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Everything posted by Bigfatbillsfan

  1. From the person who things Bolded is a word?
  2. Then you'd be wondering why she would be shacking up with a guy like that. Yeah, It's a good thing you never had kids.
  3. In most cases like this one she was most likely physically abused by her father. At least, that's generally the usually pathology for paternal abuse. If you're not treating your daughter like this now I don't think you'll have any problem with her attaching herself to a physically abusive douche like this guy when she's older.
  4. Personally I think anyone getting welfare should be paying the same % of the tax out of their check as the top earners.
  5. And did you notice that since the government started making people pay taxes on the money you are awarded when you win a medal there haven't been any American medal winners? All just goes to prove the conservative talking point that if people have to pay taxes they can't succeed.
  6. Well, why didn't you tell me this before. That clears up all of my confusion. I didn't realize that when Obama speaks you're the only one that can tell us what he means in regards to context.
  7. I'm sure that's true if you were able to get them. We can always take the stand that any American can see any doctor so long as they can afford it. However, she is not limited by her ability to pay.
  8. One of the better explanations as to why they are different. However, I don't think Obama was telling people they don't deserve the fruits of their success. His point, just like Romney's, was that they didn't get there solely on their own. Sure Obama came off as a snooty douche when he said it but there's a good reason for that. He happens to be a snooty douche bag. Both he and Mitt are right. When we truly thrive it's because someone took the time to invest in us. That doesn't mean that if your business is successful you didn't work hard.
  9. I guess not. Why don't you explain it to me. If Obama was trying to take away your business you might have an analogy there. Sorry, I have this thing call a life and don't want to read an 18 page thread. I know this is hard for you guys to understand since PPP seems to be what your life is all about.
  10. I've been working with a girl from Germany this summer and it's funny how they think we're all crazy for not switching to a more socialized system. Another coworker asked her how she could like it when you can't chose your own doc. She laughed and told him she can see any doc she wants pretty much any time she needs to see one as apposed to here where she is limited to who our insurance carrier is contracted with.
  11. I agree that Iran and Israel going to war are not in our best interest or in the best interest of the world at large Israel is one of our allies and I don't think that we should be turning our back on our allies because it isn't in our best interest. If this was just a pissing contest between the two nations I would understand your sentiment and probably agree. But Israel has been publicly threatened by the president of Iran.
  12. So can you show me where Romney says that he would be willing to commit the United States armed forces to combat in Iran? Supporting the attack is no the same thing as carrying it out.
  13. Come on man. You're giving it all away! Unless the economy improves before November the numbers are going to break hard for Romney in the last few weeks of October.
  14. Heeeeeeere LA LA LA... You know you want to post in here.
  15. Someone may also want to explain to Park the difference between backing a nation in an attack and fighting the war for them. I don't believe Romney said he would order the attack himself.
  16. This may have already come up in 3rd's thread. But I'm not going to take the time to go through the entire thread to see if it was posted. Why is Romney running ads attacking Obama for his views when he's seems to have the same views? I don't totally agree with Obama on this. But really Mitt? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6zSWm2qZ8Oc&feature=related
  17. Sure man, believe whatever you need to.
  18. I'll do you one better and post you a link to the actual speech.
  19. That works, because Obama didn't actually tell business owners that they didn't build their own business.
  20. If that's enough for him to get an ass reaming, it has to be a slow news week. That comment isn't even news worthy.
  21. MEAZZA? Hell no, that's 3rdnlng all the way.
  22. Is the "somebody else did that for you" joke the next thing you guys are going to run right into the ground? Seriously, get over it. OK, now that's really kind of funny.
  23. That's pretty much what he says he'll do. So yeah, why not.
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