end of the post you're telling us about how you leaned on some of these programs temporarily when you and you wife were out of work for a while. Sounds like you used them in exactly the manner that they are intended for. You also tell us not to give you any crap about how some people didn't need help from the government because they had support from their families when there are many more who made it all on their own. You for example. Then you go on to tell us how you received half your tuition for culinary school from your dad. Does that help you understand?
  15. 1) I'm all for raising the capitol gains tax, however 35% is way to high even at it's peak. 2) It shouldn't be raised all at once. Highest it should go is 23%-25% and it should only go up 1% per year until it reaches those levels. Raising it too fast would be a shock to an already shaky economy.
  16. Way to answer in a manner that is non-responsive to the question. Try to keep it in terms he can understand.
  17. Holy contradiction Batman!! Careful, Sensible statements like this one end up on KC in CT or whatever the !@#$ he calls himself's sig.
  18. Need I say Music City Horseshit? You know, the forward lateral? Yeah that one. Or how about the year before that where Eric Moulds (sp) scored a touchdown late in the game for the go ahead and about 30 seconds after he scored the ref threw a flag for "off sides". When they lost to the Pats in '98 after an interference call and wouldn't even come back on for the extra point. I believe they stopped them short on a fourth and ten in that one and one of the refs was like, "Just give it to 'em! The list goes on and on...
  19. A conservative, a moderate, and a liberal walk into a bar. The bartender says "hi Mitt"!
  20. I think this is what he meant to say.
  21. Weak insult!! He's new at PPP and we don't want him to think this is the best we have.
  22. Quote us some more Rush!!! :lol:
  23. Most of the time this is a pretty solid statement.
  24. I would like to see us become much more independent on foreign oil. However, I would much rather see our energy come from renewable sources. such as wind power, geothermal, Solar and so forth. Oil is messy, produces CFCs, and eventually we will run out.
  25. Check the link at the beginning of the thread. I don't know where you're getting the idea that I stated it as though the US would be a net exporter.
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