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Everything posted by Schmuggs

  1. Shadys true team will always be the eagles. He plays In Buffalo for the paycheck and the paycheck only. When the season is over, he is out of town before you can blink an eye...puff
  2. Ah yeah if your standards are so low you’d sleep with any yoga pant wearing beached whale. There is only one type of person who voluntarily moves to Buffalo, .
  3. This move makes Washington a contender next year and beyond.
  4. I live in San Diego man. I get out all the time, everyday.
  5. Thats funny cause its true. Lol.
  6. I bet Shady wishes he could’ve been there with his fam...he hasn’t been the same since his banishment...
  7. From !@#$ing Chip Kelly to winning the !@#$ing super bowl. And we are stuck with the Bald Ginger and McDork.
  8. Lol. Is that your password also?
  9. What the !@#$ is that supposed to mean? You control what people like? Hope you’re not married. If you are old, get wise.
  10. This was almost as good as the Blacked eyed peas. It was !@#$ing gold. Gold Jerry. Gold
  11. Hey Bud. Didn’t you get the memo. “Please Change Title”. Lol. Its all !@#$ed up.
  12. More **** against the wall.... is it stickin?
  13. I’m sorry you don’t understand. Maybe a little more experience will teach you. When we are young and immature, we tend to spout off about things we don’t really grasp and this is a perfect example. This topic is obviously over your head... It’s cool though man, no worries.
  14. Timberlake is a pure entertainer. Great Half Time Show. This guy is a legend. Fits the NFL perfectly.
  15. Story hasn’t morphed, the communist trolls twist facts. SDS does run the board, he has the right to ban whoever, whenever. I would like the old twobillsdrive back before the refugees ruined this place. It’s not the boards owner it the new members. This place has turned into THE BBMB and it shows. Twobillsdrive was an escape from BBMB madness. Now look at it. I’m sorry you don’t agree, but I cant be alone in feeling this place has changed significantly, because it has. I’m saying we need an alternative.
  16. That’s all you could come up with, really? You think that is ban worthy even if true? In a board full of trolls, Leroi was our only real connection. Now we have nothing but insults, opinions, and links to articles. We came here to escape the BBMB COMMUNISTS like rules and mods. Since the flow of refugees last year, this place has become worse that BBMB and Mod behavior follows member behavior. When a good alternative message board comes around, I’m sure Leroi will surface again. We need a 3 Bills drive to escape the Russian trolls on this site that migrated from BBMB. The virus has spread...
  17. This is false. Mikinski In Horseheadinski, Silly tactics. He mentioned only software issues and when they were resolved thanked sds. Leroi was consistently spot on, esp. during the draft. If you’re going to spew false info. Better be ready to back it up. I see you are not prepared.... Thanks Don.
  18. Thanks Rubinski. Your tactics are useless here...
  19. Lame. Op pays to read that garbage. Lol. Some people just waste and waste and waste. No wonder.
  20. You won’t find it or him here. He was banned for nothing, out of the blue one day. A perceived power struggle which was someone’s imagination, it didn’t even exist. He thought he was being antagonized. I do know Leroi very well. Him and I are good friends actually, since High School. He still works with the Bills and offers all of his great information to us. We love listening to his stories and hearing breaking news days before the media. He doesn’t understand why SDS is ignoring his messages, ego I guess. Im sure Leroi will surface again one day, at a different board perhaps. Until then, His inside info is on hold, publicly, of course... Its fun though, watching you guys throw **** on a wall, and hoping something sticks.
  21. Brilliant?? What the !@#$ are you taking about? We made the playoffs in spite of our coaches idiotic decisions.
  22. Yeah. Cousins in average. TTwith a real OC is better.
  23. Beane and all his Winning.... wow
  24. How do you see that? We have one of the worse wr in the league? No o line? And a new OC.
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