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Everything posted by JohninMinn.

  1. You youngsters don't know Marv is a character guy.... I'd roll the dice myself.
  2. I'll never forget Sister Moonshine while motoring To Myrtle Beach in 1974 for spring break. Man i'm freekin old
  3. But saw enough to see our high motors get blown back. We havent been good since the Package and Mount Washington.
  4. Best Chargers Worst Seahawks Needs Work Bills
  5. Thanks I havent laughed that hard in a while....
  6. You can never overpay for a high motor defensive end...
  7. Rob the Surfer Boy Video Game Playing all the Physical Tools Bust..... He caused the Homerun Throwup jinx.
  8. He doesn't have breakaway speed.
  9. That's downright scarry nostradomic. Nice job Lew Port.
  10. Well the franchise is wobbling a bit eh? JP might make it but the Jackles are getting closer. We need to make the playoffs.
  11. Just before my 1 year suspension I said the JP experiment could cost us the franchise. We were a Lindell FG away from the playoffs before the dice were rolled. Two prototype California QB's may have doomed us.
  12. A red flag always goes up when someone can actually like another team besides the Bills. Video games and high ticket prices have watered down true fanaticism.
  13. Great seeing you and Lori before the Jacksonville game Cable. Hope you enjoy the fish fry. Wish I could be there Bills 27 Phins 13
  14. He's a high motor white guy like most of our D lineman......... Aint worth much in a smash mouth game.
  15. When the Bills decided to give the keys to J.P. and forfeit 3 seasons (while he might develop) I knew the market was too small for us to hang in there. This ain't rocket science. Man it's good to be back.....
  16. There's a lot of wisdom in that post.
  17. Game six was predictable. Spurs knew they had another chance at home and the Pistons knew it was do or die. All sports are mental at this level.
  18. Moulds won't go over the middle anymore....
  19. Titanic. Tried to watch it 3 times and fell asleep each time.
  20. Did you get the plate # on that Lettuce Truck you just fell off ?
  21. The statute has been extended by starting a rookie RJ jr.
  22. This problem is minor compared to starting a kid at QB.
  23. Video Games, Extreme sports and a $400.00 dollar family price tag on Sundays to attend a game has eliminated the knowledgable, hardcore fan. The drivel on TV shows and non sensical trivia will only get worse. The NFL will resemble Rollerball in a shorter time period than you think. I'm still amazed the kids on this board can't see the 3-13 J.P. disaster coming this year.
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