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Everything posted by Bigfatbillsfan

  1. Every board has someone like 3rd. Better to just ignore him since for him it's really about getting a rise out of you rather than making a point. Most boards also have the board know-it-all. I would put pin that ribbon on Tom here.
  2. Wow, what a great point. Because every Mexican running across the boarder to looking to find work really wants to get on disability or Social Security as fast as they can. ...It's very easy for them to do that when they don't have SS #s. It's a good thing we have people like you around to let us know what's really going on in the minds of Mexicans.
  3. Well, for one a state cannot deactivate a federal law. I believe that over 500,000 American died settling that.
  4. The person behind him is obviously reading his thoughts and gasping.
  5. Come on. The TPS settled this debate. If you are carrying a gun. You are in danger of accidentally shooting your dick off. I say ban them. If you're for guns, you must hate penises.
  6. OK, that's her opinion. However, I'm not going to put much weight behind the opinion of a failed VP nominee who quit half way thru her only term as governor. I don't know why anyone else would either.
  7. 1) If she was able to swipe a food stamp card at a bar and have it went thru the bar is not coded correctly. I find it hard to believe that was an accident. 2) Good for him, I could apply too. It doesn't mean I'm going to get it. 3) Besides the fact that this, like everything else in your post, is anecdotal and not supported with demonstrable evidence; smoking and drugs are addictions, not hobbies. 4) You are either confused as to how well you can live quitting your job and living on cash assistance or you have a very poor standard of living. But hey, if you think you can do it. Go ahead, quit your job, live off my taxes and stick it to my sorry patriotic ass!
  8. http://tpmmuckraker.talkingpointsmemo.com/2013/01/mississippi_sovereignty_bill.php I'm trying to figure out if this is satire or not. It' just seems really out there.
  9. This is the darkest stain on Obama's administration. No one, not even the president, gets to decide to execute an American citizen without due process. If you do, you need to produce the proof that he is a clear and present danger. Not say "trust me, I saw the intelligence".
  10. Are you suggesting the the President could be ...Skynet!!??? My god. How did we not see this before.
  11. I would argue that this is exactly what happened. I agree that it came as a result of a GOP intention to obstruct. But that doesn't necessarily mean the court turned out the wrong decision. Just because it's been going on for over a hundred years without anyone saying about doesn't mean it should continue in the future. The position of POTUS has become vastly more powerful in the past 100 years and every now and then it isn't a bad idea to yank on the leash.
  12. The fact that he can reign hell fire on a person walking around in the dessert halfway around the world is a pretty good argument for why his power might need to be reigned in.
  13. So far you've claimed that the press is in bed with Obama covering up his poor leadership skills whiles his administration is trying to get more people dependent on the government in order to solidify power over the masses. I think I have everything in there. The evidence you've given for this is... Now on top of that you've pretty much claimed that the admin. is managing to do this without the aid or knowledge of the DEC. If you had any idea as to how this system is set up you would know it wasn't possible without the aid of countless Case workers, judges, means testers... Extraordinary claims without extraordinary evidence is nothing more than a conspiracy theory. And for some reason you're defending yourself against labels you're not being ascribed. I didn't call you a racist, old person killer, birther, or a person who want children to starve. What I have ascribed you is the label of a raving lunatic. To which you have offered no defense against. Let me challenge you to do something. Take some time to go to a welfare community. (I'm assuming you are middle to upper class) Talk to some of the people there. No, not just the drunk laying in a puddle of his own puke. He isn't the only person that lives there. Spend some time with the kids, the teens. They're the next generation that may end up making welfare a way of like. Look at the conditions that shape their world, their thoughts, and their actions. Walk thru the school there. You think you know what it's like there? I assure you, you don't. Then think about how hard it is to beat the hard wiring the mind develops growing up in those conditions. Take some time to see how well the "takers" have it.
  14. Holy conspiracy theory Batman!! Thank the gods we have people like you that know what's really going on. Otherwise the nation would just crumble and collapse in Obama's imperial march to dictatorship! I don't think you want children to starve. I don't think you want old people to die. And I even don't think you're racist. I do however think you are a raging lunatic that has nothing to argue but conspiracy theory. I spent quite a while as a social worker. Sometimes when I when I went on home visits where there was a history of domestic violence I even carried a ...Gun. Oh my god /gasp!! I love it when people like you try to tell me how the system works when you have obviously no idea how the system works. Trust me. The last thing the government wants is more cases on the books. Oh, but wait, you can't trust me, I worked for the government. I'm part of the conspiracy!!
  15. i would say that Bman is one of the smarter and more rational of the right leaning posters here. He, like me and Oxrock are also some of the refugees from the "other board". Listen, I think you're both shooting past each other here. You're not trying to argue the same thing. Therefore , neither argument makes sense to the other. But anyways, here's the deal. Whether it's been done for 100 years before or not. Obama did overstep his boundary and was called out. This ruling holds all future presidents to the same standard and therefore is fair. If he wants to make future recess appointments he needs to wait until the senate is actually in recess. Can we all now stop with the "B word slaps" threads? Here's half the problem. We have two different parties with two vastly different ideologies trying to take the nation in to vastly different directions. Just because "your man" chewed out the member of another party, or a ruling went the way your party wanted it to go doesn't mean you made the other party your B word. It's the system working the way it should.
  16. Well, since all that free **** is so nice. Why don't you become a taker too? Quit your job, go on Welfare and food stamps and you can have it just as great as they do!
  17. Wow, you really are THAT stupid. What I said was that GOP policy amounted to spitting on the floor every time someone you don't like walks by. From that you deduce the Bush Administration doesn't like brown people? Yes, most people believe that there is a bias. But the GOP is having some sort of auto-immune response.
  18. I'm not quite sure what you're saying here. Rob is making the slippery slope argument. If we take away assault rifles this time around. The next time it will happen with a handgun. So then we want to take away hand guns.
  19. You might have a point if I was holding TR up as a perfect example of how to execute foreign policy. I'm saying "Speak Softly and Carry a Big Stick". Is a good example of how we should. You're arguing against a position that I don't hold. We call that a straw man.
  20. I would say 3 mass shootings in 2 years constitutes a national crisis that needs to be addressed immediately. If it's not going to be gun control than mental health is the next best thing.
  21. I don't know, Angry Ed telling people that the GOP wants us dead seems like an attempt to stir up the bee hive to me.
  22. You have me figured out. My sig, my screen name, my large ego, and my combative nature on these boards is all an overcompensation for my small, small penis.
  23. I think the fact that now the GOP is attacking education is the most frightening aspect of their tipping to the far right.
  24. You're fist paragraph is nothing but conspiracy theory. The rest is nothing more than you complaining about the direction the nation is going in. "regulations are bad" "Unemployment is still high" "There's still a national debt".
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