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Everything posted by JohninMinn.

  1. Hang in there brother. Life is a struggle at times. You might not see it here but we all have stuff goin on. I'm confident your 2005 will be a lot better.
  2. Sounds a lot like our John Y Brown. We traded Moses Malone and some other stars shortly before moving to San Diego. Most here probably never heard of the Buffalo Braves either....
  3. Ditto! I wouldn't have it any other way! However my best News Years Eve ever was 1973 at the Aud when ZZ Top opened up for Alice Cooper and I had a hand full of "Ludes" and some fine lookin ladies.
  4. Keep doin what your doin time flys when your on TwoBillsdDrive. Plenty of interesting personalities. I been off all week and posting my ass off. It's like being in a time warp!
  5. Dear Lord, I know football is not a priority right now and we pray for those suffering in south east asia and the middle east. However as a humble Bills fan who has suffered countless heartbreaking close calls I am asking that you intervene in two football games this Sunday. We can handle the Steelers but you have to give Mr. Martz his brain back for that day resulting in a Rams win. Then let Peyton's and the Colts egos give them the fortitude to beat "The Snake" in Denver. Finally I promise never mention "Wide Right" and "no Goal" ever again! Amen John Glad some other Bills Fans are doing this. My thread didn't quite get it going.
  6. I don't care if it's your Birthday your upsetting the ju ju......
  7. The same one I jump off every year since 1966!
  8. It's an unwritten rule.
  9. Nothing worse than baseball crap cluttering up the board when our playoff lives are at stake!!
  10. I give up. I guess I'll have to fear Tommy Freakin Maddox
  11. Our Guys come out of the Tunnel Like Lazarus from the Tomb! The decibles will be enormous.
  12. It's a lead pipe lock. 12th man is going to keep us from letting down against their scrubs, unlike the Rams did against Philly. We'll be getting things like good ball spots, defensive holding and procedure penalties against them because of the noise and its effect on the Refs.
  13. Not Bad...I just don't like that also
  14. I'm with ya. It all starts with a dream!
  15. Nothing worse than this college nonsense cluttering up the board when our playoff lives are at stake!
  16. 110 yds. He will come out in the 3rd Qtr to rest up for the playoffs.
  17. For those contemplating becoming a lemming or licking windows.
  18. Makes you wonder what's going on in those former East Block countries with the rogue scientists still there. Reminds me of the Island of Dr. Moreau movie.
  19. That being said my only question is was it "The Clear or The Cream"?
  20. Tommy Freekin Maddox at the Ralph keeps you up? Good luck when the playoffs start.
  21. Now I'm confused Is he an adult with this kind of football knowledge?
  22. I'm an analogy guy and this is as close to perfect as you can get. To take it a step further over 40 yards is a legitimate heavyweight! I hope this guy doesn't cost us in the playoffs.
  23. If you feel some slight choking coming on you might have what the Viking players have.
  24. It's a lot like the preseason. A total crapshoot. But the 12th man is gonna turn this into a rout. Bills 51 Steelers 3
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