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Posts posted by JohninMinn.

  1. On 10/21/2021 at 8:32 PM, Freddie's Dead said:


    In the immortal words of John Cleese, "It's people like you what cause unrest".  You've now taken on me, @Mike in Horseheads and @GoBills808, not by debating our conclusions, but with condescending, ad hominem attacks.  This thread is for people that want to discuss football.  If you want to discuss football with respect, feel free to post.  If not, you're not welcome here.  Take your personal attacks and your condescending attitude to other threads, there are plenty of people out there who will be more than happy to engage you.  



    Don't be distracted Freddie. We got to get to the bottom of #49's value.

    I would like to know how much he's  still learning or if he just can't hunt.


    • Thank you (+1) 1
  2. 15 hours ago, Freddie's Dead said:

    The Week 6 Bills v. Titians edition of The Edmunds Report is here.  I will state what I see on a play, then assign a point system -1, 0, +1, and keep a running total.  I'll ignore plays where he's not involved and only look at coverage if he's onscreen (I don't have the All-22).  I'll also flag plays for the haterz so they can skip the rest.  Based on feedback, I'll also be looking at plays where 49 is rushing the passer to determine his relative effectiveness there.  Let's go to the tape.


    Titians 1st possession

    3rd and 11, TIT 9 - 49 drops deep, Tanny flips to TE, 49 makes tackle (HATERZ PLAY), but after giving up first down (-1,-1)


    Titians 2nd possession

    1st and 10, TIT 21 - Off tackle run to Henry, 49 blocked at point of attack, sheds block to cleanup on Groot's tackle (0,-1)

    2nd and 10, TIT 21 - 49 held by Lewan on screen block, Henry trips and Tanny throws INC, but 49 was in position to make the tackle (0,-1)

    3rd and 10, TIT 21 - 49 drops, Tanny has nowhere to go, scrambles, 49 runs right at him and Tanny air mails a ball into no man's land (+1,0)


    Titians 3rd possession

    1st and 10, TIT 34 - Toss sweep right to Henry, 49 chases down the line, sheds a block and is in the pile tackling Henry for a 3 yard gain (+1,+1)


    Titians 4th possession

    1st and 10, TIT 24 - Middle run to Henry, 49 lined up over left tackle, blocked further left by Saffold, as Henry hits the hole, 49 is at least 5 yards away and has no chance (HATERZ PLAY), Poyer, Taron Johnson, and Tre' White all held, no call on any of them, you know what happened next (-1,0)


    Titians 5th possession

    1st and 10, TIT 21 - Off tackle run left to Henry, 49 blocked in the back past the hole by 64 (no call), 49 gets a shoulder into Henry and Star and Groot clean up for a 2-yard gain (+1,+1)

    2nd and 8, TIT 23 - 49 follows tight end in motion, then when Tanny scrambles, drops into zone following Tanny's eyes, as Tanny airmails it over Rogers's head (+1,+2)

    1st and 10, BUF 29 - Pitch to Henry left, Addison does his best Josh Norman impersonation while eating Henry's stiff arm, but slows him up just enough for 49 to come in and lay the wood for a 3 yard TFL (+1,+3)  

    3rd and 6, BUF 25 - 49 rushes the passer, not much penetration, looked ineffective, Tanny throws INC (0,+3)


    Titians 6th possession

    1st and 10, BUF 11 - 49 blocked by Saffold on Henry run, 49 sheds block and makes tackle (HATERZ PLAY), but not until Henry makes a 7-yard gain and Lewan gets racked up (-1,+2) 

    2nd and 3, BUF 4 - 49 on right side of D in front of Addison who crashes down and bites hard on the RPO to Henry, while Tanny runs into the gaping hole left by Addison and 49 is blocked to the outside by 71 (HATERZ PLAY).  49 gets his left arm on Tanny's package, but that's it, as Tanny fights through Poyer's tackle into the EZ (-1,+1) 


    Titians 7th possession

    1st and 10, TIT 19 - Henry off-tackle left, 49 makes the tackle, but after a 6-yard gain (-1,0)


    First half observations

    I understand the haterz frustration with 49.  While he didn't exactly hurt us, he didn't exactly help us either.  We needed someone to step up on D and make a play, and no one did.  Tanny did not throw his way at all in the first half, but as we know, that changed in the second half.


