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Everything posted by Bigfatbillsfan

  1. He'll Pull through. He's got enormous balls. Anyone he skydives at age 85 isn't going to be put down by a fever. Get well soon Mr. President.
  2. Yeah, I think you're right there. Reading about how he kept shooting the girl in the chest while she was gasping and crying out in pain and fear was pretty gut wrenching. What he was doing there was a torture killing. I also agree that we shouldn't be glorifying the teens as little angels. The one woman in the article claims that he murdered little children. They were not children. And one of them had reached the age of majority. They were old enough to know what they were doing and know how serious it was. The were also old enough to know the risks. The Trayvon Martin Killing there is still a lot of gray area to argue. But this one seems pretty cut and dry to me. I think the video just captured the kids breaking into the house. It's the audio that captures the sounds of the kids being killed. At least that's what I'm gathering from reading the articles. But I don't know for sure.
  3. Are we agreeing on something? You... and I... We agree on something? Holy ****! It really is the Xmass season! I think that's where I really draw the line too. And the fact that he supposedly described it as a "nice clean finishing shot." He also claims that the girl laughed at him when his gun jammed. Something about that doesn't seem right either. I just can't see a scared teenaged girl about to face death laughing at someone with a gun pointed at them. She may have made some other gasp or noise that he thought was a laugh. But the fact that he used that to justify his last shot speaks to killing her our of anger rather than fear that she might be a threat. Then he waits 24 hours before calling the police? I think a good defense for this guy would be insanity.
  4. Einhorn is Finkle? Finkle is Einhorn? AHAHAHHAHAHA *plunges his own mouth in the shower* Sorry I didn't realize I used the wrong word for bear until 3rd pointed it out. After that I just kept running with it. But I think we should just keep carrying it on. (and on) What say you Finkle?
  5. No your argument was based on reduction to the absurd and I was engaging you in an absurd argument. Christ does anyone else here read the onion?
  6. that would be a really good point if I thought the AR-15 should be banned. Can you tell me where I said the AR-15 is an assault weapon? I happen to know quite a bit about guns. Your argument against my point is based on your own asinine strawman. I'm a real fuking laugh riot. I got what you were trying to say with bear and bare. And I know that's where Finkle was trying to take it. His argument is all based on reduction to the absurd. Normally this isn't a bad debate tactic, but you can reduce any argument to the absurd which is why it is easily debunked.
  7. Can you explain to me where the duck was in my post? i explained to you that I don't believe the government can pass laws that take people's guns away, I then stated in a later post why i don't think the government shouldn't take people's guns away. Then, since you still seemed to be confused I explained to you the reason behind the Second Amendment's passing.
  8. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assault_rifle Here's a much better source on what constitutes an assault riffle. And I see no reason why a person would need to keep an assault rifle in their home. I know it's hard for people like you to be able to understand that someone can know the same facts about someone as you and not come to the same conclusion. just because I don't think people should not be able to own an assault riffle doesn't mean I don't understand what it is. Christ dude I was joking. Take a chill pill would ya.
  9. Everyone knows that people kept their arms bare back in those days to protect themselves from the King of England you ass. I mean seriously. how do you expect a person to protect the home and land with hairy arms!!
  10. I know that we have a bunch of gun threads here but I think this one deserves it's own thread since this really isn't about whether or not you should be able to own a gun. This is about whether or not your ownership of a gun should be public knowledge. Does this take it to the point of treating gun owners like sexual preditors? http://www.npr.org/blogs/thetwo-way/2012/12/26/168075748/n-y-website-posts-map-of-people-with-gun-permits-draws-criticism?utm_source=NPR&utm_medium=facebook&utm_campaign=20121226 Sorry forgot the link in my first post.
  11. I'm not quite sure what you're getting at here other than an attempt to argue your point by reduction to the absurd. Your analogy doesn't work de to the fact that no one here would believe that long sleeves would be a danger.monst cases. Sleeves are not produced with a degree of malice the way that guns are. And as far as I know, no one has ever been killed using a shirt sleeve. The uneasiness of society toward guns derives from the fact that their main purpose is to injure or kill. The purpose of the Second Amendment was to: a) Protect the nation if it was ivaded due to the week military strenth of the nation at the time of it's founding. b) Protect the people from the United States in the case the the government should ever turn against them. Whether or not this is outdated is up for debate. If the goverment turns on us now there's no way we're ever going to stand up to the technology that is going to be turned on us. I would be fine with a ban on certain types of weapons like asault rifles. I see no need for a person to be keeping and AR in their home. The Supreme Court.
  12. That's a good question and one that would end up going to the supreme court most likely. I would argue that they are still law abiding citizens based on the fact that they have the right to bare arms according to the Constitution. In that case the government would have no leagal jusistiction to take their guns away. State's, or even Congress cannot just pass laws that preempt the rights that are given to us guaranteed to us by the Bill of Rights.
  13. I don't agree with you on much. But here I must agree. I hope this guy was writing this as satire. Otherwise he's a complete a$$
  14. A well regulated private fire department could work. I wouldn't be in favor of it. I think we should keep them they way they are now. I hate hearing storries about fire departments letting a house burn because the the homeowner didn't pay their premium. I'm just saying it could work.
  15. I'd be fine with the fire departments and postal service. But not anything else. I agree that the pensions are way over the line though.
  16. In a way you're saying the same thing that I was saying. It's not that I don't think Ryan would have any type of leadership skills. It's more along the lines that I think he a) is the perfect model of a person who will not conduct the people's business if he has a chance to make the other party look bad. And b) He is already a divisive figure and would not be taken seriously by the Dems. I agree the Boner isn't the right guy for the job. But I think that the GOP can do better than Ryan. You must not have seen my quote to you in the Merry Christmas thread. Sorry I race bated you on Christmas. Hope you're having as Merry a Christmas where you are as I am here with my family. Merry Christmas.
  17. Merry Christmas to everyone!!! And yes, even you 3rdnlng. Merry Christmas. Damn, I already attacked you with a race bate in another thread. Crap. Belay the response until tomorrow. Merry Christmas! Hope you have a great Christmas with friends are family!
  18. I'm sure that what you really want to say here is black people. But you're too chicken **** to say what you really mean so you settle for a name that sounds like a black name. A female name to show that she is a "welfare queen". Because, you know, welfare queens are black right?
  19. Does this mean that we need to start arming our fiirefighters now?
  20. You know, it really warms my heart to know that the nation is moving in the opposite direction of where idiots like you want to take it. Good Night.
  21. So good at articulating his position the Joe Biden; a man who would challenge a blind man to a staring contest, mopped the floor with him in a debate. And Biden's an idiots to boot.
  22. I find it funny that the GOP would think Ryan would be a good house speaker. If you want to see absolutly nothing get done or happen in the next 4 years. Make Ryan the Speaker of the House.
  23. I'm sorry. I guess i missed the memo when it was decided that dicks entering asses no longer had anything to do with homsexuality.
  24. As well as a 26 women and children. Really? You think you can control every single variable under your control as a gun owner?
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