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Everything posted by Bigfatbillsfan

  1. Not even like that. The guy is just a plain ass hole. His wife stayed with him all through the time he had cancer and then he dumped her for Cheryl Crow. What a douche.
  2. I'm more a BBC's Sherlock type of guy.
  3. I know that things are never going to be ideal. But when things are going bad for me I know that there is only one person to blame. CANADA!!
  4. And you're still frothing at the mouth like you were on "the other board". If you recall correctly, Bush was wiretapping American citizens without a warrant. I believe I was told by you and others that I have nothing to fear unless I have been consorting with known terrorists. My answer was that if I have been consorting with known terrorists the government should have no problem getting a warrant. This concerns wiretapping people that are not American citizens outside of the US. See the difference? Not to mention you were frothing at the mouth back then about how we were taking away the presidents tools to fight terrorism. Now a dem holds the office, and is using a system that is not outright illegal as wiretapping American citizens without a warrant, and it's an affront to everything that is American right? Crawl back in a hole with this crap...
  5. Well, my comprehension isn't the best. After reading it again I'm still get getting your point. Both people are using their rights. People have a right to own a gun and people also have a right to information through the freedom of information act. The fact that a person is using that information the concoct a map of where the gun owners are is a complete moron for doing so doesn't filter into the equation when you look at it as a matter of what is a right. It's looking at crap like this that makes me wonder if the nation isn't really on a path of self destruction.
  6. In order to do this to an American they need to get a warrant. So what's the big problem?
  7. I know right? The GOP are offering some of the same compromises that the Dems offered last year and the Dems are rejecting them.. Seriously, this game has to stop. Compromise Democrats. It's what the legislative branch is supposed to be all about. Either that or just come out and admit that you want to take us over the cliff so you can blame the GOP.
  8. I have a theory also. But it involves the sex toys and aliens. Not a bad theory. If the Prosecution can prove this I think he stands for murder 1.
  9. It's not the GS and WGs getting raises that upsets me. It's the raises to the people that are keeping us in this mess. Why the hell am I forgoing a COLA because congress is acting like spoiled children while they get a raise. I know things aren't always that easy and there may be a good hidden meaning behind the raises. Just venting.
  10. How long ago was it that he let teens practice in his garage? I have a feeling he became socially and physically withdrawn over the course of a few years. As far as why did the girl go down the stairs: I think she was waiting in the car while the guy went in to grab something out of the basement real quick. Chances are they were in the house before and had a good idea where things were. When he didn't come back quickly she went in to see if he was OK. That would explain why she didn't hear the shots.
  11. Did this make sense in your head?
  12. But when you really think about it, that's what it is. If these guys had come back to Washington, rolled up their sleeves, went in and locked the door until they came out with a compromise that both sides hated I wouldn't give three ***** about them getting a raise. But for Obama to give them the raise after they go home for the Holidays and leave us hanging?
  13. Some would argue that the Freedom of Information act would give him a right to know.
  14. You don't give a flying crap about my opinion. Yet you want me to write it out in my own words...
  15. Cars are a means of transportation, smoking is something people do to relieve stress, People get a TV for entertainment. The purpose of a gun is to kill. So when you buy something that is built with a degree of malice people might want to know why. That's "why" people might want to know why you "need" it. A hunting rifle with a clip is might be a little more deadly depending on how fast you can pull the trigger.
  16. That's why when I post a link while defending my stand point I generally will post a link to a Wikipedia article or other form of study with statistical data that can be traced back to find where it came from. The cop out comes from people, when unable to compete with facts, coming back with "you have to say it in your own words".
  17. I love when you do this and then a person posts back with an actual definition or a linked article to back up their position and you come back with "no, you have to do it in your own words".
  18. You know, if this were a scientific paper I would say your lack of confidence in his statements due to commas in the wrong place is well warranted. But we're on a message board. Save the proper spelling and grammar stuff for the scientific journals.
  19. No, but now that I reread it it does sound a little retarded. Hey, are you trying to diagnose me over the internet?
  20. I know, why would that want that posted in the local newspaper where anyone could read it when Google has the same information plastered all over the internet where everyone can read it.
  21. Drop in the bucket when you think about the amount of money that is being spent on the raises. But I'm pissed that I've had to forgo a raise twice in the past 5 years due to the economy and I was taking on more and more responsibility. Yet these guys act like little kids most of the time. Haven't come up with a fix for the fiscal cliff. And they get a raise. Thanks you Mr. President for rewarding childish behavior from our nations leaders.
  22. Hard to tell given what we know about him. I have a lot of psychology in my background and schooling. Given what we see in the articles, psychopathy doesn't seem to fit. He was clearly paranoid and that is generally not found in Psychopaths. In his mug shot it looks like he's let himself go. But we don't know when that shot was taken. But if he is paranoid and not taking care of himself physically (and those are the only two things we can deduce, no well, but can deduce from the articles) I would go with some sort of schizo-dissociative. That would explain the paranoia, social isolation, and lack of self care. But then again, we don't have access to him and don't know what's going through his head all the time. Could be that he's just an ass hole. If you think I was serious regarding BD or Doc giving you a "chill pill" maybe you should seek the services of a psychiatrist. Like, one in an office near you, that you could talk to face to face. That person would have the professional knowledge and access to make a real diagnoses. And figure out why you think people speculating on a football message board with no qualification to make a legal diagnosis regarding anything means anything to you.
  23. If BD was actually diagnosing him and rx medication for him based on what he saw here than you might have a point with what you're saying. However, BD, like the rest of us here, is speculating as to what the problem with him is. He's using his knowledge as a doctor to put a little weight behind his words. Now coming to you, from me, as a sociologist: I think Birddog or Doc should write you a script for a Chill Pill.
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