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Posts posted by sidbuff

  1. Sid that is GREAT news, congrats on the transfer!!


    I understand what you mean about the commute, when I was taking the NJ Transit train from South Amboy to the city and then two subways and I was transferred to NYC without a raise, its tough, and the commute can be so rough at times (sometimes 1 hr 30 min, sometimes 3 hrs).  Glad to hear the great news!




    When you going back to Mcfaddens

  2. Great news, man.  It's nice to be closer to home, isn't it?  I've been on a detail from my regular office (Northeast Baltimore) to an office clear across town.  This office is a 12-15 minute commute each way, as opposed to the 35-50 minute commute to my regular office.  I've been on this detail for 1 1/2 years now and I hope I never go back.






    Believe me I know what you mean: It feels great right ??


    HEy man are going to go down to Bills Central One more time anytime soon. Cause I emailed RIch G. Tha I will be going back down and he said great that R.Rich maybe coing down also and that I should chat with so we can meet up toget her over there again, Are you going back down B4 the end of the season.

  3. It finally came thorugh every1:


    I have been working for a companyu called KPMG (accoutning firm) for fours years now this past SEPT. I have been commuting for the past for back and forth from New Jersey where I reside to New York taking 3 trains each way to get to work and home. Because of this I have not been able to spend time with my kids, my wife has not been able to work, spend 224.00 a month on commute and pay the NY state tax twice a month since I get paid the 15 and end of the month ( twice a month). OH and bythe way, my whole commute from point A to point B was 1hr 15m to 1hr 30m. ONE WAY.


    It haS BEEN DIFFIcult the pst few years especially with a new boos that started two years ago and we did not see eye to eye. He got away with scoldign and yelling at me in front of my co-workers that was not even my fault I was just doing what I was instructed to do (by the ay my profession is IT). Any wa to make a long story short everytime he tried to get out of line with me again I quickly reported him to HR with backup and after the fourth time he laid off me. During this time I tried to transfer to the KPMG in Montvale NJ which is 15minutes away from my home.


    After much struggle and two years a patience I got a call from the Montvale IT boss two weeks ago, and it happened. SHe got approval for a head count and in I went to Montvale. I havent been able to post B\C of the whole transfer and moving my stuff. But I started last WED. THE PERKS NOW:


    I save 224.00 a month, my wife can go back to work part time at night, my commute is now 15 min away which I drive, I spend more time with my family, dont pay the NY state tax anymore and most importantly work for a very noce coopertaive boss.


    Believe me when I tell you my transfer is just a lateral move B\C I willstill be doing the same thing but it feels like a promotionm to me with the amount of money and time I will save.


    I will be posting again................Man the BILLS winning a streak and a transfer what else can go better.


    PS the Bills make the playoffs, YEAH BABY YEAAAHAHAHA

  4. Does anyone here know hoe to lock a row or column in excel, so just thr rows and columns after it scroll (ie-i'd like to lock in the column headings so i can just scroll through the values in each column to compare it to the heading...without having to scroll back and forth across hundreds of cells)


    thanks for the help...




    I know EXCEL but you confused me with yur question ....Can you repharse a little difft.

  5. I got a Dell from Dell.com and am very happy with it.  I think that they have very good prices and will work with you so you don't buy something you don't want.




    I agree go with DELL. They always have deals and the best part about is that if you place the order online with some1 from Dell customer rep. they can assit pricewise with deals and you will get the online discount.





    Glad U had a safe trip coming up for the game and going back home. Hope 2 C U soon again.


    Hey we have 7 games left. Would you be down to do it again ??


    Im going to go back down 2 CNJBB again...let me know


    It was great seeing you again...Ohh by the way how did U feel the next day after eating the hot pepper ??


    I was hurting man...

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