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Best Player Available

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Everything posted by Best Player Available

  1. "In the spring there will be growth"........
  2. Jones is not a go to player. When Allen does go to him.He drops it. Except late in garbage time against the pats***.
  3. Loss---- The Jets Win---The Cheats
  4. Hey guys who do you have slotted as our starting goalie this year? --Terry Pegula.
  5. Young, unless the entire stable of O-lineman goes down. He Should be one of the first cuts. OK, maybe he plays Q4 of the last pre season game. He is not NFL material. Good camp body maybe.
  6. Highlights so far . A sitdown interview with Billy the Buffalo. Looks like a big chicken wing contest coming up later..... So much information.
  7. If Bodine was 'more than serviceable' Why did OBD seem to make it a priority acquiring a top center? The guard play had nothing to do with Bodine. I don't remember him pulling to help the guards out. Like Eric Wood had to do at times in his career. Bodine is a JAG second string depth player. That's it.
  8. "I like to drink the hell out of red wine" ----Rob Ryan -2016
  9. Not good is an understaement. IMO he was the most important FA signing. And for good reason. He needs to stay healthy for the entire season. I would guess with all the games he missed one season due too a concussion. He will sit the entire pre-season with a bubblewrap helmet.
  10. G-men aren't dumb. They inow it's getting time to find Ruvell Martin. and sign him up.
  11. Well, i guess your point can well be true. Although to my knowledge he was ever caught or even accused of doing HGH or any steroids. it seemed at times one could point to steroid abuse as at least part of his issues. Based strictly on his behavior. But yea, it's all conjecture on my part. . I feel sorry for the guy. And his red Ferrari (rip) in his driveway. His family, etc. This is a situation where the league IMO bears some responsibilty going forward. I hope someone offers him help. It seems like he is still a ticking time bomb.
  12. How he played in Buffalo is of no value at all. Cogs was kept in check by Eric Wood & others. During his tenure as a Buffalo Bill. As a contributor to society, or even as a clean/quality NFL player. he is and will remain on the lowest step on any ladder.... Even Dareus complained he was one of the dirtiest players in the league. Correction! at the time Dareus called him the dirtest player. With eye gouging in the a pile a specialty. Of course that was when he was a dolphin. The NFL is complicit in any of his future digressions. And the odds are with this dude likely not too end well.Or In any post pro football endevors. Does he need help? Obviously. Does he realize his issues? To date no. Big shout out too Chucky for taking on this POS. The league really has no choice here. He should be in civil court ordered therapy. Just on past behavior alone. But that's not how it works anymore. That would obviously include pre NFL behavior. And post Bills 'retirement' behavior. As a human One hopes he seeks out and sticks too a therapy plan..best of luck too one f****d up dude. who's issues are all self inflicted.
  13. Lang has been strugling with this for months now. (meaning a location). Bethel was always out. Because there is a 15,000 seat permanent shed there now. A bit too small. He has even spoke of tribute bands for original performers, like Janis, Cocker, etc. It's a joke. He talks about having some kind of tent housing. to include a bed, a chair, and a light bulb. Those would not be cheap. Maybe if he adds walkers for orignal 69 fans, it would work. He will lose money yet again. And film rights will net nothing this time around. As for CSN or CSN&Y? Not a chance. Crosby is not mentioned in those circles anymore. Very few hotels around Watkins Glen. Thus killing Langs dream of a "multi generational"" festival. Anyone current is on the road then Foo Fighters in UK. On and on. It's a joke. As for "Canned Heat" LOL Fito De La Parra is the lone original member the drummer. I have no idea who would pay actual money for three days of that...
  14. How 'bout them Cowgirls....... First. With Jerruh and J. Johnson in the luxury box....
  15. Awesome advice from someone that's been here around 5 days.
  16. With a rookie stud LT absolutely. He is barely a JAG LT when a lot more is needed at the LT position.
  17. You're correct! They got so desperate to put body's in seats. Late in the season they offered 2 free tickets to every single season ticket holder. And that even failed.,
  18. His contract is 100% guaranteed. He will be fine. I doubt he actually expected any other outcome than what happened today. Certainly the 10 Bucs fans could care less.
  19. First and foremost he is a A-Hole.
  20. Actually, what he has said about next season is that his wife is the person who will have a lot of say in the decision.
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