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Everything posted by sidbuff

  1. Here with Blue FIre no to responmd: He id drinking ........SOUTHERN TIER BARLEY WINE.... hE SAYD THATS COOL!?!?!? iIts a good beer
  2. The Party is great! If you are not here, you should be! GO BILLS!!!! TheMadCap
  3. He was here b4, I'm looking for him... hold on
  4. Rockpile say HI to ever1 adn there will be pics this year.... That message goes up to JOEY SIX PACK, the original MOFOAccording to TOM - THE ROCKPILE
  5. GUFFALO is here and the wings ar in.......... NH Bills fan is hrer to..
  6. Did u get the pic of PATGUFF & GUFF??? Pat is asking to AIO
  7. Hello All: Sorry for the delay: Currently at the HAMMERS LOT and so far there is CInday, G.Host, BOB, SDS, LORI, BLUEFIRE, adn more still coming from our board, Currently thing are moving fast right now and it is picking up for those that now about this tailgate, I'm currently smokin g the MEMPHIS RIBS right now,
  8. LLLMMMAAOOOO That is hilarouos,,,,,, SOrry for the delay on this pst guys, but I just got back to my room, I made a stop here earlier before tp drop oof all the items I brought from all the running around shopping I did..... Plus the laptop went dead in the truck. Once I finished the shopping & dropped oof all the items plus the laptop to get charged I ran over to the BIG TREE INN with Christopher my son and had TWO BIG BEEF ON WECK,,,,,man they are good , Jersey has no idea.... THen headed to the tailaget are to hel Hammer setup for the festivities tommorow & Jack in Syracuse showed up, we said our HI's and then ROCKPILE showed up, finished helpign Hammer setup adn met up wt G.Host Cindy (#89) and the rest of the group, everyone is up in sprits ready for tomorrow as I'am. Going to bed to get re-energized, I will be takign the laptop to the tailgate to give every1 a heads up on what is ging on... SID
  9. Woke up this morning and got the phone call from R. RICH..... We met up and chatted ... DAM THAT BOY IS BIG.......Anyway, we met up at DENNYS for breakfeast and chatted for awi;le, will be meeting up later as he has to go meet up with BLUEFIRE. Maybe going to DUFF'S, right now I'm going to FOWLERS for chocolate. Taking my laptop in the truck, have wireless Will be back soon...
  10. AAHHH MAN, Grabbed a beer from the bar that is under new management at the corner of the stadium then went with HAMMER over to BW'S to get some ribs, man they were good. BAck in my room now and going to hit the sack, I'll come back again tomorrow. SID
  11. YOU THATS EXACTLY WHAT I TAKE...... Well as YOU CAN TELL BY NOW I'AM HERE NOW...... Actually I beat my record from last year.... I made it in 5 HOURS & 15 minutes.......... I went to the liqour store right by teh stadium with my styne bottle and filled it up with some wheat beer..... Soon as I said I'm from Jersey guess who truns around and says BE CAREFYLL WITH THEM THEY ARE TROUBLE MAKERS"??? F*U*K*N*G The HAMMMER... GAve him a bug huyg chat for a mintue, went to the stadium to toast to it with my beer then wetn to the Hammers lot where most of us on this wall will be this coming Sunday, HAmmer came over and we chatted for a few, went to teh Tally ho to check in, unpacked and veg for a bit b4 I can log and post this up, First agenda going to a new bar that just opened up down the stadium with HAMMER called TAILGATERS, gonna hang there for a bit and catch up with Hammer..... By the way my direction flew off my car and I had to call my wife to log into the 2billsdrive to give me the directions again... WAting for the arrival of the big RICH R. BE back later-------------- GO BILLS
  12. Well Gang: Soon as I post this up, I'm off with my oldest son Christopher. Already sweeting from running around getting lst minute items. Last year (for those that know me for a long time) I did a travel thread and posted up all the things I did over the weekend. I became at hot topic most important because I'AM NOT FROM BUFFALO, I'm hard grown NJ, born & raised. So much that I became the president of the NORTH NJ BILLS BACKERS. I'm leaving later than I wanted to but will keep you guys posted with everything from the Anchor Bar, to Duffs to Fowlers chocolate, Take care and will be back here soon, SIDBUFF
  13. PACKED UP AND GOING TO BED NOW Waking up in the morning to get last minute items and will begin driving out by 10AM, should be toasting to the stadium around 3:30PM then checking in the Tally HO around 4Pm... Then go check out Hammer and let the night take me away... GO BILLS SID
  14. ALL NJ BILLS Fan: Lets see how large the number of Bills fan here are going..... SID
  15. Im ready to go home and HEADBUT my 12 yr old son before we drive to Buffalo for the game this weekend
  16. Staying at the TALLY HO this year..... Maybe meet up with RICH R. since he always stays there. He RICH - HOLLAH AT ME PLAYER>.. SID
  17. Nice going JACK.... Alway can count on you .......... EXCEPT FOR THE TICKETS SIDBUFF
  18. I will bring my usual: JERK CHICKEN MEMPHIS RIBS And CROWN ROYAL to drink out of my BILLS Shot glasses.. Care to join me !?!?!?
  19. F U JOEY SIX................. Is this because becuase no one posted any pics from last years tailgate !?!?!?
  20. Just do what I do when I'm with my kids.... Just drink one glass of water for every 3 beers your drink. It helps rehydrate your body while you drink so that you can drink more and the beer buzz is in your head but not as heavy... Off course the only down size is having to go to the bathroom more often... SID
  21. Dont even bother...... McFaddens is not having it either: I'm also on the mailins list for MATT SORECO. He sent an email stating that they will not be having it either....
  22. Just spoke to Liz ans she stated that the bar is looking into it right now.... SHe will call me back./ I wil send a post out to all who live in the Nothern NJ/close to the City border area to let you know SID By the way BILLSFANONE: Thanks alot my Bills Brother....
  23. DUDE DON"T SAY THAT EVEN JOKING AROUND?!?!?!?!? I know that place. I actually talk the girl into starting a Bills Backers Chapter in that bar in Hoboken... I'm making the call now...
  24. They have the ticket but not until the 2008 NFL Kickoff season... Not preseason
  25. I wanna wathc it where it Kicks off but I'm going crazy calling bars and looking in the net....... And I don't want to watch it at 12AM on the repeat on the NFL Network... This is what sucks about living in Norhter NJ, its nothing but Jets and Giants..... Any assistance would be a great help....Thanks SID
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