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Everything posted by Bigfatbillsfan

  1. No matter where you are the rich are always going to have access to better healthcare. That's just the way it is and extending Medicare to everyone in the US isn't going to change that here either. However, it gives everyone the right to basic care. And basic care is what I think should be a right. If you want better care, private rooms, elective procedures, or better doctors you can spend the money to supplement with private insurance. I'm not saying that we are all entitled to the best care. Just that we should be entitled to care in the first place.
  2. You seem to have quite the Casandra/Martyr complex. Wait a second... aren't you in Canada?
  3. So if the CFPB isn't the answer what is? You're great at pointing out problems, now find a solutions. If it leads to Medicare being extended to everyone in the nation. It can be whatever it wants.
  4. Oh I'm sorry, I forgot that your sense of self importance is such that you think I should remember everything you've said as compared to the countless other idiots on this board as well as the idiots I listen to bashing regulation everyday in the course of my life. So your main problem is with the fact that regulations are not being enforced by regulatory agencies that are being de-funded. You know what might help with that. Maybe some sort of consumer protection agency or some **** like that.
  5. Really? You're able to point out that this article is nothing more the stupid conspiracy theory but can't see that you spout the same **** just in the opposite direction in almost every other post? You must be some special kind of window licker. Then i guess it looks like there's just no hope...
  6. Usually the argument following the "poor regulations" argument is "we should get rid of regulations so the system can function better". Yeah, you didn't come right out and say it but we know where it's going. As to your example line... I'll just take that as you can't. I'm sure BoA knew, or at least had a pretty good idea that this was/is going on. I disagree with Warren on going after the banks for the sole purpose of going after the banks. And yes I think we should be focusing as well on the mortgage brokers. But the banks are not blameless. They knew/know something illegal is going on and choose to look the other way when they profit from it.
  7. I hear you on that one. When we say that a woman should avoid potentially dangerous situations we are not saying that if she doesn't she deserves to be raped, we are not saying she was asking for it. It's just common sense to avoid those situations.
  8. So because things are not regulated correctly we should just get rid of the regulations? No system works perfectly but the idea that no government intervention in the health care industry in needed is crazy. If the system is a "for profit" system, prices are going to rise. Can you give us an example of how financial fraud is taking place at the local level? I'm not saying it isn't happening. I know it is. I just want to know what you're driving at.
  9. The key statement there is the word "had". When they got back from the Olympics... I ate his horse. I told his wife she would regret it if she brought the horse back. But... Oh yeah, The Conspiracy Squad is on the case! Come on now. Tell us what's really going on. You guys seem to have some form of mental telepathy that allows you to know what the Presidents head. I'm sure he's somehow using the sequester to get more people dependent on the government and the only thing standing between Obama and his evil maniacal plan for dictatorship is you guys and your guns!! Anyone else notice how awesome that part of the thread sounded when read in the correct frame of mind? So first you claim these guys are really smart. And in the next sentence they're really dumb. I'm not quite sure how you rectify that in your mind. Governing is politicking. At least in a representative republic like ours. Also, I see that many liberals are doing everything they can to savage Woodward's reputation.
  10. Die thread!! Just DIE!!
  11. Rich is when you have all you need, but and most of all a family that loves and cares for you... Did that make any of you tingle? But Seriously. I would say that if a person has more money than they know what to do with they are "rich". When it comes to "taxing the rich more" for me it's just making sure they are paying the same rate as the rest of us. There's no reason why I should be paying 19% of my income to Uncle Sam while some of the very rich are paying 15%. Some have argued for a flat tax rate. I think I could get behind that. Damn, someone beat me to it... LOL
  12. I can't stand Tom. But in this case I think he's totally right. You don't even know how to use the internet. I give up. But let me give you one piece of advise. Never attempt to write a scientific paper.
  13. In other words. You have no idea of the importance or source material. You don't know how do find it. And therefore believe stupid **** because, hey, more than one website is posting it. This is why you are so phucking stupid. This is why I normally ignore your stupid ass.
  14. Oh My God. You really are THAT stupid.
  15. Check. The. Source. For. The. Several. Stories. And. You. Will. Find. That. They. All. Have. The. Same. Source. You. Complete. Idiot.
  16. This is another way of saying "I buy any propaganda that suits my belief system".
  17. Coming from a person that posted that article as though it was something the rest of us didn't already know? uh... no, for those of us that were listening, we knew that it was discused well before it was passed. And the idea is to lower the average premium. That would mean that a young person will be paying a higher premium than what they take up in services while an older person will be paying much less than what they take up in services. I don't know where the idea that this is somehow Obama screwing the people who voted for him. They knew this and voted for him anyway. The things you guys tell yourselves... Good. Can't happen soon enough as far as I'm concerned.
  18. I don't see that working. There'll be plenty of smaller companies that would be more that willing to sell fireamrs to those states.
  19. This whole thing seems to be going way over your head. Let me see if I can break it down to kindergarten level for you. Googling does not equal tracking back source. What you want to do is try to find where Infowars got it's information. And if so needed, where the sight that infowars used for it's piece got it's information. The argument isn't that the root source is infowars. It's the fact that infowars was way out in left field and all you have to do is look back a few levels to find that out.
  20. I hope you never have to write a scientific paper.
  21. Let me tell you about a little trick called sourcing. That's where you look at an article or blog and you trace back the source to see where they got their information. And if need be you can source back and further and see where that article or study got their information. This is a very valuable skill that you should learn how to use. The article you linked to here, when sourced, turns out to have come from the Infowars article. See how it works? Oh dear God...
  22. Mark the calendar. We agree on something. Why don't you take some time and research what the actual numbers really are rather than take Alex Jones' word for it. You guys are all working yourselves into a panic over the fact the the editors at Infowars can't read. Relax. Obama isn't coming for you.
  23. Well, as I stated earlier; they must be planning to make us all kneel in the street and shoot us each in the head. ...five times each.
  24. Hey, you're the one claiming that Obama and his administration has some grand scheme of getting more and more people dependent on the government. And is somehow doing this without the knowledge of the DES. Somehow I don't think I'm the one hanging themselves with my posts. He did not just go there.
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