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Everything posted by sidbuff

  2. There was a big diff of opiniond a few weeks back and there was a large discussion over JP being put in oce he recovered. To clear the table after this weekend I change my mind PUT HIM IN NOW SO WE CAN HAVCE A CHANGE OF PACE I don't want Dallas the get a top ten pick at next years draft. :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:
  3. Lets look at least year when the BILLS were 2-0 and in their thirs game at home they hosted the EAGLES 0-2. We were so confident that we had that win and we were going to beat them. I KNOW I WAS...dam we had home field. The Eagles came in our house and dominated and got their first win. So in short words..... Hold off on the penalties and our special teams will setup the offense in perfect postition to score this weekend. Our D will rule strong again.. BILLS WIN their 1ST game...........UPSET THE PATS
  4. LLLAAMAMOOOO That would be hilarious......... "WOW what a cool ride I dropped bacl five steps and saw Bobby Shaw open and when I went to throw I got hit from behind which caused me to bruise my RIBS.....what a ride " THe paramedics had to come in and take me .....but in the end there was a cool ride picture with me on the floor rolled up in a fetus position "
  5. OOOHHH THATS IS SO WRONGGG Actually if you think about it.....it would be a horrific ride since he does not elude defemders....which would mean the company that created the ride woul;d get sued for injuries
  7. You know what kills me about this thread and all the posts I'm reading ???? Is that if by chance the Bills DO happen to be 11-5 all you think NAN IT WONT happen will turn tail,.......
  8. Rich: You and your wife going to the JETS/BILLS at the RALPH??
  9. I bet he slipped. The players were sliiping allover that field that day. It was diffcult for them get treading on that baseball field.
  10. ANNN GIRLLLL Have a BIG Happy B-DAY Wish 4 the BILLS to beat the PATS baby
  11. MY TURN... Marv Levy...............Leadership Gruden................Attitude
  12. I will still and will always believe in the BILLS......they can DOMINATE AND WILL.
  13. Im very happy for you and Im glad that all is well. But remeber, you must continue ot stay strong for your children and especially your wife. Everything is turning up for the better. I knew it would..... Im looking forward to meeting you sometime in the next month over at MCFADDENS. PM me when you will be over there when things settle down a bit more.
  14. HOW about "ALL for ONCE"
  15. I must admit its sad but its a true article with regards to being a straight up guy and accept the bad
  16. Tyrone just signed up Its validating and his username is BIG TY I just saw the pics he took.....man they look great have him send U the link.. Ohh by the way we got our tickets for the Nov 7th game.
  17. Its in New Jersey Are you from New Jersey.........???
  18. MAN......Its obvious that our diff in opinions is what we feel would benefit the team...obviuosly what you think will help the BILLS and I respect but don't agree with it...just like what I think U don't agree. The cool thing about is that we both are intrested in what will make the team better........lets see what happens down the line
  19. So what you're saying is put him in now (right after he recovers which he might be 50/50) have him play take a chance on him getting hurt along with the ZIPPO experience liek U mentioned and have a probability of him getting hurt again B\C we must be prepared for that POSSIBLE SCENARIO NOW (which by the way is very high) instead of just holding off and have at full strength for the future of the team..
  20. The bar up the block called DUFFYS. Man u cant go wrong 10 cent wings and they are awesome along with $1.50 drafts. I too also know the owner and his 3 boys. They show all the games since they have the NFL package and all typs of fans go in there. Its a great atmosphere...
  21. FIRST OFF I"M not disagreeing with putting JP in....I just don't agree with putting him in now and taking a chance on him getting hurt, did u ever think maybe it would benefit the team if he gets healthier and stronger so tha he can take a hit....remeber he got hurt in practice and not in an ACTUAL GAME......but what kills me is that you same people who say throw him in there now and when he gets hurt turn around and say DAMMM why did Mularkey put him in...............we benefit from JP more when he is completely healthier. EXAMPLE: Willis Mcgahee
  22. I cannot believe ehat people are posting up now............... U mean to tell me you would throw in a ROOKIE QB his 1st year after he has been injured for almost half the season.. Ok on that note some of you just reach a low point................Yeah lets throw him in there fresh from recovering an inujury after weeks and take a chance on him getting hurt again NICE............. Hey wait a minute how about throw him in there now ,,,
  23. sORRY DONT MEAN TO BRAG BUT iM along with CAMPY (thanks again for the cigar) Not as good as him where he is 2-2 but I did predict when the schedule came out that they will beat the PATS. Especially with our back against the corner at 0-2. MAn if you as fans have nothing positve to say or think than jump off the board and find yourself another team to bash.. GO BILSS
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