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Posts posted by JohninMinn.

  1. Read where Villarial has a pulled abdominal muscle(s) and was replaced in the game toward the end. If anyone has any updated news, please post it. He and Big Mike on the right side have really played well down the stretch.




    Pulled abs are bad news. Hope it's very slight or he takes a couple shots for the next few games. :blink:

  2. I tell ya what the other teams in the playoffs really dont want anything to do with BUFFALO right now!! Man they have putting a bad wooping on everybody!!! But as for wanting the PATS. I think evey team in the AFC playoffs will be really hard to beat look how many good teams in the AFC and the NFC has one really good team and a bunch of avg. teams...Look AFC N.E, IND., PITT., SAN D., AND BUFFALO and the poor ole NFC has PHILLY and thats it I think CAR. PANTHERS are alot like you guys. Started slow with alot of bad breaks early but didnt let it get you down. That what makes a great team , not how you start but how you finish, and wow what a finish you and CAR. are having...GOOD LUCK BILLS!!!!


    Thanks for the encouragement Bengal :blink:

  3. We are gonna make the playoffs- I am convinced!  How sweet would it be to knock the Patsies out of the playoffs?  Bring them on!  Bring anyone on!  We have a kickass football team!  Thanks TD!


    Pete said he's convinced. I am too. We can visualize if we want. Brady Dead, Brewski dead, Dillon dead...... ;)

  4. ...only further emphasizes the fact that New England's loss to Miami was, without question, the single most embarrassing upset in the last five years.


    How did last night's Fish team beat the Patriot's last week? They didn't. Truth is, the Fish didn't win as much as the Patriots lost. A team as fine-tuned as the Pats clearly should have never choked like that did in that game. It's hard to imagine a more embarrassing upset...ESPECIALLY in light of watching last night's game.


    I don't know what's wrong with the Patriots, but I'm sure their fans are pretty concerned right now. Regardless of how they finish out the year, last week's epic dump on national TV is a keeper.



    They are definitley in trouble if they meet the Buffalo Bills Wrecking Machine one more time this year. :blink:

  5. He says he thinks the Colts will play their starters most if not all of the game to tune their offense because they will only get one home game. They need to perfect their game outdoors to play Pitt or NE.


    Usually I don't listen to Dinka but that made sense.



    It's always dangerous to play to avoid injuries. Kinda like the prevent defense! :blink:

  6. Not precisely back. Got a mail message saying I had a PM. Will be disappearing soon again.





    - Glenn -


    Steve Tasker need to be put on Wall of Fame in 2004!

    Steve Tasker Tribute (published first in 1996)


    - In Semi-Retirement, hung up my cape -

    Anybody got some CowBell for the former crusader??? We need Glenn at a time like this. :blink:
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