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Everything posted by Schmuggs

  1. Who the !@#$ is DC Tom and what is his message?
  2. Keep digging Holmes...
  3. He plays in the NFL. He already is an actor. You don’t think this entertainment is a sport, do you?
  4. Hmm? Cousins to Buffalo is laughable. Good Joke though.
  5. Yeah. Who gives a **** about some d-bag. Karma will soon catch up with him... I say though, He doesn’t retire.
  6. What are you taking about? I can’t believe I’m conversing with someone so paranoid to think that I’m another member. And to speak in plural sense. I see an underlying condition that I’m not going to exploit. Welcome to my ignore list. It consists of one. You or we or whatever. Please accept my apology, I didn’t realize.
  7. Funny, I don’t expect anything from you. Was he your pin up poster on your ceiling? Boy crush it was... we? Lol.
  8. Fun Fact: Bill Burr and Sean McDermott are related.
  9. It’s funny how he deflects. This is site is filled with people just trying to bring others down. Let’s be happy and positive. Just be cool
  10. It was a joke. People. Hello!! You guys are way too stuck up. is Frank your Dad or something? Is this some special boy crush? Useless tactics again, by useless trolls... Let’s make this a positive, happy place.
  11. Yeah. He played the background (instrumental) music while the real coaches did their thing. Career backup QB to career backup OC. Why settle for second best??
  12. Fingers crossed. I believe he would’ve helped us tremendously. Let’s hope it was the coaching that made/ makes smith look play good.
  13. Very Risky, The F Reich is a rookie hc, an ok offensive coach. Colts are in bad, bad shape. This is potential career decision if it continues to go south. The guy that drafted tebow first saw the wiriting on the wall. Head scratcher, he must of really wanted out of Philadelphia
  14. The Bills were in play for this QB. Mcbean is a terrible negotiator. The my way of highway type, kinda like Trump. Only without the leverage...
  15. Lol. Couldn’t be any more False. Lol
  16. No legal recourse, but a very heavy reputation recourse. This guy will never get another chance. What a loser, inside and out...
  17. We definitely took a step back, sack wise. We can definitely do better than bend don’t break Frazier. I hope he lands that job.
  18. Maybe we should donate money, that we can’t afford, to help them clean up.
  19. You are the quintessential typical poster I am referring to. Get off off my back man, ignore and move on. You feel a need spread hate and false lies just because of your perception. News flash!! We are all not miserable, and unhappy. Please stop attempting to bring us down to your level. Your tactics are useless here. Thanks Bud.
  20. Its funny cause it’s True. Are you bring sarcastic or just rude? I can’t tell.
  21. Thats funny. You self-label yourself a refugee. Most people are embarrassed to even admit it. I’m proud of you SBF, youre really turning into fine young gentleman. Lol
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