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Everything posted by JohninMinn.

  1. The Patriots make me so sick I will be fasting on Super Sunday. How can any Bills fan even watch this crap??
  2. Happy favorite Avatar is back day! Happy B day Jen.
  3. I was the first to call RJ a bust....
  4. J.P. is immature and not ready. What's so hard to understand about that?
  5. That's a pathetic selection for internet dependent Buffalonians.
  6. That's not Fake-Fat. He's missing a - and the message would never use a juvenile word like "psyched."
  7. All I can say is the Dilferazation process will continue for another year. Drew will manage this team to the Bowl next year. All this WILD speculation is the main reason i dread the off season the way I do....
  8. "Shimmering Head of Wisdom Looking at Me"
  9. Not me. He's coming back to start again. You will see my friend.
  10. Two guys waiting to get processed now. Oops there goes a trustee in his orange suit... Makes me grateful to have my own problems and not these guys. Waiting and waiting and waiting will drive you nuts when your under that much stress.
  11. Great Blog
  12. Good read and perspective
  13. Exactly Fake. The draft is a crapshoot. Give me some proven talent anyday.
  14. Experience has shown me just the opposite. Life is way too complex to sum up in such a trivial way. The next time you see a child stricken with a crippling disease ask yourself if he/she would have been better off not being born or maybe just maybe there is an ever present all powerful Creator of the Universe ready to make all things right on the last day.
  15. Trades have gone the way of the dinosaur. Look for Drew to compete for starting job and be a willing backup if he loses.
  16. Way to Go Bills Fan. Nice to see Marv can still handle the Big Apple and the people there appreciate him.
  17. I thought this poll would do better. Sorry for the bump...
  18. You are pemanently banned as talent evaluator due to Josh Reed debacle.
  19. What's even sadder is refering to that show as AI indicating you are familiar with such trash.
  20. Long video but amazing. Looks a little dangerous for an amateur. The boy left over in me wonders what would happen if I put a frog in the cockpit???
  21. Just seeing if there is any correlation to the last big debate...
  22. Political board please your dragging all the liberal weinies out.
  23. I guess deep down I didn't believe either. Thanks for pointing that out to me after all these years. He didn't miss by much though.....
  24. 48. Went to my first Bills game with dad at the rockpile in 1963. Like a Salmon that's been imprinted, I come back to the same stream every year since. .......Regardless of obstacles.
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