He wasn't at the bar Ice. Many times we get called away to do family things and depend on the local affiliate to provide updates and the Bills are low on the totem pole. geez
That's part of being a Bills fan Bro. It's not going to change. We've always had to work harder as out of town fans. To follow our team, buy gear in stores, find other fans etc. But when we do it makes it that much sweeter.
Quick Tip: Life is short. Get your education enjoy what you can (I can't believe any place in the U.S. is that bad) count your blessings and move on. WNY'ers have character and make the best of any situation. You my friend sound spoiled and immature. Get a grip the world will be your oyster.
It had something to do with Ruben Brown. I think the infection he put in the offensive line has finally cleared up and Drew is able to do his thing again.
I am willing to give Ice a break. He's just a little stubborn. but you can't question his loyalty. He's a hardcore Bills fan like most of us. BTW rookie QB training delayed again....