Indoctrinate me? Never heard of that one before...
Absolutely no knowledge of the subject? You haven't shown anything except partisan BS. One side was to blame - that is your stance!
Look, the root of the problem with the housing crisis was pushing mortgages onto lower income families. This goes back to President Clinton in the 1990's. Fannie Mae eased the credit requirements for loans it would purchase from banks in 99. This would encourage banks to lend to lower income families. This sort of policy continued through the Bush admin.
Banks continued to lend to more and more people with riskier credit. Subprime mortgages were still below 10% of total mortgages until 2004. Then, it shot to over 20% and stayed until 2006 at the peak of the bubble. Then, it 2007-2008, it all started to crash. Delinquencies on subprimes went up to 25% from 10-15% normally.
Then, we could get into the CDO's and all that good stuff. But, it seems pointless.
Bottom line: The government set up an environment where big investment banks could run rampant and do anything they wanted unchecked. You could even say the government encouraged them to do these things. Banks took no responsibility for what they were doing either. Many of them were making loans that they knew were just horrible. Like I said before, lots of blame to go around.