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Everything posted by Schmuggs

  1. Romos vocal fry is terrible...
  2. The inherent bias the Refs bring to these games make it virtually impossible to watch. What a joke.
  3. Crackback. No!! What a hit!! Bull ****.
  4. It can’t Be any more obvious....
  5. Conspiracy?? This is entertainment. Please stop assuming. Thanks Doc.
  6. Only pats. Guy was obviously down and they hesitate blowing the !@#$ing whistle. Pathetic WWE entertainment. !@#$ the refs and !@#$ the pats.
  7. Mcdermot and Beane have a plan for the QB position and they will implement it this off- season....
  8. He was not aware you had such strong feelings against him. I think a warning would have sufficed to change his behavior. He has been a member here for a long time and never really got into any issues. I just hope you’ll let him back, ideally before the draft. Thanks Sds
  9. Exactly. Leroi has told me some gems. Ive seen the Bills draft board already. The plan for our draft picks, packaged or stay put. He knows who the next OC will be. What players are are actively being shopped. Some of the info. he has shown me and has told me would absolutely blow you mind. Personally I prefer to have the scoop before the media. I hope you guys can make up so he could come back to share.
  10. Expected and needed. The other day Leroi was taking about this. He doesn’t want me to share any real info, esp. here, however, His replacement will be an upgrade. Big upgrade... mlm
  11. Relax man. Let’s not put the horse in front of the cart. Beats is a very aggressive word for abuse. I was referring to his lack of self control that in turn leads to rage. This could be an anger issue. I wouldnt be surprised if there are a few holes in his walls from his frustration. Again, just not very classy. Men don’t react with violence out of frustration. Immature boys do.
  12. Not a good look. Passion or Anger issues?? is he married?? does he take out his frustration with violence at home?
  13. Uh yeah. Moving out of the Siberia of the United States would improve anybody’s life. I mean you cant even go outside without being uncomfortable for 7 months out of the year. Humans are not supposed live in environments like this. It’s counter productive to heath and happiness. Only the cursed, banished and scared remain. .. Of course it changed his life.
  14. Every coach we’ve had since levy was either offensive or defensive retarded, except Rex. Same ****. Different day.
  15. This article isn’t about Bortles. It’s aboit Trod and how horrible he is, the worse. And it’s true. If there was an article written comparing the two QBs. There would be none, Bortles is much better. But that’s not the point. Please stop making yourselves look foolish.
  16. Did you guys even watch the game? The second half? bortles looked decent, esp during the 2nd half. Much. Much better than trod. Trod has to be one of the worse if not the worse in the league. Dude flat out can’t ball.
  17. Wtf was Samatha doing? He single handily lost that game. Woods big baller though.
  18. maybe a case of beer? sorry, no way my wife would allow a creepy stranger at our party... talk about awkward energy.
  19. That’s great man. I couldn’t even ponder what your handicap was because you didn’t specify, I assumed it was an injury; actually being sensitive to your very general statement. I apologize for hurting your feelings....
  20. I can smell the whore from here. Nasty He should be proud of his strong morals.
  21. Why is you Title all !@#$ed up. The Russians??!
  22. You tweeted 716 about your injury? Just stay home. We want to have fun, not worry about your special needs. Tomorrow is about the Bills!!
  23. Please watch what you say here folks. Think of it as the N. Korea of Message boards. This is serious business.
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