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Everything posted by fjl2nd

  1. Yes, Federal Tax Receipts as a % of GDP. Actually at 16.4%
  2. LOL. Got to give you props on that one.
  3. I think Keynesian Economics for the most part is sound. Don't agree with everything. I laugh at the right for basically turning it into another boogeyman though.
  4. So, you don't like Keynesian Economics I see? Lol. Do I really need to spell it out? Clearly, you knew what I was talking about.
  5. How about we get back to 18% of GDP first? Only taking in around 16%. I do have a B.S. in Economics... Just saying.
  6. He goes over the Laffer Curve in the piece. And links to a CBO study that says Bush tax cuts reduced revenues by $3 Trillion through 2011. Laffer Curve is a theory and it may even be right in some cases. Cutting from 50% and higher is different than cutting from 35% however.
  7. Would a Higher Top Tax Rate Raise Revenues? Really solid write-up. Something with substance for a change. Debunking the myth perpetuated by the GOP than raising taxes on the wealthy won't actually raise revenues for the government. Raising revenues WILL have to happen to actually balance the budget. A little taste:
  8. Damn liberals, they are all the same. Blah blah blah. I'm a liberal and can't stand this whole Kony thing or everyone who supposedly cared about it.
  9. The government spending can actually help in preventing bankruptcy in the long term. Doesn't really fit into the talking points here though.
  10. Romney a liberal? Lol. This is why I can't take this place serious sometimes. He is a moderate if anything. In no way, a liberal.
  11. Maybe. Just a lot of insults over here and no real talk. It seems like you can't say anything without getting slammed followed with sarcasm. However, election time is my favorite time of year. Plus, I'll have downtime at my job. I'll be around...

  12. Lol. Pretty unlikely Obama loses to anyone the Republicans finally decide on. Romney will at least make it close though. Still have the Republicans controlling all of Congress though.
  13. Breitbart wouldn't want us to forget or leave out that we hated him. Proof Rest in Peace though.
  14. Gingrich and Huntsman set to have a Lincoln-Douglas style debate on December 12th on foreign policy and national security. Huntsman should eat him alive. Maybe he can grab some momentum off of this.
  15. Lol. So, you saying that minorities go to college to study Jay-Z doesn't imply racism? Or the OWS jab? Tip-toe around it all you want but you know what you're saying. I know you were reeeaaaalllllyyyy careful with your words but you can see through them.
  16. That's not even close to true. And if it was their goal, they are failing. "Affirmative Action" always riles up people. I love it. Good policy change in my opinion as well. It also says "post-secondary" school may. VOLUNTARILY choose to consider race in their applications. BTW, a lot of racism in the OP here.
  17. You're not too young man. Chuck Schumer was elected to state assembly at 23. I'm 23 now and I've seriously considered running for assembly in 144th district in 2012, but probably 2014 more likely. I really want to work for the public someday. Just have to wait for the right time.
  18. Indoctrinate me? Never heard of that one before... Absolutely no knowledge of the subject? You haven't shown anything except partisan BS. One side was to blame - that is your stance! Look, the root of the problem with the housing crisis was pushing mortgages onto lower income families. This goes back to President Clinton in the 1990's. Fannie Mae eased the credit requirements for loans it would purchase from banks in 99. This would encourage banks to lend to lower income families. This sort of policy continued through the Bush admin. Banks continued to lend to more and more people with riskier credit. Subprime mortgages were still below 10% of total mortgages until 2004. Then, it shot to over 20% and stayed until 2006 at the peak of the bubble. Then, it 2007-2008, it all started to crash. Delinquencies on subprimes went up to 25% from 10-15% normally. Then, we could get into the CDO's and all that good stuff. But, it seems pointless. Bottom line: The government set up an environment where big investment banks could run rampant and do anything they wanted unchecked. You could even say the government encouraged them to do these things. Banks took no responsibility for what they were doing either. Many of them were making loans that they knew were just horrible. Like I said before, lots of blame to go around.
  19. Their Financial Aid department was really bad. One of the reasons I left.
  20. What are you disappointed in?? I took a year off after high school because of financial aid problems at D'Youville and went back to school the next year and graduated in 4 years. I'm not claiming to be an expert on anything here...go ahead and penalize me for something I've had no control over.
  21. Try about 6 years ago...
  22. B.S. in Financial Economics but thanks for trying. What did you want me to say? I gave you the answers you were looking for did I not?
  23. I'm guessing the answers you want are: 1. All Democrats 2. All Republicans 3. Bush/McCain 4. Everything Because in your world, it seems everything is black and white.
  24. I wrote a 10 page paper on the Housing Crisis last year. I think I know enough.
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