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Everything posted by Bigfatbillsfan

  1. I think most of those people that claim they wouldn't be able to cover a 1000 dollar emergency actually could if they needed to. They just don't see the resources they have around them.
  2. Dear Audrey If you want playing time, work harder, be better and prove you're worth putting in the game. Otherwise sit the !@#$ down and shut the !@#$ up. BFBF
  3. I know there was another thread on here but I wanted to just bring this to light in a way that only a person that has buried a child can. Whether or not you agree with his politics he's hurting in the most indescribable way right now. No one should ever have to watch their child die. All of us here at Two Bills Drive are with you Joe. And we all hope you can weather the coming grief that never really ever goes away. When you lose a child you can never really get over it. You can only get through it. Peace to all of you here at PPP and I hope to be able to post more this coming summer now that I'm done with classes. BFBF
  4. Thanks all of you for your support. It gets a little easier every day. And even though I love to get combative know that I truely respect all of you.
  5. I'm back. By popular demand!!
  6. Unfortunately I'm not fat anymore. I was 240 when I opened my account to the Buffalo Bills message board. Now I'm 5"7' and 155lbs. I literally ran my ass off
  7. One of the few times I have to agree with Tom. Dammit Tom!!
  8. Hello all my friends at PPP. As you know I've been away for a while. (though most probably didn't really mind that much LOL ) This past May my four year old daughter Coraline passed away from a severe strep infection that spread through her body. It's been hard since to pay attention to world events and come here to discus them. For those of you that pray, I would ask that you pray for my family as we are navigating through this difficult time. Over the next few weeks I'll start dipping my feet back into the water here. Hope you are all doing well. Even you 3rd.
  9. Even the 20 yard line is almost automatic in the league now. But here's something to chew on. Sorry if someone already come up with it: No field goals allowed within the 20 yard line. Once you're in the red zone you either score a TD or turn the ball over.
  10. I feel pissed you left me off that list. I smoked a **** ton of pot in college. Now I'm a liberal.
  11. Yes. Yes she does.
  12. I never heard anything about blowing up schools. But I do know that when he was younger he was in favor of a violent revolt to end Apartheid.
  13. One of the greatest statesmen of our time. May he forever rest in peace.
  14. I think it does tarnish his legacy a bit, but in the end people remember him as one of the best, if not the best, running backs ever to play the game. But he was right. The team was not committed to winning.
  15. Feeling like someone is a bad coach is far from wishing them dead. I don't care how much I dislike a coach or player. I would never wish them dead. I'm sure that's how most Houstonians feel.
  16. You know, I can respect his decision. We forget sometimes that the NFL is a job for these guys the same way our jobs are for us. He isn't hurting anyone by walking away. The worst is there is less depth on the O-line. And a guy playing without real passion for the game may be a bigger liability to the team than the guy that walks away just because he's not happy playing the game anymore. It's his right to do what he chooses. It would be different if this was the military and he quit on his brothers in arms during a firefight, or refused to deploy. Then I think we could pass some judgment on his character over it. But the NFL is a job like any other. I would quit if I was unhappy in my job, why shouldn't a NFL player be able to do the same? But what if this person you hired for said project was so unhappy doing it that he may be a liability to others on the job as far as safety and moral? Wouldn't you rather that person walked away than force that kind of risk on you?
  17. He may not know yet. Because if he did he might be able to fiat a better player rating into existence with just his mind...
  18. I just bought Madden 25 the other day and when I checked on rating for bills players EA has him rated at 78 overall? Do these guys even watch football? He's a 90 at the very least. Even his "awareness" hasn't come up much since the release of the game and he's one of the most instinctive LBs playing the game today. Talk about a total diss. I didn't see a forum for games. Mods feel free to move if in the wrong place. But I think it belongs here because his rating speaks for how the rest of the league as well as EA views our team.
  19. Now watch Wade kick some a$$
  20. Oh no. Hope it's not a heart attack. That would be terrible. Hopefully it's just a exhaustion. Hang in there Kubi
  21. I have an answer. Kiko Alonso. What the hell, he's a beast everywhere else on the field why not give him the Fullback spot on a 3rd and goal at the 1. Talk about a player that has heart.
  22. They ..."did" things to him?
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