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Best Player Available

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Everything posted by Best Player Available

  1. As a footnote, maybe Rex is trying to fill up the PUP list?
  2. This solution can really hit the checkbook. But we had a similar situation and got it done with a big excavator, with a huge bucket. Cranes and cables can do it but requires pros, unless you have experience. The burning the stump method was very slow, Especially if you can't burn for half the year. Quite frankly it sucks.
  3. Yea you're right no one should make assumptions on a tragedy like this, especially if you have not walked in that mans shoes. Guessing you don't have kids? because if you do I feel sorry for them.
  4. After this, football may be all he has left. It's got to be brutally tough for the Reid family right now. Just guessing but maybe he thought things were under control by having him working in camp with him. A. Reid must be doing a lot of second guessing now. I don't know if there is anything worse in life than losing a kid.
  5. The niners tried that with Renaldo Nehemia. Other than a waste of a roster spot how did that turn out?
  6. Absolutely the best candidate of the 20th century. RIP Pat!
  7. Nope, he will have to. He will have won a couple rings with the Bills, and have to retire as a Bill!
  8. Keeping your comment in context, there is also Unprecedented REVENUE for the team and Ralph. The revenues coming in today dwarf his last good teams of the early 90's. Also, beware of Litman and bean counters needing to maybe prod Ralph to spend in order to secure the 200 million in taxpayer funding for the stadium. It all goes hand in hand. The NFL first is a big corporate business, no one will complain about the money spent this past offseason and the expected results this season. But in the end I don't believe Ralph Wilson woke up one morning and said I want to drop a 100 mil+ this year because Buddy Nix is here.
  9. Yikes, the kid has yet to even play a pre-season game and there are worries about re-signing him? Seriously? I cannot wait until 9-9-12.
  10. Well if the offense is to complex for VY and Receivers is it safe to say we still do not have the right players at those positions? I'm talking receivers here for the most part. Or should Gailey dumb it down a little? Gailey's was nowhere near being in contention for offensive coach of the year in 2011 and other than Graham (who some think was a reach) what has changed with the receiving corp? Injuries aside none of those guys impress or scare many D-Backs.This is IMO our weakest unit on the team but also one of the most important for a pass happy coach and league.
  11. I don't think I am the only one that is not really surprised by this news. Why do you think we had a free agent receiver here when Mario was being courted? It wasn't because we had depth at the position. Every guy wearing a Bills Uni is not going to pan out although many believe the opposite.
  12. Hmmmm, you would think Beer day would get more publicity? Then again in some places everyday is beer day. To celebrate I sure wish I could get a case of one of my old Canadian favorites Calgary export ale AKA a "barley sandwich"
  13. It appears that the Hoody* seems to miss rather than hit lately on signing players with little to no gas left in their tanks. Is this a sign of the beginning of the end?
  14. Well maybe I am missing the humor on this thread, If it's fun on both sides then no harm no foul.
  15. Way longer than 3 years and a bust since he was drafted as a stud tackle and became a mediocre guard and very interchangeable. I guess you can't hit on every first rounder.
  16. This board is going downhill because of a certain few who spend most of their life here writing LAMP posts. Yea, attack the new guy who IMO asked a reasonable question? But it's cool to call out and actually call some other posters here "A-Holes" because they didn't join in on the butt munching session on what TSW means to you. Pathetic, boorish, and juvenile, but you already know that. Grow up! It's a friggin FAN forum.
  17. Even lamer than your first.
  18. Sad, in the end the dude had no game.
  19. Hopefully in the 2nd quarter of game 1!
  20. Exactly, this team is far from complete depth wise. As a quality depth player he would help. His price is probably reasonable and his work ethic is unquestioned.
  21. Has Jimbo come out of bankruptcy yet? Just wondering
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