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Everything posted by Bigfatbillsfan

  1. The funniest part of this whole article is where she admits to voting more than once for Obama and then claims that she in no way committed voter fraud. But didn't she also vote in her grand-daughter's name as well as by mail in ballot. If she had a photo ID she may have been caught. I didn't go back a read the whole article again so I'm not totally sure. He's either a troll. Or a total idiot.
  2. They are going to force us all to kneel in the middle of the street and shoot us all in the back of the head. Obama is going to force you onto food stamps at gunpoint!
  3. Didn't MO just pass something that would make it a crime for the federal government to try to take someone's guns?
  4. I would be fine with it if she were to add CNN, MSNBC, and Huff Post to the list also. Otherwise it's an obvious slant.
  5. But you have to admit it's fun to see what kind of wacky conspiracy bridge he's going to build to blame the left for something.
  6. This kind of turns what most of us think about Islam being nothing but a violent religion on it's head. http://www.npr.org/2011/06/19/137283467/9-11-hate-crime-victim-seeks-to-save-his-attacker?utm_source=npr&utm_medium=facebook&utm_campaign=20130208
  7. Arizona might be your state. Here you could walk down the street with an AR strapped to you back and most people wouldn't bat an eyelash. There's this dude that lives in my town who wheels himself around in a wheelchair with "Vietnam Vet" stamped on the back of the Chair. He's got two handguns stuck down in his pants at all times + one in an ankle holster. (I have no idea how he would ever plan to use that one). NY is having some sort of wacked out auto-immune response to guns at the moment.
  8. This should get interesting.
  9. The US Iran talks will end with Joe Biden challenging a blind man to a staring contest.
  10. I think I get more of what you're saying now. But what's your reason for carrying concealed? I'm small framed and carried in a shoulder holster. You could see the bulge from under my jacket but I really didn't care if they knew I was carrying or not. I agree that things happen in high adrenaline situations but the more practice you have with your weapon the better chance you have of not making a mistake. Sorry that that happened to you bro. Glad you didn't get hurt.
  11. I really don't know how to respond to all this crazy ****. So let me just see if I can get what I'm trying to say out in one longer paragraph. If you are going to carry a gun for self defense as I did, it should be reliable and accurate. On top of that, you should learn how to use it. I took shooting lessons. Learning how to pull the gun properly, stance, proper way to point and aim. One of the reasons I chose the Glock was due to it's reliability and accuracy. Most NY state employees that carry use the Glock. Now this is the only handgun I've ever fired so I can't speak to the fact that it would be the right weapon for everybody. However, everything I've read about the .38 states that the gun is fairly underpowered and inaccurate. The inaccuracy is due to an overall poor build causing the rounds to wobble or tumble after they leave the barrel. So the problem, as far as I can tell is with the gun, not the site. putting a laser site on it isn't going to change how the gun fires. If you feel the need to soup up your gun with a laser site. Be my guest. But it really isn't going to provide more accuracy to a weapon that is, by it's nature, inaccurate. So here's my advise. Take the responsibility of owning/carrying a gun seriously. Make sure it's accurate, you know how to use it. And it's a good fit for you. I don't agree with the 7 round magazine limit in NY state. But it is what it is there right now. And, as usual, LA responds to a point that I wasn't even trying to make. What color is the sky in your world dude? First off, natural selection doesn't mean you deserve to die. It just means that's whats going to happen if you can't adapt to the situation. Contrary to my screen name I'm 5'7" 155lbs. that's only about 20 lbs more than you. If you know how to stand you should be able to handle the recoil. Hell, there are both men and women in the military that have sharpshooter status that weigh less than you.
  12. Well, then you have 7 rounds to use between two people in your home. Since you are telling me that all of them were armed once you open fire you're pretty much !@#$ed anyway right. Unless you think you can take down two people before either of them can get off a shot. If you then want to chase the other two that are outside your home that's your business.
  13. I think this one was always one of my favorite. Here's another one
  14. People have to side with me in order for my argument to be valid? If you can't drop a person invading your home with 7 rounds your death is a matter of Natural Selection.
  15. The fact that it's badly underpowered and used primarily by recoil sensitive women explains why 3rd was recommending it. Here's the original quote that I was claiming (and still am) was stupid. Somehow we've gone from if you're going to carry for self defense to protecting your house from home invasion. So let me reiterate my point here. If you are going to buy a gun to carry for self defense get something that you don't have to add a laser site to to make it effective. Also, get something with some stopping power. My Glock was a motherphucking beast. If you are going to keep it at home for defense of your home then sure a laser site added to any gun would help. I haven't claimed to be a gun expert. But I know when something is just plain stupid.
  16. I no longer own or carry a gun. Second, I live in AZ so even if I did it wouldn't matter it's not illegal here. And last, I'm not calling for a ban on guns. I just think it's stupid to buy a gun for self defense that you have to add a laser site to to make it worth carrying. Edit: And yes, that thing was a freakin beast.
  17. I'm not an expert on guns however I do know a little about them. I carried on almost a daily basis when I was doing social work. I carried a Glock 17. It was a really nice piece. I found that the sight on it was pretty accurate. If you're carrying for self defense as I was there really is no need for a laser sight. If you pointing a gun at an attacker isn't enough to get them to stop the attack I don't think adding a laser sight is going to do much more. If you are putting a dot on their chest to "get them to stop what they're doing" sounds like you're on offense and not defense. If you want to put a laser sight on your piece feel free. But for self defense it's just plain not needed. I don't know what the magazine holds for .38. The Glock held 17 rounds. If you can't drop an attacker with a 17 round clip your death is a matter or natural selection working the way it should.
  18. Yes I think your advise is stupid.
  19. The benefits package I have working in the private sector are much better than anything I ever had while working for the government. I'm not the biggest fan of public unions, but I don't think they're as bad as you've built them up to be in your head.
  20. The Grays came for you too?
  21. Isn't the whole idea of advertising to manipulate a person into buying something they don't always need? Hell I was ready to whip out my check book after seeing that one. It was awesome!
  22. Wow this is so stupid I just have to say something about it. You need an automatic .38, with a laser site for self defense? Really? Who do you think you are going to need to defend yourself against? I think that model even comes with a special attachment to hold her tea.
  23. :w00t: :w00t:
  24. I'm going to give it about 2 more post until he starts with posts regarding male genitalia, gay sexual acts, and semen. It usually starts at the same time or shortly after he claims that a person's posts don't have any substance.
  25. :w00t: :w00t: The funniest thing is you really believe this.
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