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Everything posted by Bigfatbillsfan

  1. Really, he has won several awards? If they were from Highlights I would certainly believe it. No ****? Really? It doesn't matter who dumped the milk, it was done for the purpose of rising the price.
  2. Do you think that maybe you could look a little harder and find some articles that don't look like they're written by 5th graders?
  3. Wait a second her Dev. My understanding was that the genetic engineering used to bring back the velociraptor was funded by Soros. But the bazookas too? No way! You're crazy dude!
  4. "Dance with me, you never dance with me..."
  5. Really, you mean the government isn't going to make us all kneel in the street and shoot us in the back of the head? (twice per person) Thank God someone like you is here to explain that to us idiots that can't figure that out on our own. They say that when you lose one of your senses other strengthen to make up for the one lost. Thats why people who lack a sense of humor seem to have an increased sense of self importance. But seriously, what the !@#$ does the NWS need amo for? Or how about a velociraptor riding on the back of a tiger with a bazooka. I hear there are a lot of those roaming around these days.
  6. No, I am not defending this. Chef didn't know where FJL could have gotten the idea that Biden could have been referring to unchaining Wall Street. I explained it to him. Though if someone was a well informed as Chef claims to be he really shouldn't need that spoon fed to him. Next I went on to explain that there was obviously a double meaning to that statement since it was made in front of a crowd that was more than 50% black. I don't think it was OK. I find it morally reprehensible. It might be too late at this point but I think Obama should drop joe and pick up Hillary. Sorry Joe, that was just a little too far over the line. Biden is a retard. "Would now be a good time to bring up the Nazis?" The US did similar things during the Great Depression. Such as dumping large amounts of milk to try to raise the price.
  7. No Dipshit, the Romney campaign is been speaking for quite a while about the need to "unshackle" Wall Street. That shouldn't be hard to figure out for a person that's been watching to news. But then again I'm edumucated or whatever... And anyone that thinks there was no double meaning to what he said since he said it an audience that was more that half African American is an idiot also.
  8. You could claim that DHS is just making a large wholesale purchase, however, 750 million rounds? Not to mention what the !@#$ does the NWS need amo for?
  9. I know, he's gotten so bolded hasn't he?
  10. Ryan is a terrible pick IMHO. Not that I don't think he's effective at what he does, but he's extremely divisive. I might have been willing to jump ship and pull the lever for Romney in November provided that he picked another centrist as a running mate. And face it people, Romney is a centrist. He's saying what he needs to to get elected now, but I think he would govern as a centrist. But Ryan is just way to far to the right for me. And I have a feeling this sentiment goes quite a long way with others who were sitting on the fence just a few days ago.
  11. You use Wordnik to tell you what is and isn't a word? This just goes to show us how stupid you really are. See if you can find "boded" in a dictionary. Then look up the words "sofa", "king", and "stupid". They might give you a clue as to what you are.
  12. Ten dollars says the whole thing ends up with her being outed as GAY!! Because, let's face it, she has to be.
  13. Yeah... She's lost it. Not that she really had that much to lose in the first place.
  14. I promise no matter who is elected that nation will be fine. If Obama is re-elected he'll have a GOP congress to contend with, if he isn't Mitt's not a bad choice to replace him. All this crap about how the election is the conservative final stand and all that crap is just stupid. We should re-elect Obama because he has a very, very big stick!
  15. Yeah, that was kind of my point.
  16. If Romney lost the summer I find it sad that Obama isn't crushing him in the polls right now. The election is far from over. In the end, the economy on election day is what is going to win or loose this one.
  17. Who really give a flying **** about his taxes. What does it really matter. If he was calling for higher taxes on the rich and hiding that he paid less than most of them it would be a big deal. But he's not. He's calling for lower taxes. So really, what the big deal about his taxes. The question is whether or not he would be a good president. Let's face it. He wouldn't be that bad.
  18. Sorry I just felt that you had gotten so BOLDED lately.
  19. You've really become a spelling and grammar nazi lately.
  20. Come on admit it, you know it was funny!
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