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Everything posted by Bigfatbillsfan

  1. This seems to be your defense mechanism when your argument starts to break down. Read your what believe are the characteristics of a leader. I agree with you on most of them but I also added some additional characteristics that compliment the ones you identified. The one thing that neither of us claimed to be a characteristic of a leader is that he is well liked by everyone. No Obama is not well liked by everyone. In fact I really don't care for him as a person. To me he comes off as a snooty douche wad. Yet your next post claims that he can't be a leader because no one but his family, Joe Biden, and the press respect him. You're dead wrong on that. He is more widely respected that you think he is. You're mistaking respect for being generally well liked. And yes a lot of people, even many in his own party don't like him. Like I said before, he's a snooty douche wad. He's been able to motivate this nation to pass healthcare reform that we've been talking about for twenty years without any successful action. That by itself is quite a feat. Yes, he's called out the previous administration, Yes he uses photo-op to try to connect with the populace. He isn't perfect. He's far from our best president, but he certainly isn't the worst. Personally, if Hillary ran against him in a primary I might have voted for her over him. So you can deduce that I put more faith in a person's words rather than their actions based on the fact that TR didn't follow his own policy 100 years ago? Wow, You're good!
  2. This is the greatest argument for gun control I have ever heard.
  3. What I'm getting from your argument is that a person can only be a leader if EVERYBODY loves them. The fact that he's not willing to get on his knees and blow you to get your approval doesn't make him a bad leader. Then to counter my cliched argument regarding the car in the ditch you counter with the cliche of "the press are in bed with him, that's the only reason why people think he's a leader". This is such a stupid reply I don't even know what to say.
  4. I'm sure the bold part made sense in your head somewhere. I also didn't use Teddy Roosevelt as an example of soft military action. I used a quote. See the difference?
  5. You would have a good point if I were saying that the US should be a disinterested observer. I agree that as a superpower we need to be projecting our economic and military strength. However, I believe that we should be engaging in diplomatic relations first and foremost and using the military as a last resort. I believe Teddy Roosevelt said it best. "Speak softly and carry a big stick". We have the worlds best military. Everyone knows that.
  6. Wow, I totally got tingles all over when I read that. Then a tear streamed down my face. You've just changed my life!! (caution, sarcasm included) Look back thru some of that past administration and you find that every president has done similar things. Leaders also point out incompetents. Leaders will make unpopular decisions based on personal principle rather than just tell everyone what they want to hear. They will point out the truth regardless of whether or not you want to hear it. Yes, Obama blamed the financial crises on the Bush administration. However it was, in fact, the past administrations fault. (as well as many of the administrations that came before his) If I handed you the keys to a car that was in a ditch and then said "here, it's your turn to drive" while trying to prevent you from pulling the car out of the ditch and doing all that while complaining about your lack of ability to get the car out of the ditch; I think you might say something about it.
  7. Take Rice out of that and I think you have a better argument. Powell was an excellent SoS and I think he could have been better had his hands not been tied by the administration's policy. I have a feeling it was his conscience and good judgment that made him bow out after 1 term.
  8. 5 years ago it was game set match if Obama got elected. Not much really changed. 1 year ago it was game set mach if Obama gets re-elected. He's been re-elected. Now it's going to be game set match if Biden is the person to follow Obama. I must admit it is kind of funny to watch the conservatives constantly redraw the line in the sand. Not to mention that just because he is taking the nation in a direction that you don't agree with does not make him incompetent. Dick Cheney wanted to take the nation in a direction I didn't like. However, he is very competent as a leader.
  9. Yes, like, for real. I know that the current GOP method of operation regarding foreign policy is pretty much spitting on the floor every time someone you don't like walks by. That's what the past administration did and it didn't get us very far.
  10. I think she might be past that stage in life. Is that what you say to all your female patients when they come in with symptoms that include irritability?
  11. Hey, I'm not saying she's a bad SoS. I think she's done a great job. I feel like the current admin. Has been one of the best in recent memory when it comes to foreign policy. I'm just saying that Bengazi was a true screw up by the administration and they need to come out and admit it.
  12. One of the better posts I've seen regarding how we treat the welfare dependent of the nation. We need to find a way to get those that are not contributing to become contributing members. The idea that cutting them off will suddenly make them contributing members is myopic at best. Clinton's welfare to work was one of the best ways I've seen to address this.
  13. I don't think that sounds so much like a B word slapping as much as it does a deflection of the question. The fact of the matter is that the administration screwed up. Plain and simple. Then afterwards they tried to cover it up. I have a hard time that Clinton didn't know the correct story of what was going on at the time the American people were fed the story of the protest.
  14. I'm having trouble finding anything corroborating this with any source other than the article and the claim of one person. However, if Obama ever gave an order to fire on U.S. citizens. The first thing I would do is come on here and apologize to all of you for voting for him. Second pick up my gun and get ready to fight. As of right now I don't believe this. But if more information comes out that corroborates this claim I think it would be very troubling indeed.
  15. The problem there is that your dick may show up as a sharpened pencil. /sound of drums and symbols BOOM!! Rob Slam!! Oh Yeah!
  16. If people were using the public assistance they way it should be used you wouldn't see this problem. Generations of people who live in housing projects are obviously not using the system the way it was intended. But that is a facet of the people living there and not the system it self. The target of the system is to set up a temporary safety net for people in need. Not create an underclass caste of people who have been on public assistance for generations. Those that do live that way have no one to blame but themselves. I'm sorry that the world is such a terrible place for you.
  17. Here's where you and I might feel the same way. As a former social worker I can tell you that you might be surprised at the people that are or have been on public assistance. When used as a safety net they work very well. When used as a way of life... I'm sure you've seen people who use public welfare that way. It's not a good life. I have yet to see anyone run up a fortune from cash assistance checks. If they are always on the bottom rung of the caste system due to their use of public assistance as their way of life they have no one to blame but themselves.
  18. I think at this point there is no reason to go to the moon other than to prove we can. And that's pretty expensive to do just because we can. The Bills got 10 points for effort?
  19. That's bad. We want the GOP to turn back towards the center. If it doesn't we'll end up with one party rule and all the things that the conservatives are freaking out about now may actually happen. Sorry it's pissing you off to hear that he was their best candidate. You may not like the fact that rats and mice and fleas were one of the chief carriers of the plague. But unfortunately that's just the way it was. Not to mention the fact of members of the other party liking a specific candidate is the thing that makes you take him less seriously speaks volumes regarding your psychology. While what you say is very true I don't think it applies in the case of this nations current entitlements. If the only place I had to turn to for money was the government we would have a condition of soft slavery. Right now we have safety net programs to stabilize consumption during times of economic downturn. And while there are people that abuse the system, they are not the target of these programs.
  20. Dude, you really believe this? It looked that way after 2008 and they came back for 2010. Like every party over time their influence and power will wax and wan. Right now they're in the phase of trying to figure out what they want to be.
  21. Spoken by a person who decribes another poster like this: "You're nothing more than another ignorant liberal blowhard who lives in a fantasy world."
  22. The American wet dream would be if Lance Armstrong copped to killing Manti Teo's girlfriend after he doped up... on Oprah's show.
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