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Everything posted by Bigfatbillsfan

  1. Not if he pulls it out in Florida. If he wins there he's right back in it. I'm surprised at how much he's winning by in Virginia. It was leaning Obama before the election but Romney is way ahead there at this point.
  2. The independent in Main is expected to caucus with the Democrats.
  3. They will probably win the Senate also. It looks like they are going to lose a few seats in the house though.
  4. What I want to know is how they are calling states for candidates with less than one percent of the districts reporting. How can they do that?
  5. I don't understand what that has to do with anything when it comes to the election. Can you elaborate a little bit what you mean?
  6. Why is that? If more Americans voted for Romney why should he not be president?
  7. There's some talk right now that Romney could win the popular vote but lose the election in the electoral college. Just wondering what most of you guys thought about the electoral college. I understand it's importance in the early days of the nation, but does it make sense anymore?
  8. Wow, I wonder if he used some sort of magic weather generator or something. I mean I find it strange this storm just all of a sudden happened right when the president needed a crisis to manage. That has to be it. Magic weather generator.
  9. mmmm Can you make her sound any better? I've noticed something about conservatives lately. When something bad happens they don't think about what led to the problem, they don't accept the truth when it is shown them. However they don't need to find a person to blame because they "know" the cause is illegal immigrants. ...And Democrats.
  10. If I'm not mistaking wasn't Carter winning by 10 points in the polls just a few weeks before the 1980 election before Reagan caught up and beat him by election day? I have a feeling Obama felt the same way you did going into his first debate. Big mistake on his part. It ain't over till it's over.
  11. I know. The only thing I find more annoying than a militant Christian is a militant atheist.
  12. Oh Come an man... Liz Warren is hot! Relax man, so far there's only one map showing Romney with a lead in Ohio. He is however surging there. Obama is still the favorite there but if Romney keeps up the pace of his surge the state should be in a total tossup. Relax about Romney. This whole "our side has to win or American is going to DIE" thing has really just gone over the edge. Notice how all of a sudden Romney is taking steps back toward the middle? He's a centrist. He wouldn't make a bad President. He said what he needed to early on in the race to get the support from the far right now that he's surging he's showing more of how he would govern as a President. Would you rather someone like Gingrich or Santorum was going to be elected? I have news for you. If Romney gets elected, the day after he is sworn in, the sun will still rise. And for those of you on the right freaking out about the same thing if Obama is re-elected... I promise: in four years America will still be here.
  13. Yes for instance Jesus tells us that it's still an abomination to be a homosexual but says that it's OK to eat shellfish now. Right? He must have said that somewhere. Otherwise there would be people picketing in front of Red Lobster.
  14. I can't find a map other than the one you just posted that shows Romney with a lead in Ohio. All the other ones have a slight lean towards Obama. Does Rasmussen tend to lean right? I think Ohio is a total tossup regardless of what the maps are telling us.
  15. That's easy Mario Willia-- Oh wait...
  16. This would be the best move they could make right now. I say bring him in now. Good-bye Nix
  17. Oh here come the part where you try to trap me into saying we should all be driving electric cars to cut down on CO2 emissions and then you say "but... they use coal to generate the electricity for those cars!" And where the !@#$ do you get "Romney's goal of becoming energy independent by 2020 is wrong" out of what I said? Now I remember why I started lurking more than posting on here. And let me tell you a secret. If you look closely... there's a retard very, very close to you... They are the Children of the Corn.
  18. The GOP 'n friends have no problem dumping massive amounts of CO2 into the atmosphere and saddling our children with a planet that is continuing to warm. As well as an economic model that isn't sustainable. So this whole "think of the children" **** from the GOP just doesn't work.
  19. Regardless, it was still mishandled by the administration. Both in leading up to the attack and then handling the information coming out after the attack. And Mitt isn't desperate. Right now he's doing a great job in his campaign. And the fact of the matter is, he really wouldn't be that bad of a president. I just feel like Obama can do better.
  20. That two trillions dollars is what he'll be borrowing from the fed. The problem with Romney's model though is that the economy goes into overdrive and then crashes. If you look at the other times in history where this has been tried you see the economy take off and it ends with an enormous stock market crash. Obama's plan gives us slower, but more sustained growth. If you don't vote for Obama you HATE CHILDREN!! You don't HATE CHILDREN do you? Conservatives believe in deficit spending also. So long as the deficit comes in the form of tax cuts for the richest people in the nation. Can we all stop pretending that both parties don't want to spend like drunken sailors?
  21. Been living in AZ for that past 10 years and in my experience it's seems that everyone that live here isn't from here. At most Cardinal's games the other teams fans have a disproportionate amount of fans for a home game.
  22. Is it me, or is the line looking they way they're supposed to?
  23. Cards 45 Bills 1 The bills get one point for effort.
  24. I don't know why but I have a feeling the Bills are about to turn it up. This doesn't mean I think they're going on a 10 game win streak. I just think they're going to start plaing better. I don't know if this is a good thing or a bad thing since I want Wanny gone. But if Wanny can somehow turn this D around and make them play... I live in Arizona and knowing right now they are just a couple of hours away I wish I could go down to Phoenix and give them a pep talk. At least let them know they're my team and I will always be a Bills fan no matter what. But for the love of GOD could you guys please act like you give a crap about the game of football?
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