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Everything posted by Bigfatbillsfan

  1. By that logic Nancy Lanza should have been the safest person in America with the amount and types of guns she had. How did that work out for her?
  2. That anger!! That RAGE!! Did you overdose on Viagra again? Wow. You're still fixated on penises homosexuality.
  3. Even I have to admit this it pretty funny. Well played my friend, well played!
  4. Ryan is ripped as hell. He'd break Obama in half and squash his balls between his bicepts (sp). Now Paul Ryan vs Michelle Obama in the Octagon? That would be worth a fee for pay per view. A rare reasonable post from Tom. Here here!!
  5. After falling more vitim to a rush of judgment in the TM case I'm not going to speculate to much on this at this point. But here's what I think so far. I don't think you can fault him at all in shooting the kid when he heard him walking down the stairs. He hears a person breaking in and doesn't have time to call the police. He also at that point doesn't know if the person is armed or not. So I don't think he can be charged with anything in the first shooting. Now, as far as the girl is concerned. What the !@#$ is wrong with him here. Her laughing at him after she'd been shot sounds really strange. I have a feeling she made some other noise he took to be a laugh. But that's just speculation on my part at this point. The second shot to the face was not necessary. And the third shot was classic overkill in the psychological sense. There was no reason to shoot her a third time but for his own anger/mental state. However, we can't forget that they did break into his home. So I don't think he should get off scott free on the case since he went way overboard to the point of executing the girl. I just don't know what you could charge him with in this case. Manslaughter with depraved indifference maybe?
  6. I think he's a COLD BLODDED KILLER!!!! Boom! Self Slam!
  7. For someone that I find to be way out in "right" field politically, (get it, right field haha) I must admit you have very good football sense. But I'm still pissed at you for ruining the love of one of my favorite bands! I have to eat some crow here. My take was that he was a better OL than a DE and was just using the wrist as an excuse for poor play. But it looks like the wrist may have been the issue. It seems like since he had it fixed he's been tearing it up pretty good. Only time will tell though if we got our money's worth on the deal. Has anyone thought that maybe, just maybe... Chan has been playing the way he has in the first half of the season in order to turn it around and play more conservative in the second to last part of the season? Think about it. It could be the case. If the bills follow the current blueprint and run the table their last few games...
  8. I don't know, I didn't see the whole thing. Only the clip. But my guess is that he isn't serious. Just like when you people talk about "Saint Regan" or other memes that pop out in culture. I think this is just him being a comedian.
  9. You know he's a comedian right? I have a strange feeling he's not going to start a religion. I love this song. I dare any of you to listen to the whole thing without headbanging and playing air guitar!
  10. This is more of a suspention than a ban. But I agree with that. Why should be let a company like BP come to waters near us, !@#$ up, and then we have to deal with the oil spill?
  11. Quoted for truth! I don't think we need to ask the "would ya" question here.
  12. Screw that ****. I eat plenty of Chick-fil-a, don't really care for Papa John's but if I liked it I wouldn't have a problem eating there. I put myself through college managing and Denny's and I live in AZ. Walmart still sucks though. Can't say I've ever bought anything there that doesn't suck.
  13. Do you know how much it pisses me off to see such a level headed, good post by you? Have you not thought about what this would do to me? It brings great joy to my hear to be able to come on these boards and hate on your crazyass posts. When you write something so normal, so thoughtful, so ...sane; it puts my entire world in a nose dive. Damn you Rob!!! DAAAMMMNNNN YOUUUUUUUU!!!! Edit: Oh and now every time I hear a song by Cake all I can think about is Paul Ryan. I just see his perfectly chiseled features, his dreamy blue eyes... Thank you for ruining one of my favorite bands!
  14. It's just not going to happen for them.
  15. What this election proved is that less people buy this line of garbage than your crazies thought.
  16. I don't think you're going to get an answer. He's still in the "bubble". You know. The one where Romney was going to cruise to a landslide victory?
  17. Since it appears to be the republican party that is nominating them perhaps you should take some time to look at that party. Wow, I don't even know where to begin taking this pile of bull **** apart. I'm sorry you feel this way about half of America that isn't stupid enough to buy the **** our GOP brothers and sisters are selling. It must hurt to live in a world where you think everything is being taken from you.
  18. See this is what I'm talking about. As of right now Mitt has the popular vote but CNN is calling the election for Obama. I know this going against the grain since I'm a Democrat and a left leaner. But I don't know if I like the idea that a person can have more people vote them and still not win the election.
  19. How can they call Ohio for Obama with it being so close and only 65% of the districts reporting? That just doesn't seem right.
  20. In before the lock!
  21. You guys are talking like Romney already lost. It's not over yet.
  22. First off, the race ain't over yet and Romney could still win if he takes Florida Second, you guys claim Obama is the person responsible for the economy's current state because he's slowed or halted the recovery. But if the economy recovers in a second Obama term it's not because of Obama. Wow, you guys are unbelievable sometimes.
  23. Christi would be a pretty good candidate for them. I just don't know if he has the personality for an extended campaign. I think he can come off a little dickish.
  24. Obama can lose both Florida and Ohio and still squeak one out by a single electoral vote. But that's a real long shot for him. Best for him if he can pick up either Florida or Ohio.
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