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Everything posted by Schmuggs

  1. Beane was busy drinking scotch and f-ing. He had no interest.
  2. Oh. There’s definitely a plan for QB. Trust me. We will get our guy. Leroi was talking about this the other night. Most of you guys will be very happy.
  3. Leroi was talking about this the other day. Our new QB will be a much bigger upgrade than Smith. No worries. Leroi s Draft board coming out next week!!
  4. Lerois quote: “draft board is looking really good. Some pretty amazing trades and we will get our guy...” Our top ten prospects who we are targeting If, who and when we will trade up or down Leroi expresses regret he could not share it here...
  5. There are no more remaining members with inside sources. They have all been culled off. Leroi was was the only reliable source and he was banned. Now you guys can get your scoops from the media. mlm
  6. Wwe bull ****. This is not a game but predetermined entertainment.
  7. This new drought will make the old one look young. Beane and the bald ginger need to go. ASAP.
  8. We got !@#$ing jordon Matthews for a second round budding star. Beane has no clue wtf he is doing.
  9. Is this thread serious? Smh. Opie you have no idea how karma works. Don’t attempt to explain it. Theyre in the super bowl.
  10. Beane purged all of our talent just to spite whaley. Immaturity...
  11. Very sensitive topic here. Watch out op. Saying anything negative about the buff News results in petty insults from the sheep then usually followed by a perma ban. Twobillsdrive = the buff News.
  12. Is this a joke? You really think it was the players? Dude you need to Relax. You are in the wrong here. There is no need to treat other members like this.
  13. At least make it reviewable. These refs are seeing money signs.
  14. It’s funny because I had a bet who would make the playoffs first. We both did. Marrone was a great coach with a personality problem. He was changing our culture and things would be much better if he stayed. It’s just too bad the guy has no self respect or loyalty. But we don’t know what happened behind the scenes. There is no doubt; Marrone was our best coach since Levy. The bald ginger has potential but not there yet.
  15. Because the patriots wouldn’t like it. Thats why.
  16. No actually, it’s his nickname. Did you watch the season?
  17. Some Star Trek fans are real dorks sometimes excuses excuses excuses stone hand Jones.
  18. This post reminds me of a quote from my man Thomas Fuller: ”It is the property of fools to be always judging” Look it up and enlighten yourself, Irish.
  19. Here we go ND with you over criticizing of members. Why do you care so much?? Stick to football and stop pretending you know people, because you don’t. Just a heads up, wouldn’t want you to look foolish...
  20. Does not get any more obvious.
  21. All I know is that Leroi feels bad for upsetting you and he would like to come back to the community to contribute in a positive manner. Please give him another opportunity. Thanks Sds
  22. And Here come the excuses. Did your hurt shoulder cause you to drop almost every pass thrown your way, Zay?
  23. Refs will make it look even in garbage time. Watch.
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