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Everything posted by fjl2nd

  1. This is over more than the last 5 years. I'm talking 20-30 years in the making.
  2. I think public unions could work, but in a lot of places, they are out of control. They can basically demand anything and get it. It's sad that private unions have really died so much. The American worker hasn't seen their real income increase in years even while their productivity has increased greatly over time.
  3. I agree. I do have some problems with public unions as I'm sure you do.
  4. Unions bad!! Wahhhhhhhhhhhhh Cut the salary of all the workers producing the product while giving major raises to the higher-ups. Yup, it's the unions fault. Take your lowered wages and love it!
  5. It's like you've been asleep for 30 years. Newsflash: Employers have all the power nowadays.
  6. This was more towards the Super PAC's than the candidates. Republicans failed hard in the Senate with all the outside spending from Super PACs. Look at the Super PACs and outside groups broken down by party and money spent: http://elections.nyt...nditures/totals - Republicans run 11 of the top 12.
  7. Romney couldn't fight the attacks. That was the real problem.
  8. I don't anyone really questioned Silver's ability. (maybe a little) The dispute was over the actual polling and that they were using bad weighting methods. OC and others just happened to be wrong on it. I still appreciate the work he put in on his arguments - could have made a great Romney strategist! Lol
  9. I think you're still in conservative fantasy land. Unless you have an explanation?
  10. I think maybe the biggest losers of these elections were the Super PACs. Apparently, money doesn't always win. 80% of Super PAC money went to Republicans. Karl Rove was clueless on election night on Fox. He couldn't believe all of his money had no effect! Kudos to the American people for not being swayed by millions of dollars in TV ads.
  11. I'd love to hear how Obamacare is an "entitlement". LOL
  12. Stop listening to talk radio. They are part of the reason the Republican party sucks so bad...
  13. Great stuff. I hope they follow your suggestions because the party is a mess right now. Doing these things will help bring new members to the party and possibly have some Democrats shifting over.
  14. Sorry guy, but it IS a lot of money. That puts you in the Top 3% of Americans. Congratulations and I truly mean that.
  15. I know, it's crazy right? No more government housing for me!
  16. Agreed. I don't think social policy was a factor AT ALL in this election. Sadly, this campaign was largely about nothing. It was a popularity contest. I kept hearing people say how huge this election is and will determine how this country moves forward forever. I wasn't buying it. This was an uninspired campaign and Romney was an uninspiring candidate. I know it is crazy to look ahead to 2016, but if the Republicans don't go off the deep end, they are the favorite to win the White House IMO. Some good up and coming candidates. And the Dems don't have much to offer.
  17. I just explained the light. There is nothing for me to see.
  18. Sure did. Love my country for giving me that opportunity. Now, I'm in Graduate School with loans, working full time (with another interview today), living on my own and feeling great. I'm ready to become one of the "givers".
  19. Taker? Or sore loser? You'd have to define taker that way I think you will, then pretty much everyone is at some point in their life.
  20. So all in all, the election wasn't as close as some had thought. It was still a good race in a way. It was negative at times, but I am a sucker for Presidential elections. Kudos to Mitt Romney for what he did. He really had me believing he could win and I was okay with him winning. That first debate changed the landscape for a lot of people. I never saw the guy the way a lot of Democrats did - as some evil person with no heart. Looking forward (no pun intended), I feel optimistic. It's tough to feel that now, but I think some things will get done this time around. Republicans are going to have to be a little more flexible on things and the President has to do the same to cement his legacy. We are the edge of either a very prosperous time or a very dark time depending on which way our elected officials decide to go. Here's to the next four years being great!
  21. NY Times exit polls show Dem +6 (38-32)
  22. A country of takers? GTFO here. Sore loser.
  23. Really? It seemed like the polling this year was deadly accurate. And the Obama camp was right about 72% white vote.
  24. Four more years!! FORWARD.
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