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Best Player Available

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Everything posted by Best Player Available

  1. Next up for the Bucs. Get rid of the Crab King.
  2. i certainly don't have Dawkins in the stud catergory.
  3. Say what you want but Kahn owns the coolest tarps in the NFL!
  4. any AFC team but the pats***** Is the correct answer
  5. All solid choices.
  6. 10th pick. Good punters will still be available.
  7. Foles has a 20M team option next year. If he drops out he pays 3M to the franchise. Thy wiil do a sign and trade imo. With 20M the starting point. Huge risk.For the buyer.
  8. Josh has to feel great on this revenge win. The loss In My-Yami a few weeks back stung. The whole locker room has to be rocking now.
  9. Kraft going to dig deep for his replacement
  10. Everyone should wish our ST coach the best in his final(hopefully) game As a Bill.
  11. Kyle Inline for well deserved kudos by the national press!!
  12. Allen's arm is insane. So is his 97 rushing yards.
  13. In high school our punter punted 42 yards on his first kick. 40 yards straight up 2 yards forward.
  14. I think Allen will not allow the team to lose
  15. jumped on Kiko in on the pile. Probably "gave him the business"
  16. The commentators on Miami feed. Going out of their way to say how bad Allen is.lol
  17. Allen cannot run.Only 55 yards on 4 carry's
  18. Don't get the commercial. Is Ray hurting for $$$$$$
  19. Peterman was nominated for the stupidest NFL story"s this season.
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