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Everything posted by Bigfatbillsfan

  1. Yes, but only in their minds.
  2. Surprised nobody has posted anything about this yet. http://in.reuters.com/article/2012/08/31/us-usa-politics-ohio-idINBRE87U15X20120831
  3. Did any of you guys read the part where their daughter was run over by a bulldozer?
  4. And that is different from any other politician how?
  5. Why is the fact that the Obama campaign is trying to capitalize and GOP mistakes such a surprise to some of you. This is nothing new and both parties do it.
  6. Nelson Mandela (sp) Though he is no longer active in politics. But I think he might be the last statesman the world has seen for a while.
  7. I don't know about that. If Obama wins I don't think he's going to crush Romney. At least, not in the popular vote. I'm too young to remember but I think Carter was leading Reagan by double digits up until just a few weeks before the election.
  8. I don't remember that. But if it was a double letter word such as "spelling" or "little" I often have a hard time with it as I am dyslexic.
  9. Normally I don't really care about stuff like that. I think most people on the board have used bolded plenty of times. It's the fact that 3rdnstupid feels the need to point out every spelling and grammar issue he can find. So, I like to get on his **** about it when he starts using words that don't even exist in the English language.
  10. That's going to depend on the outcome of the election. If he loses I think that speech is going to go down in history along with statements like "let them eat cake" and "only little people pay taxes" .
  11. Wiktionary? Really? Now you're going to try and post a definition from a site where anyone can go on and edit it? That's just sad man. And we can tell your argument is starting to melt down due to the sudden onset of language revolving around men's asses. Sad man, just sad. See if you can find it in a real dictionary.
  12. Well hello there Captain Drive-by!
  13. Even the GOP wouldn't do something that horrible!
  14. From Wordnik's website: At Wordnik, we believe, like Humpty Dumpty, that words mean what we want them to mean. Sounds like a reliable source for a definition to me.
  15. No, I corrected your use of the word "bolded" which is not a word. I don't answer your posts because you are so incredibly stupid that you really aren't worth conversing with. Normally I don't really care about people's spelling and grammar since mine aren't the best. But since the smallest typo is enough to get you frothing and telling me I need to start proofreading my posts I find it fun to call out your hypocrisy. The words are spelled embarrassment and attempted by the way. Does it hurt? I mean, does it really hurt to be so incredibly stupid?
  16. No, I think you're thinking of this board.
  17. Hahahahahahaha
  18. Just because it's taking a photon longer to reach the surface of the sun than a shock wave does not mean the photon is traveling any slower than the wave. Light is not traveling slower than sound, it is just taking an indirect route to the surface.
  19. That would depend on whether or not he RNC position is female dominant. Get it?
  20. This just in: Presidend Obama is a blockhead!
  21. Retard slap fight!!!!
  22. "I'm wetalldid this big!"
  23. No charges were filed because he was above the age of consent. But I am surprised this isn't getting more press especially in MN.
  24. Yes it is what the founding fathers of our nation did. However, within ten years the nation was almost a failure and they had to come together again to write a new constitution. One with a more powerful central government.
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