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Everything posted by sidbuff

  1. I've seen the FORGOTTEN last SAT. Myself and my wife enjoyed watching it. I recommend it.........It gets you thinking........
  2. OHHHH SH** It's getting ugly on this thread
  3. DUDE U JUST NOT F*** SAY THAT ??!?!!?
  4. The only implant I want is the one where I'AM DOING THE IMPLATING
  5. I was watching the game closely at the local bar with a bunch of frineds and whenever Drew dropped back I would notice what Willis M would be doing and let me tell he read the blitzes and picked up blocks nicely giving Drew the time he needed.
  6. Regardless of all the negativity I see from other people posting on the board I still believe and always will believe in my BILLS I mean c'mon they lost four superbowl but at leaast they got there......and yet some you still talk down on them. Once you are down they only way to go is back up
  7. Hey It seems like the Org. is doing what it has to do .
  8. HOLY Sh***** I didn't think he would want to leave like that. Being that he is a moe proven QB than Shane Matthews....
  9. THANK YOU THANK YOU He gets his good looks from his MOM Personality from DAD
  10. Check them out. I know its pointless at his point but hey look good. They are a few from every1
  11. My tailgate pictures Sorry it took awhile
  12. I'll be smoking cigars today and remebering you CAMPY. LETS DO THIS ITS GAME TIME
  13. I just finished have my bowl of cereal and made my phone calls to some JETS fans I know and some people that are going to the BILLS tailgate over at lot 16C. It's going to be fun like it is every year but hope fully we can get the frosting with a win today. We need this one BILLS BOARD..............We need this one GO BILLSSSS
  14. Tough crowd on this board. You're right AUSSIE GIRL....................tough crowd.
  15. U assess
  16. I need an update. Whether he is going to practice next week or is he still water joggin ....something.
  19. Nice article man: I will be at the game this coming SUNDAY at the MEadowlands. I'll sing by to meet the founding farthers.....and drink some of that LABATTSS.
  20. CONGRATS MY MAN CONGRATS.... I need you to call me back man...I have to talk to you.... It about the NOV 7th game... Please call me Brand
  21. I CAOULD HAPPEN>>>>>>>>>>>>>
  22. I can't wait to see him get his first start.... I think he will blow the F up.....and when JP somes back nothing but play action passing, running and QB scrammbling.
  23. That F-innnn sucks man........he was def one of the legends I watched growing up. There will never be another one like him
  24. I say this Since he is mostly in the country with nothing to do but drinking and killing animals He was probably drunk out of his ass and his chicken neck was probably out of his boxer shorts, chicken was strugling flapping its wings and in his druncken stummer when he went to chop the chicken neck...............he chopped of his.....I dont get the idea of the dog eating it
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