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Everything posted by sidbuff

  1. I watched the replay a few times and would have to AGREE with you
  3. YEAH YEAH an old Irish guy I even asked him he works there on SUNDAYS and he said OH NO MAN it gets to crazy here on Sundays. And I said with alot of BILLS Fans huh.... He said yup
  4. Yeah I know he does. I just sent him an email from his website since I could not locate him now. I will be looking for you at your booth.
  5. Thats funny..........The owner is a PACK fan. Yeah Im looking forward to seeing that place packed with BILLS fans. Hows your son by the way and how are you doing ??
  6. I was looking for a check cashing place in New York with my co-worker DAVE KALENICH during lunch. He was taking me to a place down 42nd and 2nd and without me realizing I noticed the name of the BAR sticking out to me like a sore thumb. I explained to Dave K. HEy this is the bar that the guys from NYC meet and came up on the BILLS website. He remembers me mentioning it to about the bar before about a month back. So as we were lookign for this check cashing place he turns to me and says you go inside and eat. I felt awkward since I really wanted my first time to be in that bar watching a BILLS game. But then he said c'mon my treat. So I was like COOL OK. Man the food their was awsome and of course with my lunch O had some LABATTS BLUE. I had wings and onion Rings, I was completely full for the rest of the day. People talking about politics, some hot women were there for lunch, huge televisions everywhere and all I kept saying to myself when I met MATT KABEL is where does he sit here on SUNDAYS, or better yet where. B\C from when I met him he said for my first time myself and my wife are welcomed to his table. What a great bar to watch a BILLS game. I cannot wait. HEY MATT I will be coming over for the BILLS/RAMS game if you are reading this. I recommend BILLS fans that live in the NorthEastern area to go at least once here like I will. The website says it all NYC BILLS
  8. YEAH I kinda agree with you. If he doesn't step it up by the end of this season I can say he is a bust and we need to either trade him or drop him.
  9. YO ICE: They out to get you man they out to get you. HEY MAN I believe that everything that happens-happens for a reason. I knopw I will be backing them up as always whether they make it to 500 or not. And for those that keep on criticizng on this board about how they suck. GUEA WHAT YOU SUCK FOR NOT BACKING UP YOUR TEAM. GO FIND YOURSELF ANOTHER TEAM. :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:
  10. Its OK that SHAW is not palying. TIM our ROOKIE tight end really impressed me and Im sure impressed the coaches what he can do out there. Besides that holding penalty he had hea mde up for it with that catch and TD running in the endzone. I bet we'll see alot of him against the JETS. Look how MIAMI"S McMichael TE tore them up in the 2nd qtr.
  11. AGREEED Upset here we come lets go PHISH
  12. Forgive me if Im DUMB whose EZC
  13. The way things are right now I don't know. I feel great about the win yesterday...especially our rookie tight end (he looks good cathcing and blocking). I would have to say as of right now the JETS to lose so we can then give them a second loss when they come over next weekend. WHAT DO YOU GUYS THINK ??
  14. Wish me an Tyron can be there to meet up with you again. Maybe have some jerk chicken again to.
  15. HUN : Alaska is beautiful. Someone at my job goes every year and she brings back lovely pictures. You will def. enjoy being outdoors over there.
  16. I bet one of them was name MINI MI
  17. I talk to alot of PATSIE fans and they said that watching Drew play us reminds them of how he made the same mistakes when he played for them back in NE. He F*** up when the pressure is on. EIther by not producing in the RED ZONE or falling behind in points. He just doesn't play good when he is loosing.
  18. Good report ....very good report......THank You As for you CINDY...........U NAUGHTY NAUGHTY GIRL
  19. I'll be quite honest with you all.................................Reading this thread every single one of you has a valid point starting with the CIGARMAN CAMPY. At this point where there is still alot of football left and yet the current starters are not producing its time for a change...this change seems right for the young BUCK for the U.....but he needs to restrain that excitment he has and save it for game day.
  20. YO that was hilariooouusss
  21. Thats pathetic
  22. Start him practicing him more and get him in the 2nd half at the Jets NOV 7th game. Then start him at the 11/21 game against the RAMS.
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