    Titians 8th possession

    1st and 10, TIT 33 - 49 bites on PA to Henry, then drops, but too late, Tanny complete to AJ in the hole behind 49, 8 yard completion (-1,0)

    2nd and 2, TIT 41 - 49 run blitz in to left of offense, runs right for 1st down (0,0)

    2nd and 10 TIT 44 - Henry off tackle left, cuts back to middle, 49 blocked out of play (HATERZ PLAY), chases Henry, Hyde gets trucked for 19 yard gain (-1,-1)

    2nd and 10, BUF 37 - Henry middle run, 49 crashes down from left side of defense and is in on the gang tackle (+1,0)

    1st and 10, BUF 15 - Henry middle run, 49 crashes down to right side of defense, overruns the hole, trips and lands on his stomach (HATERZ PLAY, but well-deserved, 49 looked stupid on this one), Henry with a 4 yard gain. (-1,-1)


    Titians 9th possession

    1st and 10, TIT 35 - Henry left screen, 49 chases, misses tackle but cleaned up for 4-yard gain (0,-1)

    3rd and 5, TIT 40 - 49 drops, as well as Obada on a zone blitz, Tanny (gotta give it up to the little *****) hits AJ for 12 yard first down reception in the seam between 49 and Obada (-1,-2)

    1st and 10, BUF 47 - Delay draw to Henry, 49 fights off the block and tackles Henry for a 2 yard gain (+1,-1) NEED MORE OF THIS, 49!!

    2nd and 17, BUF 32 - Quick slant to AJ, 49 makes immediate tackle for 6 yard gain (+1,0)

    3rd and 11, BUF 26 - 49 drops, Tanny dumps to Jones on the crossing route, 49 makes immediate tackle for 4 yard gain to force the FG (+1,+1)


    Titians 10th possession

    1st and 10, TIT 30 - Henry middle run, 49 fights off blocks to help cleanup Star and Taron's tackle for no gain (+1,+2)

    1st and 10, BUF 34 - Henry off tackle left, 49 fights through traffic and punks Henry high while Zim gets him low for a 1 yard TFL (+1,+3)

    2nd and 11, BUF 35 - 49 drops, Tanny hits 15 on crossing route, with 49 again making an immediate tackle for a 5 yard gain (+1,+4)

    3rd and 6, BUF 29 - 49 drops, Tanny goes back to 15, who avoids the tackle by 49 for the 1st down (-1,+3)

    2nd and 1, BUF 13 - Henry off-tackle left, Saffold pwns 49 and opens a hole big enough for me to hit (HATERZ PLAY) and Henry walks into the EZ practically untouched (-1,+2)



    1.  49 was not the reason the Bills lost this game, but he didn't do much to win it, either.  

    2.  As a pass rusher, 49 doesn't have much to offer.  It's just not his game.

    3.  49 was responsible for 5 catches for 35 yards, no PDs or INTs.

    4.  I have to agree with the haterz this time that we needed 49 to make a few more plays this week.


    49 grades overall:

    Squeelers - B+ (6 HATERZ PLAYs)

    Fish - INC (DVR #### the bed)

    WTF's - B- (7 HATERZ PLAYs)

    Erlers - A+ (2 HATERZ PLAYs)

    Chefs - A- (11 HATERZ PLAYs)

    Titians - C (7 HATERZ PLAYs)

    With his speed and wingspan Frazier should send him up the middle between Oliver and star. He's too much of a floater.

    • Thank you (+1) 1
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