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Everything posted by Bigfatbillsfan

  1. Sorry, it must be the cough syrup.
  2. Hey, have you managed to bring of Solyndra in this thread yet? I would have to admit, it's a guilty pleasure of mine to see how long it takes LA to drag Solyndra into a thread.
  3. Please don't do this to me. You're making me agree with Chef on something. Deer god... I need my cough syrup.
  4. OK, you have to be a troll. We can take away 4/5 of one rich person's wealth and that would have to affect on their lifestyle, but take away only half of another person's wealth and they would have to change their lifestyle?
  5. It's one thing to ask a person who is making massive amounts of money to contribute more rather than less. However, it's something else completely to pull the wealthy right down into the middle class. Like it or not, rich and poor is just the way the world works. Do I feel like the rich have stacked the deck? Yes But I don't have any delusions that they were just like the rest of us in some nostalgic bygone era where everyone was happy. If you took the risk and started a business that was successful you don't have to live like the rest of us. If you want to live like them, start your own business. Never seems to stop you
  6. Did you just answer a question that he didn't even ask?
  7. CEO's lived like the rest of us in the 1950's? Put down the cough syrup. ...and get yourself some help.
  8. You Know, there are nations you could move to that make sure everyone is living the same way, you know, like, The Soviet Unio... Oh wait, those nations all collapsed. Because communism doesn't work.
  9. It is amazing how he's able to bring Solyndra into just about any thread. Almost like a spiritual gift or something.
  10. I don't want to take the time to look the whole thing up right now, but if I'm not mistaken I believe that Paul Ryan's plan, which is supported by Romney, gives the biggest tax cut to the top 1%. I think it's a bit naive to think some of that money isn't going to go to political campaigns to get themselves further tax cuts. Not to mention Obama has, in fact, supported continuing tax cuts for those making less than 250,000K per year. I would say that is letting a person keep more of their own money. As far as Capital Gains... Romney's plan isn't bad. I think I could get behind elimination of CG for those making less than 250,000K.
  11. Couldn't we use this same logic to say that the GOP wants to give the top 1% more tax cuts so that they can turn around and give the money back to them in their next presidential campaign?
  12. I would tend to disagree. To me, a wasted vote is a vote for a candidate that you don't really believe in.
  13. Right Wing Circle Jerk!!!!
  14. This pretty much just proves that the only choice we have in November is a choice between a giant douche and a turd sandwich.
  15. Dear god. I love it when you go down the typo lane because you always make a complete ass of yourself. "Bolded" isn't a word. The correct way to write it would be "the bold part of your post". And somehow I don't think your ignorance of that fact is a typo. So yes, you are a retard.
  16. Oh, thank god! You're giving me a break! Because a soooooooo care about what you think. Retard.
  17. Why the hell are you even bothering. This is his retarded version of a game. He knows there's nothing anti-american in there but loves getting the rise out of you when you reply. That's what it's really about. It's like when we're on a family trip somewhere and my 5 year old pokes my 2 year old repeatedly just to piss her off. My 9 year old seems to have grown out of it. 3rd however...
  18. Do the rest of you guys find it hard to keep your own personal political views our of the conversation when talking to your kids about government? My daughter is turning 10 this year and is starting the realize the many ways in which government impacts her life and is starting to ask a lot of questions about stuff like Obama Care and the difference between the Republicans and the Democrats. I want her and my other kids to grow up to be able to for their own personal opinions so I try to keep as much opinion out of my answers as possible. But I still tend to find myself bending explanations that push my left leaning view. I feel like my job as a parent is to give her the tools she needs to form her own opinions even if they are contrary to mine. Just wondering if any of you have some advice on how I can do that.
  19. Stephen White? Is that you? For those of you who also came from "the other board" I'm sure you know who I'm talking about.
  20. \ I get four plus two personal days. On top of that I never stop gaining sick time for hours worked. I currently am carrying 88 days of sick time. I can't complain. And no I don't work for the government. My current benefits are far better than anything I ever got working for the government.
  21. And I'm sure the kid that shot this would be jumping at the chance to present evidence against himself.
  22. You call that article an attack?
  23. That one is pretty good. The other one I liked from the comments section was: "I don't always seize the means of production from the bourgeoisie, but when I do, I prefer the Marx MasterCard."
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