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Everything posted by fjl2nd

  1. I have never labeled myself anything - liberal, progressive, moderate, etc. I will admit I'm a registered Democrat but I don't have a name for my "ideology". My views aren't concrete. They change over time coinciding with current problems. Or should I use the word "evolve"??
  2. Moderate Mitt isn't so bad. It's just a shame he had to change his views completely just to get to this point because his party is so crazy.
  3. Man, if that were unions telling you to vote a certain way, everyone on here would be going nuts! Hypocrites...
  4. http://fivethirtyeig...ormed-strongly/ Rasmussen's 2010 results were bad. They are the one's with methodology problems, not that other way around.
  5. Can we stop with the Glen Beck conspiracy crap?? Why would every single polling agency be in the bag for Obama?? Even conservative organizations like Fox and IBD had polls showing Obama with that big lead before the debates. What exactly do they gain by skewing their poll numbers to make Obama look stronger than he really is/was? You explained what the campaign gains but what about Gallup, Fox, CBS, NBC, IBD, Reuters, etc. gain?
  6. You're making it seem like women will vote for someone just because he is being "disrespectful". That seems short-sighted and probably wrong.
  7. CBS panel of 500 non committed voters had Biden winning the debate 50-31 with 19% believing it was a tie. I think Biden accomplished what he set out to do and got a slight win tonight.
  8. Not an option in NY I don't think. I've never done it so I don't know.
  9. The MOE on party ID is usually around 4% which means D+8 and D+0 are both within the MOE. Basic example: First result: Independents 30% Democrats 39% Republicans 31% MOE = 4% The actual number could be Democrats 35% (-4%) and Republican (+4%), but those above are within the margin of error.
  10. Obama needs to stop this Sesame Street crap. It makes his campaign look terrible.
  11. I'll remember it as the day where Romney supporters thought they had a shot at winning.
  12. Stop saying methodology is changed. Unless Pew does it differently from everyone else. Polling agencies don't sample by political party, never have. It is just so happened more people identified as Democrats in most polls. Get over this already. Romney making a race out of this thing is good. Gives me some entertainment for the month. Craziest result in that poll: "Who connects with ordinary Americans more?" Obama by a margin of 69-7. Lol. And to the OP, the MOE is 3.4 for likely voters.
  13. Participation rate and Population-Employment Ratio also increased. This is a good report despite just 114k new jobs.
  14. If you accuse the BLS of manipulating the numbers, your opinion should be ignored forever on.
  15. Yeah, let the Republicans be happy over this. At least now they don't sound THAT crazy when they say Romney is going to win.
  16. Really weak! What problem do you have with PBS anyways? The second point is that Mitt Romney copped out and named PBS on something to cut. He didn't give any serious CUTS. It doesn't surprise me, but it's stupid to give PBS as an example of something you cut. Especially when it has ZERO effect on the budget.
  17. Mitt Romney really told the moderator he was going to fire him. And then said he'd fire Big Bird. LOL By the way, PBS makes up .0012% of the federal budget.
  18. Even after a great debate, the fact remains that the electoral map still looks terrible for Romney. Last night's performance should help but the gap in Ohio might be too big to overcome. Iowa has already started voting as well - things look good for the President there as well.
  19. Damn liberal media!!
  20. So, no mention of the 47% comments? Surprising. Maybe Obama is saving that for later debates...
  21. I feel like Obama is almost unprepared. Weird.
  22. Checking in. Romney winning the debate decisively so far in my opinion. Impressed.
  23. http://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/2012/president/2012_elections_electoral_college_map.html Look at the averages of polls for the states. When you average all polls, it seems much more normal. No, Obama isn't really up 9 in Ohio like a recent poll said. Actually more like 4. Comparing this year's poll numbers to 2008 and the numbers seem plausible to even the Republican conspiracy theorists here.
  24. To dispel further myths you guys are pushing, I present to you some tweets from Nate Silver on Sunday about voter registration:
  25. I don't think this is a wave election at all. 2010 was - you could feel it. The feelings aren't as even close this year.
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