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Everything posted by fjl2nd

  1. I'm still "outraged" B-man. I'm not a fan of these kind of measures by the federal government. Nobody should be. The sad part is both of parties will continue to push this stuff and probably deliver on it.
  2. Wow, this thread backfired...
  3. Some good reading for you guys complaining about polls http://fivethirtyeight.blogs.nytimes.com/2012/09/29/poll-averages-have-no-history-of-consistent-partisan-bias/#more-35258
  4. They're lies too....
  5. Explain the gap WIDENING in all polls. Was Romney way ahead when polls were saying Obama +2?? Even if what you are saying is true about oversampling by EVERYBODY then the trend is still bad for Romney no matter how you spin it. I'm trying to look at some 2004 polls to see their samples. Seems impossible to find them though. Maybe I'll try 2008 at least. http://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2012/09/are-polls-skewed-too-heavily-against-republicans/262834/ Some reading for all you whiners about polling. The polls are scientific, you guys are the ones trying to make them biased....
  6. She represents about .000001% of Obama voters, but go on...
  7. Stop it. I still don't see where everyone has a problem with the polls. It's not like polling agencies purposely pick more Democrats or Republicans. They simply ask voters the question of who they identify more with. And as I've shown before, polling over many years has shown Democrats outnumber Republicans. The samples in these polls are usually within their margin of error of number of registered Dems/Reps. The right is grasping at straws here. Romney is a terrible candidate and they don't want to face the reality of four more years of Obama.
  8. It's pretty sad that some of you have just resorted to blaming the polls. Really? All of the polls are wrong except Rasmussen. Hahahahahahaha. Denial. New CBS/Quinnipac - Obama up 10 in Ohio, 9 in Florida, and 12 in Pennsylvania.
  9. I just don't know how so many people have time to inspect other people's lives. ------ Was "thug" seriously tagged on this?? Is this 2008 again?
  10. The food stamp claim ins unsubstantiated. You should remove it from the OP.
  11. I did miss that part. Sorry. What Romney said was nothing of the sort and came off as an !@#$.
  12. Ahh, I haven't heard this a billion times from a billon different people.
  13. So, have you always disregarded polls or there something now that makes you completely ignore them? Recent history has shown polling to be pretty accurate. I just read through the Ohio and the Virginia polls. Democrats do outnumber Republicans and in each, but what makes the difference is that Democrats are much more behind their guy. 25% of Romney supporters are only voting for him out of dislike of Obama. More Republicans are also voting for Obama than Democrats voting for Romney.
  14. Obviously you're an Obama backer trying to make Republicans look bad. Good one! Lol
  15. This nonsense brings NOTHING to the discussion at hand.
  16. Confidence is low because of what happened to us. People stood by and lost everything - houses, 401Ks, jobs, etc. It takes a while to recover. As for the second part, I don't really think that has much effect. Nobody is planning to "confiscate" anything.
  17. Blame the Republicans. They enacted tax cuts and credits that did that.
  18. The unemployment problem was not created by overspending. Don't know where you got that idea. Not once did I recommend RAISING taxes (tax rates). I want the businesses to do better so they take in more taxable dollars which increases the revenues for the federal government again.
  19. Consumer confidence is still not very high. Debt is still reasonably high, especially due to the collapse of the housing market. That takes time to recover. Luckily, it's showing some positive signs right now. There is this myth that economic growth was really strong prior to his great recession. It wasn't. The difference was in the amount of jobs that were available. What worries me is that a lot of these jobs are never coming back and our new natural rate of unemployment is higher than we want to believe.
  20. News Alert: Not just income taxes are collected by the government. More people working increases payroll tax collection from people and the businesses that have hired them. Plus, lower unemployment leads to more revenue for business which in turn - pay more taxes. You should really start learning some things about how our economy operates and not just repeat right wing talking points. Lack of Demand. Private Debt is too high. Arguably a liquidity trap. Uncertainty with "fiscal cliff". Public Sector cutbacks. Meh.
  21. Uhhh...yes we do. Tax collections are historically low.
  22. New NBC/WSJ Poll out today that has Obama ahead 50-45 for likely voters. Also, Obama is now tied with Romney regarding the question of who can handle the economy better. http://firstread.nbcnews.com/_news/2012/09/18/13944838-nbcwsj-poll-obama-leads-romney-nationally-by-5-points?lite#__utma=5875948.952765745.1348048729.1348048729.1348048729.1&__utmb=5875948.1.10.1348048729&__utmc=5875948&__utmx=-&__utmz=5875948.1348048729.1.1.utmcsr=t.co|utmccn=(referral)|utmcmd=referral|utmcct=/8MBXSLiZ&__utmv=5875948.|8=Earned%20By=cable%7Cmsnbc%7Cmorning%20joe%7Cmorning%20joe=1^12=Landing%20Content=Original=1^13=Landing%20Hostname=mojoe.msnbc.com=1^30=Visit%20Type%20to%20Content=Earned%20to%20Original=1&__utmk=226300318 B-man, explain this!!!
  23. It has nothing to do with the position. Once a player gives themselves up, the play is over. It happens when defensive players intercept a ball late and don't want to fumble it. They do not need to be touched.
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