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Best Player Available

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Everything posted by Best Player Available

  1. 0Nice! Do you think tebow would be in for anything but some wildcat BS? Personally I think it's Sanchez all the way, and Rex is blowing some smoke on Tebows role in their O. For now at least.
  2. Short & to the point. I like it.
  3. Well, at least Gailey is scraping our own dumpster first so far this season.
  4. In the NFL there is no prize for 2nd place. Why would there be a third place trophy and what should it be made of? Certainly not bronze. When the Bills lost 4 straight I didn't wake up the next morning and get giddy over the fact that although we lost the biggest game of the year. We were the 2nd best team. There is one winner each year in the league. The other 31 teams FAIL.
  5. The difference is Dalton has potential, he's young. Fitz is as good as he will ever be. I hope in this year (8?) he finds his groove for 16+ games.
  6. Sheriff copter flyovers are pretty common in the area where I live this time of year.. Who would ever think they have time too fly over NFL stadiums too!
  7. Well that and he's also a breath mint now too.
  8. Not a stretch to say you are president of all 3 chapters.
  9. Assuming you haven't seen the chicks Teblow dates. They look nothing like AC. In fact their sizzling hot. Just sayin............
  10. Some truth in that one line above. Also, zero attempts other than a reach for TJ Graham to finally get some real NFL receivers here. Yet some still believe that signing Easley to the practice squad is a good thing. Like the light will turn on. He was here for 3 NFL camps, he sucks. Time to move on.
  11. Give it a rest. You have posted the same insane dribble for 24 hours now. We hear ya.You act like you were there. You were not. Also, the Giants were not locked in their rooms eating cornflakes. That is for sure. If you want to sell hearsay, here's something to consider. The Raiders were doing blow on the sidelines when they won a super bowl. No, those tubes were not full of nasal decongestants. Marv, had his butt handed to him by parcells. He was out coached. He also hands down had the best team in the NFL that year. he couldn't get the job done. That said, Marv is the 2nd best coach ever of the Bills. he has my respect along with the players of those teams. In other news, Babe Ruth got drunk before big games.
  12. This year the players that cannot cut it will be exposed. That being Quarterback, receivers, linebackers, TE 's and good NFL caliber depth. Next year's team should be without major holes, if we have to give up half our picks for a QB prospect then so be it. We will know the remaining weak spots by seasons end. I'm hoping coaching isn't one of them. It's crazy there is no viable quarterback is being groomed for the future. Gailey's game planning and Fitz's execution are huge in where this team goes this season. I'm still hopeful for 10-6 with playoffs even as a wildcard a bonus. Also, thinking the Jets will be crushed because of Gailey having a lot of time to game plan.
  13. No sarcasm (this time) read the thread.
  14. Funny thing is, he's no kid. Creepy troll? Maybe.
  15. Don't speak for me or put words in my mouth homer.
  16. The next Merriman is just a big signing bonus away.
  17. A receiver or a player called a receiver with no talent? Personally, I've seen enough of them dumpster bargain buys.
  18. I agree with what you say except on Kyle Williams still flying underrated. he was a pro bowl alternate, is now an official member of the NFL big bucks club (no matter how much is draft status still keeps it in check). It's safe to say Kyle has arrived. Of course being on IR last year kept him out of the news. He's paid now to be a stud and he is. The league is aware.
  19. I think Gailey has yet to show his strategery or if it's even in place yet. But i like the run the ball theory a lot.
  20. Well, no one has ever accused Nix or Gailey or Wannastache of being A-List Hires. Maybe that helps explain some of your questions.
  21. How can they do that since his 2012 salary becomes guaranteed at 9PM tonight. I believe that means on the roster or not?
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