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Everything posted by JohninMinn.

  1. Until we win a freakin Super Bowl I will be tormented. Not by an inferiority complex, but by the perception of the general public that we choked 4 straight times.....
  2. That's disturbing....
  3. "She Sells Sanctuary" The Cult. Guaranteed to cause speeding and erratic driving.
  4. Who ever sits in the back seat?
  5. Too bad the regular season means absolutely nothing.
  6. It's bizarre how much effort has to go into getting Ralph into the HOF. It should be a no brainer. I don't get it.
  7. What subjects don't you hold forth on? I figured there wasn't any after seeing you attack the cowbell so viciously.
  8. One minor change
  9. Could this be DC Tom??
  10. The part of Minnesota cold I can't get used to is the part where it stays below zero for a week or two straight. You have to survive a series of relentless Alberta Clippers! Still haven't had to plug my car in though. Batteries have come a long way I guess. How many days til spring? It's supposed to get in the mid twenties today it'll feel like a heat wave.
  11. The bigger the stage the bigger the choke. Unfortunately "wide right" started us on the road to biggest chokers of all time. It's not necessarily true but it is ingrained in the public perception for the forceeable future.
  12. I think you guys are being too hard on TH. He gave 100% here and just got beat out by a better back. Have a little sympathy for the guy he's not the brightest and his contract was more than reasonable. He deserves to get paid somewhere else preferably not Miami.
  13. I still haven't got over Gabriel leaving...
  14. It wasn't a fake moon. He took a fake dump and wiped it on the posts. That desecrated packerland.
  15. "Just Give it to em."
  16. Older Dudes. Remember Bob Allen bunkered down in Westfield sp? The old Franklin's Furnace days on the Bear....
  17. Keep a good stash of Quill and Penicillin.....
  18. I didn't like JP's body language. He looked dumb and scared to me.
  19. Evans goes across the middle Moulds doesn't. Case closed.
  20. Interesting = funny? What is happening to our society? It's getting pretty shallow out there.
  21. All that can be summed up with two numbers. 9 and a 7.
  22. Do you know Hank Hannigraf of CRI?
  23. Mott The Hoople "All the Young Dudes"
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