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Best Player Available

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Everything posted by Best Player Available

  1. No situationsl awareness. Including the coaching.
  2. then get clubbed by the pats for a third time....
  3. Brady had time to do his nails in the pocket. In that drive.
  4. Is it time to consider putting Barkley in? LOL
  5. Come on D. Get those gameday pink panties brady*** wears dirty. real quick...
  6. Meh, no big woof. Fringe player at best...
  7. That's an old Gibson ad slogan. That said we (family) have a large number of everything. As you know mood, style and sound is important. Fender teles, strats, PRS's, etc., and even old Airlines have their place. Never tried to imatate a guitar sound. just bought the thing. But if one looks reallly hard a 1960's gibson LGO mahagony acoustic. Can be within the OP's price point. And they sound great. Never considered something like a Fender acoustic Tone wise they don't cut it.
  8. It's simple--- " If it's not a Gibson, it's not a guitar"..
  9. I'm not an official. So I don't know what the f%#^k is going to happen....
  10. Woods- Great blocker, plays all out on every snap. Still cannot believe he is not a Bill. Espcially considering his current contract. That said Robert Woods is still f*%#+=g crazy....
  11. NFL's pursuit too increase female viewership on full display here. Next year: Julie Andrews...... Don't really object since its a good way too get out and do something else. If the cheats**** make it back too the SB probably watch with sound off anyways.
  12. Not a big fan of some of Bill B's past BS. To include the Hernandez situation early on. However, In the modern area of football. He surpasses even Bill walsh in his heyday. one could probably have supported him more. Had he been the Bills hc for the past 20 years. In the end when Brady finally retires, and if BB stays on. Can he plug and play quickly his replacement? I would not be surprised if that prick could.
  13. Gore's situation is the easiest to fix. Get him a pair of golf shoes. Preferably wing tips. He can get three years out of them.
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